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  1. C

    Are there any specific point for girl that already had boyfriend

    Even though I'm Captain AFC, I do have a pointer for taking a girl that is already hitched. Maybe three. 1.) She's hooked up with a guy. Hands off. If just by you being there she leaves her guy and flies in your arms, alarms should be going off in your head. Not that this is always the...
  2. C

    For you guys who don't read the home page

    Seemed like a pretty wise list, although it's remarkably depressing. I have to say that one thought I've had lately since coming to this site is that love/marriage is just a complete and total dud. And not because I, as a man, am just not interested in it... That's just utterly...
  3. C

    Different Religion

    You have to remember that religion is NOT just some separate entity or category in people's lives. It's not just "Well, she's Catholic and I'm Episcopalean," or "She's Lutheran and I'm Baptist." Religion penetrates far deeper than that, although today's society would like to candy-coat the...
  4. C

    Dr. Phil is the b!tches bastard . . .

    Honestly, do you guys think Dr. Phil is "really" AFC at all? Seriously? Sure, the tv persona "Dr. Phil" would promote this extreme feminization, and this persona sells ratings because there are millions of disgruntled women out there looking for precisely what Dr. Phil sells. But...
  5. C

    Woman and Social Status

    Wouldn't the education level really relate more to "success" level than "education?" For instance. I know a married couple now that has what seems to be a pretty happy marriage. They have a small kid. One of the discussions that came up in a group that I happen to be in was the fact that the...
  6. C

    A little advice on this one?

    Point taken.
  7. C

    A little advice on this one?

    Interestingly enough, I inquired advice from my mother on this as well (what can I say, I'm a momma's boy a bit, so since I ask her advice on things all the time, I inquired). The short and skinny version: "Sounds like YOU have issues from your past relationship. You haven't gotten over...
  8. C

    A little advice on this one?

    Okay, so I've finally started pursuing another person. It's not in my blood to go for STR's and the such. I'm interested in an LTR. Anyway, it's been a while, and I've been making some progress. I don't call too often, and I rarely, if ever leave messages. I think one time. We've gone out...
  9. C

    Relationship: HELP, I'm an emotional wreck!

    Sad to say, but it seems the only person that is making changes or concession is you in this relationship. This isn't to blame her. She's a divorced, single mother. She is now carrying an enormous responsibility on her shoulders. She also has particular religious beliefs, morals, etc...
  10. C

    Dont you feel like sometimes this is all BS and just tiring?

    Wow, small world (at least in the mental sense). I was just thinking the exact same thing right now. And forgive me if I go off on a bit of a tangent, but I have more to add on the subject of "BS" right now, including some of my own personal musings at the moment. Having been out of my...
  11. C

    Anger still harbouring

    I had tons of anger myself, and I had feeling similar to what you were experiencing, even though the situation was not entirely the same (no cheating involved, but I was quickly "replaced," even if those were only brief). I wanted to stalk around town, find the dude and just lay him out...
  12. C

    A Little Guidance for a Helpless Dude?

    Well, having read the first part (the law of equal value), I can see clearly where I failed. And in fact, that very fact was brought up in our relationship, and I confessed that I was not, more or less, interested anymore. In the beginning, I know I provided the sex, the social value...
  13. C

    A Little Guidance for a Helpless Dude?

    Thanks for the replies. It's much appreciated. A clarification. I realize I confused folks with the current status of the relationship. I didn't walk away from it. In fact, as luck would have it, I suppose, she left me afterward. Well, actually, she came back (again) saying she was sorry...
  14. C

    A Little Guidance for a Helpless Dude?

    Forgive the cliche username. It's all I could think of that would be appropriate at the time, even though so many of us have "AFC" in our username. I feel like re-capping my story, and then asking for a little advice. Maybe it'll all be redundant. If so, then lock the thread and let it...