Critique my workout


Don Juan
Jan 17, 2003
Reaction score
Monday - Cardio/Upper Body
Tuesday - Cardio/Lower Body
Wendesday - Cardio/Upper Body
Thursday - Cardio/Lower Body/Abs
Friday - Cardio/Upper Body

Supplements: Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Glutamine, Creatine, Xenadrine

What ya think? I am attempting to cut and bulk at the same time. When I get down to a reasonable weight I will add whey protein, I just don't want to right now as to avoid weight gain. On upper body days I do: Bench Press, Open dumbell flys, closed flys, military press, lat pull, tricep pulldowns and bicep curls. On lower body days, Leg extensions, leg curls, calf raises and squats.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 8, 2002
Reaction score
not enough rest time on muscles. break it up more.

The Great Juan

Don Juan
Sep 24, 2002
Reaction score
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
What ya think? I am attempting to cut and bulk at the same time. When I get down to a reasonable weight I will add whey protein, I just don't want to right now as to avoid weight gain.
No offence, but this paragraph tells me you have no idea what you are doing. You say you don't want to use whey protein because you want to avoid weight gain, but your first sentence you say you want to cut and BULK at the same time.

1) You can't cut and bulk at the same time, choose one or the other, since you are doing so much cardio, you are obviously cutting.

2) When you are cutting, you will need MORE protein to avoid muscle loss on your calorie restricted diet.

Last of all, your workout is no good, you don't have enough compound lifts. Only lat pulldown for back, that is unacceptable. These are the compounds lifts that I personally think everyone should do if they want a serious workout:

Chest: Flat or Incline (both really) bench press
Back: Deadlifts, bent over rows and chinups
Shoulders: Military press
Triceps: Dips, Close Grip Bench press
Quads: Free Squats
Hams: Stiff-legged Deadlifts

I also suggest when you start using all these exercises, also start doing workouts 3-4 days a week with a day inbetween each, doing 2-3 bodypart per workout. That way you are only doing each bodypart only once per week. If you think you can do Bench press, Deadlifts, chinups, military presses all on the same day, 3 days a week, you're dreaming.

And read DIESEL's cutting and bulking threads, they have good info in them i think you could use.
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White Ninja

Don Juan
Feb 15, 2003
Reaction score
Originally posted by BuddhaSMASH
What ya think? I am attempting to cut and bulk at the same time.
You can't cut and bulk (to any substantial degree) unless you have extremely good mesomorphic genetics. Even then, It'd be more efficient to do one at the time. They each require different training and dieting principles, one hindering progress for the other. Once you get your bodyfat down to 10% or so, you can bulk up reasonably cleanly.

As for the supps, the vit C, glutamine, and xenadrine are good. Drop the creatine and add some isolated (supro) soy protein and some whey protein that doesn't contain carbs. Mix these two together. A multivitamin and some twinlab joint fuel would help.

As for the workout, 6 days is ok, but don't do both cardio and weight training on the same day. Do cardio 3 days a week and weights 3 days a week, alternating. Instead of breaking it into upper and lower body, do chest/tris one one day, legs on another, and back/bis on the third.

Big N

Senior Don Juan
May 3, 2001
Reaction score
There is so much wrong with this, but Ill just address the supplements.

Get a multivitamin, whey protein powder, and some form of oil (fish oils or flax oil, preferably). Keep the other stuff only if you can afford them. If not, ditch the glutamine first.


Don Juan
Jan 17, 2003
Reaction score

ok here's an updated version based on what you've told me. I won't be able to work in as many rest periods as I would like because I am not able to make it to the gym on weekends :p But if you guys say it's a good idea, I'll cut down to 4 lifting sessions per week. Anyways, here goes:
Monday: Cardio/Chest/Triceps
Tuesday: Cardio/Legs/Abs
Wendesday: Cardio/Back/Biceps
Thursday: Cardio only
Friday: Cardio/Legs/Abs

Supplements: Creatine, Vit C, Vit E, Xendadrine, Whey Protein, Mega Men multivitamin
I would add more supps but money hinders me. I have all the cardio in there because cutting is my main goal right now. All the cardio will be HIIT too. I know that some of you guys hate creatine, but I've been using it for a while and I love it *shrug*. I also have another question. What exactly is a Creatine loading phase? And is it worth doing if I've already been on creatine for 4 weeks?

The Great Juan

Don Juan
Sep 24, 2002
Reaction score
Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
What exactly is a Creatine loading phase? And is it worth doing if I've already been on creatine for 4 weeks?
To "load" creatine, you take approximately 20 grams a day (spread throughout the day, don't take 20 grams at once) for about 5 days. That is the loading phase, then you take 5 grams a day for 4 weeks i think. If you've been taking creatine for 4 weeks then you already will have enough in your system.

It should tell you all this on the bottle anyway.