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  1. T

    What did I do wrong during this date?

    Actually, I picked up the restaurant tab and I chose the south african place..she just mentioned that she didn't want to go very, she picked up the drinks tab afterwards... I spent a bit more of course, but not that much...
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    What did I do wrong during this date?

    Once again I find myself in need of some wisdom from DJ brothers, hope you can help... About two weeks ago I was out with a group of friends at a small bar/bistro where a Jazz band was playing live. It was a nice setting and the atmosphere was quite lively; fun was being had all around. At...
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    Advice on properly handling a 19-year old

    Well said...
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    Advice on properly handling a 19-year old

    I called her to get something going, she said she couldn't make it and I let it drop... since then I have had no contact whatsoever... It is as other members of the forum said, you have to seize the opportunity when it arises, because these 19 year-olds are whimsical to say the least... Also...
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    Advice on properly handling a 19-year old

    I wholeheartedly agree with you...I too believe she would have found a way to connect if it was a priority and yes, I plan to go ghost and wait for her to REALLY seems to be about capturing the moment with these young ones, doesn't it? Good advice... I will try, but this...
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    Advice on properly handling a 19-year old

    I spoke with Chloe on Sunday to invite her to a live gig(a friend was playing) but she had rehearsals that evening. Then, we spoke on Monday when I called her to invite her to dinner near my place on Wednesday. Again, she mentioned rehearsals that evening but said she'd see if she could change...
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    Advice on properly handling a 19-year old

    Yes, I stand corrected. She is truly nor MATURE; what I should have said is that she seems mature for her age. However, I need to explain a certain point. I had her at my place for about 15 minutes, then we had to leave because I had to go to work...It is definitely my intent to escalate...
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    Advice on properly handling a 19-year old

    Actually, we met at 1pm and I had to work at 4... I understand your point, and young women are notorious for changing their minds at the drop of a hat...but I felt I that the time was not yet ripe... Oh, I think she would have kissed and maybe more, but inside her head she would think that she...
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    Advice on properly handling a 19-year old

    I have been single for months now, and in all honesty, I am not really interested in getting into an LTR. With that in mind, I had been chatting recently with a beautiful 19 year old, Chloe. I met Chloe last year at a theatrical play where I had gone with a female friend(who is 25). Chloe was...
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    Advice needed about a date with a woman who has recently broken up

    @Rollo I read your article and was quite impressed by the depth of your analysis...a very eye-opening piece which also introduced me to your blog... which I plan to follow! Now, the plot thickens a bit...she started throwing some LIKES in the direction of my FB profile and her cousin(who is a...
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    Advice needed about a date with a woman who has recently broken up

    I understand Bible Belt's point, but I feel I don't want to get drawn into her game, I mean, she's probably better at it than I am! Thus, there has not been any reply from me and there won't be... This woman has thrown up a ton of red flags, and in all honesty, even if I had her, I sincerely...
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    Advice needed about a date with a woman who has recently broken up

    Report II Irene called again on Sunday to apologize for her behavior during our date...I was cool with her but cordial. Then she repeated that she had "nothing to offer..." and I replied that I am more than cool with that because I like to be with people who have something to offer...and...
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    Advice needed about a date with a woman who has recently broken up

    Report So, I pick Irene up at her place and she is nicely dressed but not dressed..sexually. We greet each other and the first words out of her mouth are "I have told you how things are...". My first urge was to just bail on her that moment, claiming some sort of illness... Anyway, we are...
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    Advice needed about a date with a woman who has recently broken up

    Unfortunately,its too late to change tonight's date but I'll try to come up with a twist to make the date memorable..thanks for the idea of an action date. As for spinning plates, how true that is! Thanks for the advice Danger, will post results!
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    Advice needed about a date with a woman who has recently broken up

    Greetings to all here on the forum, I would appreciate some input on a situation with a woman(surprise!)... About a month ago, I met a woman(Irene) at a friend's house. She was a distant cousin of this friend and we talked a bit. She is an attractive lady, 29 years old and seemed a bit...
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    Things I've Learned the Past Two Years

    An excellent post Alex where you present 4 valid points in a clear, succinct manner; many thanks for your excellent insight into the BPD cases as well!
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    Jophil. Must read especially for Master DJ's.

    I logged in to the forums after some time only to learn of Jophil's passing....a loss to all of us. RIP Jophil, you will be remembered...
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    PART 1 - I guess I'm dating a chick with BPD, please help if you have experience

    @ AlexDP Hello Alex, I was involved with a woman who was probably a BPD case. However, what I sometimes saw in her eyes was a wild look which turned into sadness... Furthermore, she slept very little and only with the help of that a result of BDP medication or could it be...
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    An Immoral Shvit test? Low IL? or just another Crazy Bvitch!

    @DieHard excellent post, cutting to the bone!
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    Interpreting a 'No'

    That was a truly a hilarious video...and it was EXACTLY how I felt that on! But like Louis CK says ..."what, I'm gonna rape you on the off chance your into that kinda stuff?..." lol