Even though I'm Captain AFC, I do have a pointer for taking a girl that is already hitched. Maybe three.
1.) She's hooked up with a guy. Hands off. If just by you being there she leaves her guy and flies in your arms, alarms should be going off in your head. Not that this is always the case: A friend of mine left his girl, and this girl left her man, just so they could be together. They're getting married. It worked out fine. But that's the exception... not the rule.
2.) Don't try to get this girl. If she's around you, and you're there, act natural, talk to her as you would talk to her, but don't pull any silly stuff: aka, like trying to "steal" her, asking her on 'dates' but calling them something different, or trying to dig up dirt on the boyfriend. It's not your place, and really, if she responds to it, she's probably not worth the trouble you're going through for it.
3.) She's taken. Why are you trying to get her?
I can sympathize a little. I have interests in a girl that has been on and off lately with a guy living in a different town. At social gatherings, it's clear that there's feelings between us, as while everyone at the gatherings share the cordial greetings and hugs, we ditch all of that. We avoid physical contact. So there's an understanding there that interest is involved. But at the same time, I don't go out of my way to call her, see her, or talk to her about her personal life. If it ever comes up, it's because she brought it up.
And I'll be honest and say that I'm heavily interested in this girl. But the "strategy" I've been employing lately is to let me "target" go and just work on myself. I talk to other pretty women. I've been working on the maintaining eyecontact, talking to them, and just overall being a man, and recovering whatever sense of manhood and confidence I know I once possessed, even as a young boy, and then go over that so that I don't fall back into the pits. In short, I'm still interested in that one girl, which is one-itis, I suppose. But I'm not chasing her. As the saying goes, there's more fish in the sea. I've seen some pretty nice, interesting girls around at the coffee shop and other places that I frequent. I'll just talk to them.
So my specific point is... stop bothering the taken girl. It's more taxing than you think.