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    Elimidate: You should be able to easily hit 1.5g/lb every day. Here Ill give you an example of my boring-ass diet: C/F/P 1. Oatmeal+Whey+Milk (70/5/35) 2. Oatmeal+Whey+Milk (70/5/35) 3. Pre-workout (20/0/0) 4. Mid-workout (20/0/22) 5. Post-workout (35/0/55) 6. Oatmeal+Whey+Milk...
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    MaxTyme: I dont know where you got those #s, but they seem to be very low for bulking. Your total caloric intake comes to 2206 cals/day. Personally, I weigh 175 and I eat around 3500 cals/day. The protein looks fine. However, I would increase the amount of fat and carbs. Lets try to...
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    Alternative to squats

    Deadlifts (if you can do them) are a great, if not the best, alternative to squats. Check that ExRx website for exercises involving the hips and legs.
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    What first? Cut or Bulk?

    Ok, youre chubby. So here are your options: 1) cut: this way you dont have to worry so much about your diet. You dont have any muscle to begin with, so you dont have to worry about losing it. You can also use this period to learn about diet and training. Once you are done cutting, you...
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    Quick Tip to Test Interest Level

    Dude, I HATE that. If a girl starts laughing at anything mildly funny, it totally turns me off. Anyhow, good tip. :)
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    Beginners guide to becoming WEALTHY

    Ok man, first of all I would just like to state that I disagree with your statements about the poor. Ok, now hear me out on this one. You buy a $100,000 property for $90,000. The first thing I find wrong with this is your statement that you make a quick $10 grand right off the bat. If you...
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    Critique my workout

    There is so much wrong with this, but Ill just address the supplements. Get a multivitamin, whey protein powder, and some form of oil (fish oils or flax oil, preferably). Keep the other stuff only if you can afford them. If not, ditch the glutamine first.
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    Benching with DBs = pvssy? (want advice)

    Dumbells are better than barbells for chest. Another thing I would like to add to the llist of advantages for dumbells is that you get even growth on both of your pecs. With a barbell, one of your pecs will always grow faster than the other one (unless your form is impeccable). Dumbells...
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    Questions and Critique Routine

    I would say ditch the dumbell squat. Put barbell squat as your first exercise on leg day. You want to work the big muscle groups first. On chest day do declines before flat bench. Decline dumbell press supposedly uses the most chest muscle fibers of any chest exercise. You might want to...
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    Smith machines

    I get backpain when I squat too, but I still do freeweights. If you flex your abs your back doesnt hurt.
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    I spy a thread full of boys who think they are men
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    What do you do with a quiet girl?

    why are you dating a girl that doesn't talk? I always wonder whenever someone posts something asking for tips on shy girls and girls that don't talk.
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    Supplements question

    Guys, if you don't know where to buy cheap whey protein and creatine, then you probably don't have enough knowledge yet to use them effectively or safely.
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    Filling out the chest

    What the hell is a breastplate? If youre talking about your sternum, there is no way to grow muscle there because there isnt any muscle there to begin with. Anyway, to the guy who jacked your thread: the disproportionality is caused by barbell presses. Ditch the barbell and start doing...
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    Superiority of Black Athletes

    Fred, this isnt racism. You proved it yourself. Now look at what he said: He is basing it on genetics etc...not race. Would it be racist if I said that most blacks are lactose intolerant?
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    Cardio while bulking?

    If you want to bulk up, do not do cardio. Don't do cardio before or after your workout. Never do cardio while you bulk. Cardio burns calories, and you need calories to gain mass.
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    How a Don socializes

    I think the "talk around her" tactic works because of social proof, not because of the "any other shmuck would be talking me up right now." If your target sees that her friend likes you, it will raise her desire for you. I think that contributes more than the challenge aspect, although they...
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    20 rep squat

    I tried these once, and I must not have been breathing enough because I got a MASSIVE headache any time I tried to lift for the next week. So Im sticking with my 4 sets.
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    Anyone tried Mus-L Blast 2000??

    First of all, aren't you not supposed to take zinc with calcium? Second, I question how much this thing costs. I would say if you can get this thing for less than $7 per pound, it's a decent buy. Otherwise just get a MRP like Met-Rx (which also has vitamins along with a better blend of...
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    How do I get my bicep vein to pop?

    Also you might want to do some research on training & diet. I have 14 inch arms. I started lifting last February, and I started really trying to learn about bodybuilding since last August. I started with about 12 inch arms. So, unless your arms were like 10.5 inches when you started, I'd say...