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  1. J

    What does it mean when a girl doesn't engage eye contact with you?

    Cant you say that about ANY Country? "in some UK places there seems to be less eye contact". "In some 3rd world countries, there seems to be less eye contact" etc etc. Look at his past posts... constantly bashing the USA. Make observatons, but why bash peoples Country?
  2. J

    What does it mean when a girl doesn't engage eye contact with you?

    Hey guys, maybe I am on the wrong track. Is it me, or are you in agreement that we should take up a collection and buy a blow-up doll for Big Jim, so he can spend his free time getting laid, and shut up about obsessively bashing The USA?
  3. J

    confused a bit :)

    now dont overdo it. relax, play it cool... let her come more to you. you need to set the tone. also flirt a bit with the other HB's in the group.
  4. J

    need advice for this situation

    Benny, these guys are right... especially the warrior (rep). I know its hard... and humiliating. But it will be better for you, and you will later feel more pride.... if you tell her you dont want her to come with you. Bring someone else... even a buddy (wingman). ps... if she was really...
  5. J

    Advice on getting out of the friend zone

    need n/c for more than just a month. you say you dont live near her to "run into" her? what about parties at the home of common friends? or does she frequent a particular bar or club. either way, show up there with a HB9, flirting on your arm. when you see "miss friend", be polite &...
  6. J

    Really Need Some Input on How to Handle This Woman

    C'mon doc, dont give up on the doggy girl. I enjoy the field reports. Better yet, get 2 women competing for you...
  7. J

    Finally Met an Alpha Male

    I have worked around lots of prison guards. I have noticed that the good ones are pretty secure in themselves. they seem to go thru a metamorphis when they go into the inmate population. Their chests and arms protrude more. Their walk has NO hesitation. They look people in the eye, and thei...
  8. J

    Being persistant without being needy

    sponsor of this site pay to have their advertisements here. send a check in to the forum site operators. You play, you pay.
  9. J

    waiter flirts hard with my date

    Yes the above guys have good points. Practice a "take charge" personna. Look at alpha-macho type men and poise yourself the same. When the check came, you should have said aloud: "well waiter, are you going to split this tab with me"? and when he asks what do you mean? say: Well you...
  10. J

    Did I read this one wrong, too?

    Disinterest... starting NOW. Not pouting or purposeful ignoring, just that you have better things (and chicks) to do beside waste your time with an indecisive attention wh0re. ps... I bet she becomes bolder and reaches even more to get you to come on to her. This is good
  11. J

    Really Need Some Input on How to Handle This Woman

    remember you are setting yourself up to be exclusive with this lady. Something tells me you are okay with this though.
  12. J

    Really Need Some Input on How to Handle This Woman

    stop making it such a chore in your mind. sit back and enjoy the game. continue to slow cook.
  13. J

    Need an explanation, maybe advice

    volk: show less/no interest in her. politely brush ger off when she makes contact. let her see (via facebook, etc) that u have interest in other women
  14. J

    I've lost everything

    u r an inspiration to us all! rep+
  15. J

    It's a trap! Or maybe not...

    text her 1 word: "maybe". then if she texts back, dont respond for 2 days. then again, 1 or 2 words. shows disinterest, and aloofness. thats what she needs
  16. J

    Help! New GF still has feelings for ex

    Like they say in the military, during war: "Maintain radio silence, hold steadfast"
  17. J

    Lost her phone and all her numbers....

    You spend time on this forum. You are a "student of the sport" of sarging chicks. You have a hot lead (since you have banged her before). So dont let a little detail like this cause you to give up so easily. Go get her!
  18. J

    is she just a headcase? (milf, POF included)

    yeah. cool huh? aint it great?
  19. J

    So.. Got FB Message From The EX GF.. What Should I do?

    Slickers... you DO realize that she's using this "convenient" request as an excuse to make contact, right? I mean you aren't a real estate agent right? And there are other people she can ask about this matter. If you need to respond... here's something like what you say: "Hey, kinda busy...