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  1. M

    The Natural Game Compendium Released

    Rate this up. it's a quality post.
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    This form of 'hypnosis' work?

    Maybe that's how Napoleon Hill's "Think and Grow Rich" works. People say that they read it 7 times or so and then they suddenly started being successful. That would mean that the secret isn't conceptual, but auto-suggestive, ie, hypnotic.
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    3500 Calorie workout

    Is it even possible to lose 3500 calories in single workout? I know that you can lose as much as 7 lbs in a day, but that's just water.
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    Anyone know how to deal with women in HR?

    are you applying from the outside or the inside? from the outside, they're just gatekeepers. they scan your resume for buzzwords and compare your salary demands to the "industry standard". If you're inside, talk to the manager you want to work for. If he shepards the process, it's much...
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    The Ultimate Alpha Male

    So this is the latest fad? like "Mr. T vs. X", "Mr. T ate by balls", "All your base", and Absolute Ninjas? Here are some fresh ones, then. There used to be life on other planets, but Chuck Norris slipped on a banana peel one day and drop kicked the sky. Chuck Norris was a vegetarian for...
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    Break up with gf; I'm called a mysoginist, gay, woman hater - whole gamut

    It's not fair, but it does make sense; You were the strong one before, and you still are.
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    Self-improvement work worksheet

    unfortunately, the purpose of a worksheet like this is to get you to admit weaknesses so that they can use them against you in review time or if they want to carry out a firing. Make sure that what you put down is either unrelated to your job or inconsequential. For example, being nice is...
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    Your Attention Please

    Men can handle "the truth". We tell each other the truth all the time. The problem is simply that women have the weakness of being afraid of a negative reaction. They decided on their own that the guy can't handle "the truth", rather than just making life simple. This is a major reason why...
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    I Did Everything Right, But Didn't Get a 2nd Date

    :crackup: You should have gone for a kiss close.
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    The Top Mature Men issues

    8. Dating Younger Women
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    The Top Mature Men issues

    I'd like for these to be a sticky. I don't know the full qualifications for something to be sticky-worthy. We have some of the issues addressed. Why don't we (everyone reading) start posting links that match up with the numbered list on page 1, then the links can be collected in a stickied...
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    How Should Allen Handle all the Anti-Feminism Content Being Posted Here?

    Let me point out what WyldFire is trying to do. She mentioned Allen's name directly to try to put pressure on him, however it's backfired since we all like the board the way it is. Wyldfire, Leave the board. If you don't like it, just go. No more political games.
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    The "sneaky fvckers" theory...

    The sneaky fvckers equate to pickup artists. guys that use their intelligence instead of aggressiveness to get laid.
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    Donevan, the PUA

    I thought so. You have to be careful about your references these days.
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    Donevan, the PUA

    I ran across this blog by Donevan, the PUA. What I'd like to know, who knows of him and his stuff? Is he an independent PUA, or a wing for an already known PUA? The blog in question has an advertisement for David DeAngelo's material, so it would help for me to know their relationship.
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    The Negative Thread

    You darn well better put paper on the seat. Or use the seat covers that come with some restrooms. At home it's not necessary, because presumably you clean it. However, you don't know who's been there before you in public. Don't sit on public toilets. Just don't do it.
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    Secret to not divorcing

    You're making a presumption. That there is such thing as a right or wrong person. The whole DJ and PUA concept is based on the idea that you can change yourself to become attractive and successful with women. Well if that kind of change is possible for attraction, then it stands to reason...
  18. M

    What do you want from a woman?

    The only reason I used to see for a woman were children and regular sex. You can get men who are better friends. Now I'm a little older and I'm realizing that it might help from a health standpoint. If I had a heart attack or an accident, or was old and needed help living, I'd be better off...
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    Secret to not divorcing

    I put this in "Anything else", since it's not really about DJing. I think the "secret" to not divorcing is simply...not divorcing. In cultures where it's frowned upon, people don't do it. Since people can get them, and in fact women are rewarded for doing so in our society, they will. What...
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    when girls ask you if you're interested...

    all it means is that they were talking, and they had a girl fantasy and said something like, "wouldn't it be cute if we went out with JW and skd together?" They were thinking about a double date type setup.