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  1. D

    My G/F and I got SCAMMED BIG TIME......Please don't make the same mistake.

    YOU ARE AN IDIOT! Talk to the lawyer or even better yet an accountant or even an accounting major. why do people only ask for advice once they have lost?
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    Best friend becoming a resentful and competetive seducer

    Jariel- Help him to meet women. Be Subtle but try it out. Nothing like fighting hate with love.
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    I call and chick has no idea who the !@#$ i am.

    you are an idiot, you two deserve each other.
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    I call and chick has no idea who the !@#$ i am.

    TRUST ME ON THIS ONE: Forget she ever existed. this girl is immature, and not worth your time. she is trying to play games with you becuase she doesn't care what kind of emotion she gets out of you. you had a chance to play it smooth, you didn't move on to the next girl.
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    Slick Tales

    Slick- nice to read about your success. i am lovin all your stories. Keep it up! by the way, buying lunch and dessert was about the sweetest move i have heard in a while. i cannot belive this girl is not trying to marry you yet!
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    do you ever say your sorry?

    no i refuse that would make me look "weak" and i'd lose credibility with the ladies.
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    do you ever say your sorry?

    You an idiot and whoever raised you is to blame. When you do something wrong you apologize AND say you are sorry. Not saying the actual words "I'm sorry" is not fully admitting that you are wrong which is immature. [B] You are insecure and a loser.
  8. D

    A good first date plan (field tested)

    the date idea(s) was excellent. though when you follow too many rules as how to approach the conversation to get her into you i always start to cringe. This is life we are talking about here planning conversation and or responses is pathetic and very AFC.
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    FR: # close at 'gym'

    Im sure she figured you had been in a previous relationship at some time. BUT she was interested in you so why do you even need to mention it at all? I always wonder why women(men too) always mention their ex's (or dropping names) like it brings some sort of an achievement.
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    On Metrosexuality

    Who does not want recognition?? With the exception of people that cut themselves off from the world completely and even they want recognition in some regard. We all want to be recognized in some regard wether it be for our inner or outter selves, something we accomplished or a varying amount of...
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    Am I a mature male (respect)

    The guy above me hit the nail on the head but i can't stress dressing well enough. A watch while nice is never noticed at first while glasses can make you look like a completely different person.
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    Who makes the best computer speakers??

    the title of the thread is pretty self-explanatory. I am looking to purchase a set of computer speakers to use instead of a boom box suggestions please...
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    Paying or not paying for the date

    no...i am correct. yes, exactly guys pay probably over 90% of the first dates. If its 50/50 you arent going to get your called answered/returned for being a cheap prick. re-read what i wrote...if you take the initiative and ask her out on the date you SHOULD pay. its pretty simple.
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    Paying or not paying for the date

    You can argue this left or right but its pretty simple: If you ask her out, then you pay *if she offers to pay (or go deutch treat) you thank her but decline the offer If she asks you out, she pays *but you should offer to pay (but watch out b/c she just might take you up on...
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    How do I diss off a chick...being and acting like a MAN.

    I won't even finishing reading this post. Grow up and stop wasting time with people that arent worthy of being in your life. Be nice but don't waste any serious time with this girl. she shows you her true nature once and you go back for more...what did you honestly exspect? you have a...
  16. D

    help DrIx meet new women...

    I would say that i have not been seeking too much so I am not worried about my respect being in question but you are correct in general. Also, NOTE TO EVERYONE: If you have any good posts to point out they will be accepted and appreciated.
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    help DrIx meet new women...

    try to stay on topic
  18. D

    help DrIx meet new women...

    I've noticed that my only real problem (lately) is that i tend to befriend everyone (though thats not a problem) but i can't seem to turn the conversation into one where i can see her interest for me growing (im very good at reading people). Usually i never finish these posts because by...
  19. D

    Ready to dump my GF and dont know how. What do I do??

    honesty is always a good approach. and there really is no good way to do it espically when she has (proabably) become so interwoven in your life. id leave out the part about wanting kids, family, etc. becuase that would be twisting the knief a little. BTW, do you live together?? if so...