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  1. J

    Date won´t kiss on 2nd date

    Wasnt this quite overt from her side? She actually wrote "friend" on the text
  2. J

    Date won´t kiss on 2nd date

    If she contacts me again for something, should I just tell her directly im not interested in friendship and therefore reject her idea of going out?
  3. J

    Date won´t kiss on 2nd date

    Well at least she didnt get any free meal from me to this day, only went for drinks and today she insisted on paying 50/50. My gut feeling tells me she either isnt very interested or that she is very structured. But both are bad options anyway, and after the last message it seems pretty clear...
  4. J

    Date won´t kiss on 2nd date

    So, I met this polish girl on a meetup, and on the same night we basically had our first date (after the meetup I took her alone for drinks, and then a walk). I initiated kino on the first date (she reciprocated hugging me and holding my hands), and went for the kiss at the end of the date...
  5. J

    How to Minimize Sh!t tests

  6. J

    How to Minimize Sh!t tests

    On the subject of sh*t tests, yesterday met a girl on a meetup night and after it ended up going on a date with her. However some of her questions seemed weird for a first date, namely "why are you single?", "what car do you drive?", "What went wrong between you and your ex?". Are these normal...
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    Lazy Method

    If he did it right, I dont believe out of 500 only 2 would call back....
  8. J

    Met girl on meetup, how to proceed now?

    On the meetups, like the one im going tonight, people after leave the initial place and we go to bars and clubs, so its a bit better than the initial meetup scenario. But I agree, in the last one (regarding books) I had a hard time isolating this girl because we were always in group, even during...
  9. J

    New girlfriend still communicates with married ex

    Been there, done that, got the tshirt. My ex also kept in touch with a couple of guys. First time I caught it she said she wouldnt do it again, but after she continued to do it with another guy, so I NEXTed her. Looking back, should have said next on the first offence.
  10. J

    Met girl on meetup, how to proceed now?

    Usually there is a subject for every meetup, the one I went was related to books, so we talked about that. But the one im going tonight for example, is just for socializing, meaning lots of foreign people who just arrived in my city usually go to this one as well to meet new people.
  11. J

    Met girl on meetup, how to proceed now?

    Makes perfect sense, stevo. Only eventual setback would be for her not to show up for that meetup, then this plan is worthless.
  12. J

    Met girl on meetup, how to proceed now?

    I reckon I will wait for the next one, and by building more rapport either give her my number or contact her after the meetup, think my chances will be bigger after meeting her again.
  13. J

    Lazy Method

    Not talking here about online dating, but meeting in person.
  14. J

    Lazy Method

    Any more feedback on this topic from other experienced DJ´s? Does it also work for you?
  15. J

    Met girl on meetup, how to proceed now?

    No, I did not get her number Maybe I was lucky yesterday but at least 3 girls looked very nice.
  16. J

    Met girl on meetup, how to proceed now?

    Good points Tenacity. I didnt focus on her or anyone else during the evening, but I did find her attractive. Only thing I would say Is that it Is probably better just to wait for the next meetup and if she does come again, see how it goes without any pressure. Just have to make it natural on me...
  17. J

    Met girl on meetup, how to proceed now?

    Met a HB yesterday on a 10 people meetup, talked a bit with her but nothing special since we were always surrounded by everyone else so I couldnt also get her number without everyone else seeing it ( i know, an experienced DJ would have taken it anyway). The next meetup of this group should...
  18. J

    Lazy Method

    Great idea, lets post our results here on the forum and see how it goes
  19. J

    Lazy Method

    This is very interesting. Counter intuitive to what most guys are doing now (collecting numbers) but if it works, it works.