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  1. J

    What is the worst female manipulation tactic

    this one baffles me, i heard this story once but couldnt believe it, but apparently they actually try to pull this kind of thing too
  2. J

    How much sex is normal in a LTR/marriage after the honey moon phase

    How long does for you on average the honeymoon phase last? I’m seeing this girl for almost 2 years and it still feels like we are in that period which is quite odd, not sure what to think of that
  3. J

    How much sex is normal in a LTR/marriage after the honey moon phase

    My personal experience with GFs/plates: I only see them 1 max 2 a week, so naturally EVERY time (bar some exceptions like her being on her period or one of us feeling ill) I always have sex with all of them when we meet up. This has been the norm for me for the past 6/7 years. Granted, I live...
  4. J

    various techniques of flirting..

    learn the material of Tom Torero, he breaks it down perfectly
  5. J

    The Rational Male Author Exposed

    hope everything is OK.
  6. J

    The Rational Male Author Exposed

    Im talking about last night´s debate, not the one you mentioned.
  7. J

    6 month relationship break up after me not going after her

    this is a huge mistake, NEVER do this. Keep it to once, max twice a week and everytime you meet have fun and have sex
  8. J

    The Rational Male Author Exposed

    If you watch the last debate, he actually did that very well. And as I said, he does say some things I also dont agree with, you dont have to agree or disagree on 100% with someone else.
  9. J

    The Rational Male Author Exposed

    Even if you disagree with this tweet in particular, his message and body of work goes well beyond one tweet, as he is very well documented on his blog and in his books. Overall, he is a massive net positive to men even though he might say some things sometimes I also dont agree with.
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    The Rational Male Author Exposed

    exactly, this was his biggest mistake.
  11. J

    The Rational Male Author Exposed

    exactly, feel the same too
  12. J

    The Rational Male Author Exposed

    Miss that guy alot
  13. J

    Is she becoming to comfortable or losing interest?

    9 dates and no sex yet? What are you doing my man?
  14. J

    Are all marriages as bad as they seem?

    I dont think living together without the objective of having kids makes any sense, period. Maybe when im older like plus 60 i will change my mind about this, but right now.... I dont see why I would live with anyone when i dont want kids
  15. J

    Logistics of a first date

    good point here, she did live alone even though those 40km away. Next time I will take that into consideration, thanks for the tip
  16. J

    Logistics of a first date

    In my case its the opposite, I am the one that lives in downtown of the biggest city of my region
  17. J

    Logistics of a first date

    Remember that I usually offer them a halfway place for both of us, so these women that rejected my offer wouldnt drive those 80km (2 way trip), they would drive around half. Even still, the last one rejected to do so.
  18. J

    Logistics of a first date

    I live in Europe, but I get your point. So you mean if a woman is interested, she would drive those 40km to meet me at my city?
  19. J

    Logistics of a first date

    Hi guys, let me know your opinion on this. If I´m setting up a first date with a woman that lives lets say around 30/40km from me, I always either try to setup a place somewhere in the middle, or in my city (which is the biggest city of my region). I have had instances where even the middle...
  20. J

    Have You Got Caught?

    Solid advice