Hor you're exactly right. I didn't want to neg her too much there. I'm still tempted to think that some praise with sexual undertones would have been better. She didn't reply that night, so I'm not sure what that text was about or what her reaction to it was.
The day after was my birthday, and due to having to attend a party elsewhere, I didn't get to spend time with her, but she kept texting me asking how my day was going, etc, so I didn't hurt her IL at least.
Anyway, sometimes I break the rules and do make comments about her looks, but in a silly way. It's kind of a roleplaying game with play. She's from overseas, and so she likes to pretend that girls in her country are the most beautiful anywhere, and that she's especially perfect. I don't mind encouraging that behavior within reason because she learns that when she and I are in a playful mood I will validate her stunning good looks in offhand ways. I particularly enjoy disguising major compliments as insults and vise versa. It's hard to think of an example off the top, but I do it all the time with great effect.
Honestly, I've mentioned her in a few other threads. We're one of those "just friends" relationships, only thank god it's undefined. Early on she wanted me, but I was too scared of our sometimes serious differences, and now I want her (at least another step), but I'm in a bit of a rut. We see eachother EVER DAY, and know eachother WAY TO WELL. It really is a best friends sort of thing, only we both lay the sexual overtones on pretty thick, so the chance is still there, just creating and then taking the opportunity is the challenge. We're both in lawschool, and it has a way of creating a very unique vibe between us because our time with others is so limited and our time with eachother is so distracted or chaotic.
We send eachother rather illicit (jokingly) text messages pretty much all the time. Another game I play with her is that her mood is set by her clothing, so often make her tell me what she's wearing before agreeing to hang out in case it isn't slutty enough.
I could have had her, but... don't hate me, I'm a wait until marriage sort of guy, and when I met her she was rebounding, so I LJBF'd her at the time. Then proceeded to get fairly twitterpated after the weeks turned into months. Now I want to rewrite that, but it's hard work.
In a way, setting the limit at KINO makes that just as big a deal/hurdle to me as sex is to others. If I was willing to just go sleep with her, that goal would be in my mind and the KINO would fall into place. But being an inexperienced guy unwilling to go all the way up against her experience makes even simple things like making out seem like a hurdle, especially since if I screw up I loose my best friend. I'm old enough to be ok with that and willing to move on quickly, but I would be loosing a good thing, especially for the lawschool life.
I'm sure that sounds really retarded, but this girl has straight up asked to sleep with me before, and hasn't lost interest, but is quite "hard to get" when it comes to touching her. Especially now that she knows my personality and what I usually do and don't do. It's not that she'll say no, she's just not going to help me at all. She def wants to be "taken" as you guys say. Just puts me in a tough spot for an RAFC with all the expectations of months of previous friendship.
The day is coming when I'm just going to go all out. I've even made hinting jokes at that to her. Heck, even today I told her that her molestation meter should be on Orange, and our blind professor wouldn't be able to protect her. She countered that she'd be sure to bring her chastity belt. She loves the game, and plays along.
Timing. Timing. Timing.
It's sort of like trying to game your best friend, who you work with M-F, and from F-S she's so stressed preparing for work on Monday that it's hard to get alone time where her mind is on me and not somewhere else. A decent but brief moment may crop up once or twice a month, but I usually chicken out and blow it.
The good news is if I screw up, I let her be for a day or two, and she can't disappear because she'll be right back next to me Monday and quickly remembers how cool I am. So I get more chances than any guy in history. Good practice for reforming my AFC ways no matter how this turns out. Amazing how visable progress is when you have a microcosm like that to see it through.