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  1. D

    Gymnasium war report

    So you mean to tell me that when she is coming in and waiting outside the fitness room for the class, you can't talk to her? You can't find any possible way to walk by and say "hi" or any possible in at all? If you are worried about seeing her again in the gym, then don't say anything stupid...
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    Gymnasium war report

    Well, you already identified something you have in common that isn't school. Your piercings... So just go with that and stop hesitating. Then, while you are at it, ask if she noticed the "squat guy" and have a laugh. Maybe then ask her if she is training for something special; sports, porn...
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    What exactly is it that you are scared of when it comes to women?

    I don't think you have tried as hard as you say you have. There are so many ways to not look like a nerd... just pick something you like that isn't nerdy and you will be fine. If you can't do this, you will end up being the typical office guy who silently turns 40 and just sits at home and...
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    What exactly is it that you are scared of when it comes to women?

    This one is easy to fix. Just BE the wild unattainable guy that all the other girls want and she won't do that to you.
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    Test Your Women

    LOL!!! HA ha ha ha ha ha Message Boy That is such BS. less than 15 of all fortune 500 CEO's are women. I can't believe that you actually think that women have "broken the glass ceiling" and now reside as counterparts to powerful males... Unless, you are gay and believe that women and men...
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    Went out friday night - lots of lonely girls

    Things may be different in Australia. As far as being in a club in the US and seeing hot girls by themselves...thats a big no. I met one fitness model on Friday night, just for fun I decided to sit back and watch what happened. Every 10 seconds, groups of guys would approach her and try their...
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    As I hit my early thirties, I learned some things about chicks

    So no pictures of you and your super hot girlfriend? Thats wierd, most hot girls love having their picture taken with their boyfriend. Not that I would know anything about that...considering I'm a photographer. Sure, I have more posts than you-- I post when I am bored at work cuz nobody ever...
  8. D

    Socially developing part-time job?

    well, you could always be a club photographer for a website. You get to meet tons of people every night you go out and you most likely will get a couple girlfriends out of it who call you every time they want to go do something. The only catch is that you can't be shy and you have to...
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    As I hit my early thirties, I learned some things about chicks

    So where is the picture? Pictures do not lie, but people do all the time. As of now, I think you are lying about nearly everything you post about. You just don't sound like the type of guy who gets the hot girls...ever. You sound like a loser with no life and plenty of time to post on...
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    As I hit my early thirties, I learned some things about chicks

    Now its my turn to laugh... lets see a picture. Remember, most traits of attractiveness are universal.
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    As I hit my early thirties, I learned some things about chicks

    This is great. Do you actually believe this crap: . No. High levels of attraction are constant across all cultures and age ranges. It would be nice if this wasn't so. Then, people could stand behind their 300 lb girlfriend and declare "shes a 10 to me!!!!" as a way to minimize their...
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    As I hit my early thirties, I learned some things about chicks

    Here is my thesis statement: ALL hot women cheat. If she is not cheating on you, she is not hot. In the past 8 months, I have decided to step up my game and go after only hot girls. Strangely enough, of the 20 hot girls whom I slept with...all 20 had boyfriends they didn't tell me about...
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    Essential Computer Programs Everyone Should Have

    utorrent or bittorrent is really all that you need. From then on, all programs are free.
  14. D

    Attracting Models, Beautiful & Intelligent Women, 10s, etc.

    When you turn 32, you will find out that this really was the key the whole time. As of now, you are too young to see it. Bluewater: I have been around the top models of the US as a photographer. I can tell you that some chic getting a degree does not necessarily mean that she is smart...
  15. D

    Whoa, she just threw me a curve you really think that text was meant for you only? Seriously? That text was sent to all 54 guys in her phone. She was just waiting to see who replied with anything at all. Replying with anything=fail. You have better things to do than respond to stupid bs like that. Well, you do...
  16. D

    Success With Online Dating

    blah. Joeski Everything you wrote comes with a HUGE asterisk. Women do exactly the same thing that men do when on dating sites. First, they scan the pictures to see who is attractive, then from there, they begin to read the profiles. But, only if you are attractive. So, empirically...
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    Who here is a Bad Boy?

    bad boys don't do the internet, or dating sites. They are too busy fvcking the girlfriends of normal guys.
  18. D

    Reason why you see moderately attractive to attractive guys with ugly or very avg.

    Wow, only one person got it? The better looking person has all the power, all the time. So, while you may "see" this fat chic with an attractive guy (provided he is not a total loser) my bet is that he can do anything he wants and she will put up with it because she is easily replaceable and...
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    To the playas that don't smoke and actually get makeouts within 10-15mins...

    I don't either. And I would still make out with a smoker chic if she was hot. I would just make sure she had a shot of jagermeister.