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  1. J

    Lazy Method

    Precisely, this is the biggest difference with the way this guy proposes to do. Does it also work for you, Monkey King?
  2. J

    Lazy Method

    Does this work for you guys? Link:
  3. J

    3rd date, no sex

    Yes, true. Anyway, now its too late with this one, time to move on.
  4. J

    3rd date, no sex

    Might have been the case, but it was just a selfie with 2 other girls laughing. I would say a more confident girl would be even more enticed to pursue me (if there was any high enough interest of course).
  5. J

    Playing the online dating game, what first message to write?

    Is this based on experience with american girls, or european?
  6. J

    How to re-attract a plate

    It does sound like the best way to go. Since she declined my invitation on last saturday to come over on sunday, should I wait til next week for another invite for drinks?
  7. J

    How to re-attract a plate

    I did go ghost that time before. Told her now it was because I just didnt want a relationship at the time (bullsh*t)
  8. J

    How to re-attract a plate

    Hi guys, I was banging this plate some 4 years ago for some 6 months before dropping it ( as I found better options) but now i want to have a crack at it again. So we got back in touch, but right on the 1st date we had where she come to my place she got very defensive asking where was this...
  9. J

    3rd date, no sex

    Wasnt so much of a strategy from me, these were 2 normal pics of people having fun, its not like i was making out with another girl (although even if I was, she had nothing to do with it). But why would she just delete me after this?
  10. J

    3rd date, no sex

    As an update on this, last night I posted on Facebook 2 pics of me having fun with 2 lady friends, just 2 selfies where the 3 of us are laughing and in one of them I wrote "partying like a rockstar, with so and so" . This morning, I find out that this girl I went out with 3 times before...
  11. J

    Why you probably shouldn't date lukewarm girls

    Last date I had she complained about the sushi, should´ve known it wasnt going well by then :P
  12. J

    Why you probably shouldn't date lukewarm girls

    How do you spot it so quickly?
  13. J

    I either have an outstanding carisma or I cant make a decent OL profile

    Same thing here, especially on Tinder... virtually no matches. On other platforms I do a bit better but not by much.
  14. J

    OLD Rule #1

    How long does it take you to ask the girl out? The same day she replies to your initial message?
  15. J

    3rd date, no sex

    Slight backstory to this situation (although Im not sure it has relevance to what is happening now). I had met this girl 6/7 years for the first time. We had one date the 2 of us and then I foolishly agreed to go on a 2nd with her friends. She then asked for a 3rd again with friends and I said...
  16. J

    3rd date, no sex

    Thanks, already PM you.
  17. J

    3rd date, no sex

    What do you mean by provider box? Im using OLD and going out sometimes for meetups to meet new people. Also spinning only one other plate, but I have never cold approached anyone during daytime, for example. So my game is far from ideal, I reckon that.
  18. J

    3rd date, no sex

    I can see your point, having more options would definately avoid me even contemplating what to do next with this girl. It was just a bit weird since we had (or at least i thought so) 3 good dates even though no sex happened. Again, always learning here....
  19. J

    How do you give a woman that sex experience she'll keep coming back for?

    And generally speaking, is it important for you to make them c*m?
  20. J

    3rd date, no sex

    Should i now simply contact her ONLY IF she contacts me first, and then make a last attempt to schedule a date (which could be not in my place)?