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  1. N

    Is there anything good about men?

    maybe - but reality is, you do need to be lucky. You ca work your a$$ off all you want - but luck has her part to play.
  2. N

    How do I keep a FB?

    This is your ego talking. You don't want a relationship with her - you want the pvssy. When you enter the Fb situation you have to realize that you both need to do what's best for YOU. It's fun while it last's - but you also have to let the bird go and fly the nest - That way, the bird can...
  3. N

    First Girlfriend Ever contacts me via Facebook

    We need a link or pics in mt opinion to form a good opinion.... By the way, my ex of 5 yrs ago recently showed up at my house 10:30pm. - married with a kid - go figure women.
  4. N

    to persue her or just give it up

    goto lunch - play it cool and relaxed. Don';t make it serious. The topic of women will come up - mention casually that you are dating other women... nothing like that to get her claws out. Most important point is to realize that, whilst fvcking her would be good - you wouldnb't care one...
  5. N

    All she wants to do is Fvk!!

    The girl I'm banging is simular - but not to your extent. Here is a tip for you. When you bang, don't nut. Obviously make her cvm, but don't cvm yourself. This helps in several ways - 1) You gain more desire. 2) your not realsing your fluids as often 3) your not as tired. - on...
  6. N

    My reconstruction

    I found I have changed as I've grown older - what interested me in my 20's no longer does - Sports I played 10 years ago - I can no longer take part in. Your life will cycle through interest's and passions - but you need to put perspective to your life. I would imagine that you have to...
  7. N

    The good, the bad, the Ugly

    And your buying this sh1t? She just DUMPED your sorry a## - and your rewarding her - for what?..... Talk about someone wanting to feel pain. do you really think there's anything you can do to get back with her? And even if you could, why would you? Dude, she's done with you. What she...
  8. N

    Going to Vegas! Need tips on: picking up club sluts -> hotel room

    Bachelorrette parties. If you run into one of these, your golden. A bunch of girls getting drunk - and looking for excuses to get laid.
  9. N

    Should I tell her

    At some point your going to talk about past BF's/GF's. If the question is asked - then obviously you don't lie. My question to you is: Why is this such a big deal to you? It really doesn't matter - your not carrying any baggage from it (crazy ex wife or kids???)... And secondly...
  10. N

    LIES... LIES... LIES she tells them

    You issue is the women you select. what is the definition of insanity? - doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result. Your results are the same - then you need to look at where your meeting these women and what your selection process is. Do women lie and cheat...
  11. N

    GF needing a break with an ultimatum

    I agree with Dawg - negative, negative, negative. The No. 1 killer of attraction is the masculine requiring support from the feminine in times of crisis'. You should have a goal - a focus - you should be 100% commited to that goal. Your woman is secondary - and no matter what the woman says...
  12. N

    UPDATE: Shared Custody Case..

    you need to get the papers full stop. The court orders will prevent any BS now - or in the future. I wouldn't trust this chick as far as I could throw her - and you don't have to be an a## about it - just explain that you want some consistancy for your son - and by getting the court...
  13. N

    She cheated...

    Somewhere, I get the feeling Nutz woman cheated on him....
  14. N

    HUGE case of flirting with guy right in front of me

    NEWMAN cleans his oatmeal off of his monitor.
  15. N

    HUGE case of flirting with guy right in front of me

    It's hard to judge an isolated incident like this - purely because, we don't know what has transpired during the relationship. I think it's very odd, that anyone would act completely out of character like this - which would lead me to believe: 1) She's always been this way - OP just feel's...
  16. N

    She Wants To Play Stripper...

    I've role played this kinda stuff before - but never with a transaction of colde cash. I think, had you parted with singles - would not have been a big deal - next time be prepared. take $20 or $30 and convert to singles to play the "game". If she complains about the $'s then you have your...
  17. N

    Pillow Talk Gone Awry

    I hope you busted her a## on that. Last time a girl was obviously snooping around searching my place I asked her to leave. Snooping is BS. If you don't know if she's on the pill - then this is far to casual of a relationship to not use a condom. Rap it up brother!!!!!
  18. N

    Advice: Addiction

    The social drinking is not an issue (in my opinion) ifit's just once a week. What I've done at times when I thought I was drinking to much, is stop buying alcohol from my home. If it's not in your fridge, your not going to drink it. Also, the times in your life when your not putting your...
  19. N

    Going to a friends wedding alone.

    As Cramer from Seinfeld said, when Elane asked him to go to the wedding with her: "No way, I like to go to weddings unfettered"
  20. N

    Advice needed on what to do next, please help

    Let me ask you another questions. When you think of being with a woman - do you think of being with a woman that - physically takes care of herself; Get's a manicure and pedicure; has great sense of style and dresses well; cooks and knows her way around the kitchen; has caring instincts? - or...