The old, "you just need to have confidence" cliche is one of the most worn out pieces of dating advice that seems to get dispensed by people who have no idea what it's like to be always rejected by your opposite sex.
As for confidence, it does not come from within or yourself, what absolute rubbish , the true source of your confidence in all areas of life comes from three words they are PREVIOUS,PERFORMANCE, ACCOMPLISHMENT which simply means if you have done it before successfully, then you know you can do it again.
You can't pull out confidence out of a hat, or take it in a pill, you need to experience success in order to acquire confidence, there's no other way.
As for confidence, it does not come from within or yourself, what absolute rubbish , the true source of your confidence in all areas of life comes from three words they are PREVIOUS,PERFORMANCE, ACCOMPLISHMENT which simply means if you have done it before successfully, then you know you can do it again.
You can't pull out confidence out of a hat, or take it in a pill, you need to experience success in order to acquire confidence, there's no other way.