swifTy said:
i say proceed with caution.
if you like her. go it. just be wary man. keep your wit about you.
I'm going to have to agree with swifTy. I think by what you said, she showed she cares, probably thought about it, and feels bad. I would keep at it, but be wary as stated. You can never be too cautious.
Just dont make it seem that you are in that mood all the time. Go about how things were before she talked about the ex.
Some others think you're already screwed. Its hard to say cause we dont know you, or her, or him and aren't there to play detective.
What I can say, is that if she REALLY likes you, it would suck to drop her cold, and come to find out she never spoke to the guy after you had your talk. That would make you feel bad for doing that.
Again, just be cautious. Not all women are the same. Some will truly see they messed up, and weren't sure what they were thinking. Some will stab you in the back when you aren't, and are looking, and play you so good you THINK you know what is going on. We dont know which one you have and are only guessing.
But i'm going for the stay with her unless for some reason you get more info.
And you dont want to spy all the time, and that's not a relationship to have, but there are times I had an uneasy feeling and I would check things out.
Hey... I'm going to a concert this week-end and will be out of town. Oh, ok.
So i'd call her work and pretend I was a friend and ask if she was working.
Or vice versa. I have to work Sat at this time and Sunday. If I felt it was a lie I would again call, and ask if so and so was working. No, I think she has the week-end off. Ok, thanks. And if they asked it was a friend from school wanting to ask about a test.
I dont like that stuff, but if I ever feel that feeling, I may have to do that, cause she wont tell you the truth, so you have to find out for yourself.
Hopefully it doesn't get to that point for you though.
See, I had an ex once I dated, and I loved the girl, and the only one I really loved like I did. I am over her, but I still talk to her on occasion on line, or wish her happy b-day or what not. She is married, has 2 kids, and there is nothing between us but friends.
All we do is basically keep in touch. She has her life and I have mine, but because I cared about her I didnt drop her cold and tell her to go to hell.
With me though that was 6yrs ago. And her husband doesn't care, cause we aren't even in the same city (about 40mi away) and i've never met up with her, or any of that jazz. I ask how her kids are, her family, and just say hi.
Yours is totally different than mine. So there are times there is no harm in it like in my situation.