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  1. D

    Your Posts Should Have To Earn The Right To Be In The Tips Forum!

    thats nice and all but there is no middle ground between the tips/discussion page and the archive. and i think that the archive should be changed into that middle ground or that another folder should be added. i realize that say, pook's posts are still on the site but they are hard to access...
  2. D

    So I'm flying across country to see a girl I was friends with as a kid (10 yrs ago).

    hey Drex, i think this is a pretty cool thing. id be excited to be meeting a new friend but nothing more. you seem to be jumping the gun a bit here. you knew her when she was 13, not 18, not 20. I am not saying that things are not going to work but don't count the chickens before they...
  3. D

    Evil Lurks In The Human Soul - We are at war

    Im really not into smoking but don't have an issue with people that do but there is not much partying going down if there is not alcohol involved, alcohol and books are what college is about. but you know what? because i was righteous throughout, i have no regrets. I did not break up with a...
  4. D

    Evil Lurks In The Human Soul - We are at war

    Jester- i don't know why you are so suprized. you send your G-F off to college. It is just too hard to do the long term thing espically when you are sitting at home waiting for her. its better that you found out soon than later but it was kind of rediculous that you thought that it...
  5. D

    credit card verification

    I am cool with that
  6. D

    So I had my first facial the other day...

    you know what happens when you assume, right? you make an ass of u and me you obviously know very little on the subject, yet you yell out ignorant remarks. please consider that before posting again.
  7. D

    So I had my first facial the other day...

    the price of a facial can range in prices from about $40-100. but it is a pretty small investment to make IMO for your face. also, the products that i bought made it worth double that
  8. D

    Highschool DJ contact list ressurected

    AIM- DRIXSA email: anyone is free to instant message me but people who want to go into depth with challanging discussions are met with open arms.
  9. D

    So I had my first facial the other day...

    I am not sure but it was not cheap, my mother and sister have wanted me to go and get one for a very long time so i finally agreed to do so. with the products i bought i think it was over $100 but i am sure that there are places that do it for cheaper. i do not have a lot of pimples but 1...
  10. D

    So I had my first facial the other day...

    So I had my first facial the other day... ...and boy was it painful. I went to this women's office in downtown chicago (i have been back home for a couple weeks). So i go and lie down on my back on the padded table with a comfy pillow and its very relaxed in there. It was really...
  11. D

    Is a cheater doomed for good!?

    once a cheater not always a cheater. but i think that people sell themselves short and try to make petty excuses for cheating. I have cheated on a girl-friend and it was not the right thing to do. It doesn't matter that the GF was a selfish b!tch or that the girl i was cheating with ended up...
  12. D

    I just cheated...

    Kind of ironic isn't it? you act immaturely by cheating on her and then she acts the same way by not being strong enough to talk to you face to face. face the facts you both weren't mature enough to be dating in the first place.
  13. D

    Why I am leaving this forum FOREVER, and the ending results with HBOreo...

    this is the biggest BS i've ever read. You fvcked your own sh!t up and you want to blame this site and those that gave you advise (me?). You salted your own game bro. NO ONE told you to be emotionless or to be quiet to what you wanted. (though overall this girl is no keeper, i'd be...
  14. D

    I just cheated...

    you must be speaking from little to no experience Mr. Bond. the only question i have to ask you is "what if your girlfriend cheated on you...would you want to know the truth?" Cogent Ops.- you may not realize it now espically b/c there is a good chance that your relationship is over but...
  15. D

    Got Drugged, Quarreled, Now Feel Awkward Towards GF

    Stew- if this is the ex-BF that slapped her across the face and threated to kill you this girl should be GONE. assuming that it is not you really need to set a time to talk these things out. If you let this stupid stuff linger on for too long it makes things get crazy. Personally i'd...
  16. D

    I just cheated...

    You have a bigger problem: YOU! Men do not cheat. Your word is your bond, and if you do not have that you have nothing. you made a commitment to be monogomous and you couldn't handle it. Do what you want to do, but don't be a dushe-bag. If you don't want to be in a relationship...
  17. D

    Hey, talk to me for a minute.

    it doesn't matter what you say (most of the time). saying this canned line is not going to take you anywhere then "hello" or "whats up?" will not take you. for 95% of the time the inital comment that you use to start the conversation will make no difference. its really not what you say...
  18. D

    Your Posts Should Have To Earn The Right To Be In The Tips Forum!

    i remember back when all i would do was go to the tips forum (ok and the hall of fame) i didn't have to search through pages and pages of crap to find a diamond. now when i look on the tips forum i see about 5-7 decent posts on the first page and two of them were old pook posts that got...
  19. D

    Making a move on the first date

    if it was on the fence then there should not be a 2nd date(ofcourse omiting extreme circumstances.) uhhh sexy malibu... when its your kid its not babysitting, it's being a mom.
  20. D

    A Player's Tips For a Long Term Relationship(LTR)

    Very true, i am trying to finish up a post helping to see some of the charecters of women that should be pointed out before venturing into a relationship with them No, you aren't the only one (hehehe) but if you look at the boards these days more of the problems are falling around getting...