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  1. D


    Alright, man. You need to stop worrying about her. It appears to me (and I've made this same mistake many times before) that you're worrying way too much about this. If you like her...great! is not your job to worry if she likes you and/or run her life or control her. In fact, by...
  2. D

    HOw to improve kicks in martial art

    By the way, for everyone else out there... doing bag drills, etc is a VERY EFFECTIVE form of cardio. It's all I use. I've always subscribed to the theory that if I run everyday, then I'll just get better at running..with this, not only am I improving my body's awareness and ability but I am...
  3. D

    HOw to improve kicks in martial art

    I was taught some very effective exercises by a Grand Master here in Colorado to improve all your kicking. He was a TKD/HKD master and while I study Chuan Fa, I still make these drills part of my daily workout. Basic Principle worth mentioning: Always practice kicking higher then you...
  4. D

    how to proceed

    Alright, thanks gents. I appreciate the help!
  5. D

    how to proceed

    Thanks, guys. I appreciate it. It may sound lame, but I am serious about this girl. But not so serious I can't walk away if it becomes ridiculous. I generally would have walked away after the first night, not to mention Sunday. But you know how that goes some times.. Thanks...
  6. D

    how to proceed

    Hey there guys, new to the forum, but a practitioner of these basic ideas for a long time. I have already contemplated and figured my course of action, but I wanted to see if you had any better suggestions at all. Alright, here goes. I met a girl that I have quite a deep connection with. We...