ok, I have okay pectoral development on the outside part of my pecs. But in the middle of my chest where the brestplate is, is relatively bony still. I want a continuous 'sheet' of muscle covering my entire chest area eventually. Any tips on making that happen? I'd appreciate a tip from Diesel and others. Thanks.
I have a chest question too. A few months ago I had NO chest. Ive been working out for a while now(mostly bench for chest) and my right pec is bigger than my left!! not noticable by eye, but if I feel it is bigger. Why is this? will it get equal sized over time?
Originally posted by atomsk I have a chest question too. A few months ago I had NO chest. Ive been working out for a while now(mostly bench for chest) and my right pec is bigger than my left!! not noticable by eye, but if I feel it is bigger. Why is this? will it get equal sized over time?
This is very common. I have the same thing though it's my left pec that's larger. Your smaller pec should catch up eventually but it will probably always be a little bit smaller (not really noticeable).
What the hell is a breastplate? If youre talking about your sternum, there is no way to grow muscle there because there isnt any muscle there to begin with.
Anyway, to the guy who jacked your thread: the disproportionality is caused by barbell presses. Ditch the barbell and start doing dumbell presses & flies and your chest will even out. If you keep doing barbell, the problem is only going to get worse.
The best exercise for filling out the chest is INCLINE PRESSES - do them at a 30 degree incline (i.e. the lowest position on the adjustable incline bench if doing dumbbells).. most incline bench stations are already set at around the 30 degree range. Once you crack that 45 degree range it becomes a delt press.
I personally do incline bench and then incline dumbbells... and then after that I'll do some flat work, flyes, and/or cables.
Originally posted by Ricky I always like flyes or the pec deck. If you aren't doing them currently adding them to your workout brings out your pec development nicely.
That'll primarily hit the triceps.. the problem jake has is lack of mass... you can't spot gain mass. This whole inner chest outer chest distinction is bullshyt. If you put on enough mass, it'll envelop the whole chest. period.
flies fill out the middle of the chest. also when you do your bench take 5 seconds when bringing it down and expode when going up. this will stengthen and enlarge all of the muscles in the chest.
Hold on, hold on. You just spelled it 'ok' then turned around and spelled it 'okay.' EERIE!
Sadly, there's little you can do for this problem. You can't change where your muscles attach to the bone or anything. You can't get those perfect square pecs. But this is a pretty common problem, and getting a massive chest will definately help the situation. If you want to, youc an do excersizes that target the inner/lower chest, like decline bench, cable pec crossovers, cable flies.
No, it's because big intense compound workouts like squats and deads cause extra testosterone and GH release into the body, which in turn aids the growth of other muscles from other workouts.
Originally posted by DJ Girevik No, it's because big intense compound workouts like squats and deads cause extra testosterone and GH release into the body, which in turn aids the growth of other muscles from other workouts.
Originally posted by Ricky I always like flyes or the pec deck. If you aren't doing them currently adding them to your workout brings out your pec development nicely.
I had the same problem and the pec deck help to fill in my inner pecs. I did 2 heavy sets on the pec deck after fatiguing my chest with 3 sets of heavy flat-bench presses. It got results pretty fast.
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