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  1. D

    When a woman confides in you?

    Well, I think that certian women will use it for different reasons. There are many women who want to be taken care of and will have problems specifically to make the guy care for her. I think that's crap. lol So what I do when a girl starts talking about her ex is I either say 'Well, that was...
  2. D

    My friend.. WTF!

    Lol..I think that you must be doing fine getting numbers, but from your story it sounds like you are doing a few things wrong for the longer game. Maybe even from the get go of meeting a girl. With the girl whose body you were complimenting..she won't f*** you because you have told her you...
  3. D

    mind games

    Girls are always testing...some are better at it then others. I'm personally having fun watching this one girl keep testing me and then by testing her back. It's a odd situation, but will pay off in the long run. She's trying all kinds of things to get a rise out of me. Telling me about...
  4. D

    Calling for a date

    Yeah, I would say it's not a good idea if you're calling her to go out (i.e. not booty call. lol) Here's why: 1) It makes you seem like you have nothing going on that night and hints that you may not have an exciting, fullfilling life. (Girls, who sometimes think too much, will start to...
  5. D

    body language...what do u think of this

    He is attracted to you. Those are male signs of interest. So there you have it. Go for it if you want it, but make sure he's not married. :)
  6. D

    Style's Style

    I would have to agree. It seems that basically what we do while studying this stuff is learn techniques others have found that work, etc..but in the long run, what we're really after, is to not have routines and techniques, but just have them intergrated from our own personal style..Most of...
  7. D

    Depressing NYE party...

    Well, you want to know my opinion? This is an excellent opportunity to learn! Try this (Could be your best shot): Act like nothing is wrong (truly, to should appear that there isn't.) If she tries to call you between now and the dinner, don't answer. Get dressed up very nice...
  8. D

    How to get a girl to have a threesome.

    Something that has worked for me in several situations was taught to me by a PUA friend. You get both girls alone (preferably sitting a blanket on the floor, etc). Mention that this friend of yours who is a holistic healer (or shaman, or whatever) had you receive a two on one massage...
  9. D

    New Year's Day Problem

    Have them drive, man. Tell them you can't come before because you have to (insert cool activity here). If you pick them up, it will seem like you REALLY WANT them to come, i.e. dependant on them for something. Remember, your New Years in going to be great with or without them. They are...
  10. D

    Meeting your soulmate

    You're not that weird, man! What I would suggest to you is to stop worrying about women. I know that's much easier said than done and at your age you are raring to go. :) Just relax...create a dynamic and happy life. Anti Dump has some great ideas. But read some of the articles on here...
  11. D

    Quick Way to Learn Fighting

    I would like to clear up a couple of things about responsibility that we as posters may share when addressing a situation like this. Telling someone to do certain techniques, etc..seems at first like good advice, but generally it will get them in a situation where they feel confident until...
  12. D

    Reply for "Will you buy me a drink?"

    Not totally related..but I had the oddest thing work a few months ago. I saw a beautiful woman across the room with a bunch of guys. I had the waitress send her a large water with a lemon in it and point to me saying "He says he's not interested." The girl came over to my table and...
  13. D

    Quick Way to Learn Fighting

    I agree that your training in any particular martial art does go out the window in a street fight. However, I think the point everyone is missing is that if someone has the warrior mindset of adaptability ( the same used when working with women) and has trained his body in movement and fighting...
  14. D

    Any recovering "romantics" here?

    I'm personally wondering if there isn't too much emphasis put on "not being a romantic" here and in other sites. Romantiscism is great if way overdone. haha...If it permeates all areas of life, not just love. Look at a film like Legends Of The Fall...Brad Pitts character was still a...
  15. D

    Guitar DJ tips

    If you really want to build a connection with a women, after playing a song for everyone, get her to come sit next to you. You face her and find a song you both know. (Preferably a slow, beautiful song.) Play and have her sing with you. It will be very quiet (the song). Keep consistent eye...
  16. D


    To be fair though..I think NEXTING, while a good practice is some circumstances..can take you OFF your game. By all means, NEXT her if you want to. But think of this as an experiment as well. Obviously you like this girl because you're here writing about her. Just because she doesn't call you...
  17. D

    How to Recover from Drunk phone Calls?

    I would claim to not remember it but say "I think I called you..and I think I was being an ass." She'll either blow the call off or confirm that. If che confirms it say: "Strange things happen when people get drunk. They call people at and say things they probably shouldn't say." Then...
  18. D

    I think she's trying to control me with sex...

    If you really don't care...forget about her. Come on, sex is great..but not the reason for being. lol One of the funniest (and best) things I've ever done is after meeting and then a day later sleeping with a girl at her place..I get up at like four in the morning and start getting...
  19. D


    I beg to If Brad Pitt acted like Carrot Top, he wouldn't be sexiest man alive.. by a longshot. I think charisma actually effects HOW you look. I work in the music business in the performance/production/image consulting side and I can tell you this: charisma can be learned...
  20. D

    What is the difference between testing and head games?

    It seems to me tests come in many ways. Women will test your interest level also. The great rule I've been told is that: If it feels like a test and it's pertinent to the's a test. Really..a woman just wants a man to stand for something and not be afraid of expressing it...