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  1. D

    Question for the more "experienced" DJ's..

    If you were banging some other broad(s) you really wouldn't be giving a shyt about this would you? .....and you'd be in the driver's seat. She's slowly making you take your hands off the wheel.
  2. D

    Woman's Point of View

    Jesus fook, 6 pages of posts all for an attention hor.
  3. D

    Being Hated by Women

    I think Senor Fingers touched on the most important part of this stuff, it's difficult to convey or encapsulate, but it has everything to do with frame. You will not achieve success without the proper frame. Sure, there are hors out there, just as there are gays, and there are druggies and so...
  4. D

    Don't be weak around women be strong

    It not the quantity, it's the quality.
  5. D

    Odds of Getting Approached by Women

    All you younger DJs, you are going to have to develop a thick skin when it comes to other guys calling you gay. It comes with the territory, especially if you are above average in looks and dress well. Other guys get jealous and this is their way of trying to cut you down. Believe it or...
  6. D

    Don't be weak around women be strong

    You need to learn about sentence structure. For your sake I hope you aren't a native English speaker, because if so, your written English is deplorable.
  7. D

    Odds of Getting Approached by Women

    I get opened alot, usually by women my age or older, the younger ones are too intimidated by me to open me, they're usually too worried about the wet spot that's developed in their crotch to be able to talk when I'm around.
  8. D

    I Am A Nice Guy

    2 years? Ok, assuming you aren't being facetious.... Way too late. You should have established your interest in the first 2 minutes, never mind 2 years. Then if she's not interested, you at least stepped to the plate, manned up, and avoided wasting 2 years of your time. I hope for your sake...
  9. D

    My girl wants to hang out with her ex. What do I do?

    What a joke. So you don't care about the relationship because you don't want her hanging around the ex? That's some pretty messed up logic. She's trying to play you, step with caution. Her about-face is interesting though. Be careful or you may end up having to play these types of mind...
  10. D

    Having a bisexual girlfriend

    Only the ones born in the last 20 years.
  11. D

    i've gained a reputation with girls

    Get a reputation as a womaniser, it's like flies to shyt for some women. lol.
  12. D

    Why do some women fall for AFC behavior?

    You're right of course.
  13. D

    Why are more and more women preferring black or Hispanic men over white men?

    Toronto Canada. It's starting to happen, I can see it. Believe me, Torontonian women are the absolute worst, even worse than most Urban American women because they are out and out feminnazis. They love a man they can walk all over, take his money and use him. I have another friend who's a...
  14. D

    Why are more and more women preferring black or Hispanic men over white men?

    Correct. I have an Italian buddy who chases women to the point of masochism. He just doesn't take no for an answer. The problem is, white girls are now expecting chumpish kiss arse behaviour and are often intimidated by DJs and won't go after them. It's because they can't control the DJ...
  15. D

    Why are more and more women preferring black or Hispanic men over white men?

    Good on you my brother. The problem is the wussified white man has ruined white women. Go into a strip club - they're full of whites and Asians. Says a lot. Getting lap dances and hand jobs for $100 a pop. You only see the occasional black guys in a strip club and they usually have...
  16. D

    Being Hated by Women

    Sounds like you are acting like I was upon first discovering the world of the DJ. The pendulum has swung too far the opposite of the AFC. You have become too righteous and indignant, and people pick up on this. You have replaced AFC anonymity with overtly aggressive masculinity, and you are...
  17. D

    Why are girl's alway's so busy and seem to care only about themselves at times?

    Damn! You shouldn't be having problems in Sydney Nove Scotia, hors are a dime a dozen out there.
  18. D

    Why do some women fall for AFC behavior?

    She can control him easier. Some women like doormats. These same women will generally not bother with Dons like yourselves. Believe it, there are women who will avoid DJs who have confidence, bigtime, because they'd rather have a chump who they can manipulate. She's toying with this guy and...
  19. D

    Why are more and more women preferring black or Hispanic men over white men?

    Dumb thread. If you don't know the answer to why some women are going for non-whites than you are still in the darkness and need to step into the light. As a white man who gets women, yes, we have been pussified by the agenda of feminists et al. But then, it was largely white men who created...
  20. D

    What you're up against

    Go off and learn to write in coherent sentences please. None of that rambling mess made any sense.