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  1. D

    Pain in the leg after running, need advice

    See a pediatrist...
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    Sleep 13 hours a day but still tired

    Really? Wasn't aware of that. Well, I guess the rule is undersleeping is bad, and oversleeping is no better.
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    Doing push-ups on fist

    ] Demon, "Damn Canucks..." "Dumb Germans." Cut out the racist remarks. If you're getting frustrated, just back yourself up with more argument, insults don't further your cause.
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    Sleep 13 hours a day but still tired

    You're just sleeping for too long! You should probably sleep for between 8 and 10 hours every night, ideally.
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    17, and i still want to grow...

    From what I've heard, there's not much you can do to promote growth. Sleep more, eat more, perhaps spine-compressing lifts like Soshyopath suggested - although you have to be careful with them. But even those things won't really make you grow much more (if at all). You're height is difficult...
  6. D

    Make the "Guide to cutting up" Thread in H&F a sticky

    I raised it in the mods forum, but the general consensus was that we want to have as few stickies as possible. I might stick it in the next few weeks. We'll see. - De La
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    About What Gets Posted Here

    Right on, Nick. No more regurgitated bullshyt. I have to agree with you about real-life meetings being very important (although I say it cautiously because I've never met anyone from this board IRL, although I do discuss seduction with some outside the board). I've learnt more about...
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    PHONE STYLE tips that NEVER fail.

    But now, you've got to pass a HARDER test. You have to CREATE INTEREST solely through STYLE. This is the harder test. Trust me(since i work in sales), you have NOTHING but your own wits on the impersonal telephone. I disagree that you've only got style to work with. Or perhaps you could...
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    Help me get rid of my pencil thin wrists

    So you want to bulk up your wrists? Sorry, but you'll have to change your bone structure to get bigger wrists!
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    The Book of Shuma Gora

    Page, nice work buddy. It's definitely worth downloading it, boys. Just a nice little read and a good summary of some of the principles. Now, some criticisms (hey, even the Mona Lisa has its critics)... N.B. I haven't read the whole text yet, just skimmed over it. And after looking...
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    The Easiest Pattern Ever (15 words)

    Yep, I don't have much time to write a real reply, but that variation could definitely work, V. Nice.
  12. D

    definitions of exercises?

    Yup, that's a good one! Even better, get down to a gym and have a pro check your form... Good luck, Nick. Closed. DLS
  13. D

    the report of the first dance party of my life...don't judge this post by its title!

    Aaah Crush. The memories... (I'm assuming that you're talking about Crush!) Anway, Drug_L0rd, I'll keep it as short as I can, and I'll get to the point. 1. I noticed you often approached girls by tapping them on the shoulder. Try to avoid this. You don't want to appear to be sneaking up...
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    The Easiest Pattern Ever (15 words)

    No. Well, it depends what you mean by "just met". I wouldn't kiss close if that was the only thing I'd said! But I'd probably use that line after I'd gained rapport and I felt like she was really interested in ME. So, yes. I'd do it on a chick I'd only known for one day. But I wouldn't do it...
  15. D

    Memorising patterns... worth it?

    Hey, boys. Just checkin' in on the "Unusual Techniques" forum for a couple of minutes... seems a little bit quiet, but nevertheless, there are some quality posts going around. Personally, I've been in and out of SS for about a month now, and I'm still not sure whether I need it. By "it" I mean...
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    The Easiest Pattern Ever (15 words)

    Nice tip. Easy to remember and sounds like it could be effective. I think I'll do a slight variation... say the line and then, if signs are good, go for the kiss close.
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    Feminism on Trial!

    Is it just me, or did this trial seem strangely similar to the Camp X-Ray trials? :D Pook, I commend you for winning a trial fought and decided by yourself! DLS
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    Noob in need of help

    1. 2. Either buy your own equipment to work out at home (chin-up bar, dips bar, dumbbells, barbell, weight discs etc.) AND get professional advice about proper form and regular check-ups; OR get a gym membership and if you need help with a certain...
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    Most obvious come-on that was missed

    "Can I sit on your lap?" LOL
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    Clubbing failure?

    Yep. Expect success from yourself and you'll get success. Expect failure from yourself and you'll get get failure. It's pretty simple. As for the relationship with a 4, believing that you're better than her is almost certaintly one of the factors in the male having the control (but also that...