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  1. U

    I don't get it?

    don't pretend to be something you're not If you're not a badboy, don't try to be one, people see through that fake **** in a second. Do what feels natural
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    How does this situation look?

    Maqybe she really does have a boyfriend, and she was just trying to cover it up because she was really impressed by your charm and confidence. **** it man. Just because there's a goalie in the net doesn't mean you can't score.
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    Have I been given the green light?

    She wants you man. I can tell. Those are buying signals right there. Take this girl on a date, and move in for a kiss. If I know anything, it's that you're money.
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    i feel like i have no friends.. read

    You can't be a *****. You act like this problem is beyond your control. Go meet people, get numbers, make friends. Don't you have just a pile of girls phone numbers? If not, start collecting them. Damnit.
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    Allen, please remove my advice posts from the DJ Bible

    Burning your copy of Huck Finn! That's pretty damn funny.
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    Allen, please remove my advice posts from the DJ Bible

    You promised to start a thread. You started a thread. Your word has been kept. Look at it from the other side. Eternal might actually have duties he's expected to perform as moderator. One of them could be getting rid of redundant threads. Most of the forum members are in favor of this...
  7. U

    Deleting a thread because a similar subject existed over 1 and half years ago...

    1) Did I ever say Jews were the only ones killed? No. The fact that even more were murdered only solidifies my point. 2) Change my preferences? They're the default settings.
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    Meeting New People

    I'm telling you, the new people at lunch works wonders. I've met hundreds of people this way
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    Who here enjoys birdfeeding?

    It doesn't work. He's full of ****. Think about it. The foam and **** could easily just be regurgitated, that's how birds feed their young. They wouldn't die, they'd vomit like crazy until the alka seltzer stopped foaming. It would also do that quickly because pigeons don' have that much...
  10. U

    Sorry, but...

    Ever heard of exaggeration? It's a literary device. Might want to look it up some time.
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    Deleting a thread because a similar subject existed over 1 and half years ago...

    Seeing as politics is defined as: 1 a : the art or science of government b : the art or science concerned with guiding or influencing governmental policy c : the art or science concerned with winning and holding control over a government 2 : political actions, practices, or policies 3 a ...
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    Deleting a thread because a similar subject existed over 1 and half years ago...

    Wyldfire, thanks for cheapening the murder of millions of Jews by comparing this DISCUSSION FORUM to a death camp.
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    Should I go to a tannin salon?

    Then sit outside in the sun. Or, get an outdoors job, like wrestling wild bobcats or something.
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    DJ, Maki's Way.

    That was a nice post. Not too long, I could read it in a few minutes, and full of good ideas and info. Mildly inspirational.
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    Meeting New People

    What worked well for me and my friend was to sit with new people at lunch every day. Every day we sat down with a new group and introduced our selves, and we sat with everyone, fat chicks, 7th graders, punks, stoners, nerds, hot chicks, all of them. Only one person in our whole school made a...
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    If you're not attracted to a girl, don't date her. It's that easy. As far as girls at work go, I would tend to shy away from that one, unless you rarely see her. If things go bad, she can make work a very hostile place.
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    Girl talking **** behind my back

    I found your post to be pretty confusing, but if I've got everything straight, you liked girl x, then girl y for a long time, now you're over y and x is talking **** behind your back? If that's the case, I'd say she's just really jealous.
  18. U

    how often is..

    I don't like to fvck around. If I want to take a girl out on a date, I tell her so. If she comes with me, maybe I take her on another one. If she doesn't want to, I move on.
  19. U

    How did I do - Part 2 UPDATE!!!

    Her grandparents are fine. She's not interested. She just likes to see if she can have an affect on men. She uses them to boost her ego. Obviously if her grandparents were really BOTH ill, fat chance, it would either be something serious enought to warrant hospitalization, or...