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  1. J

    Plate broke it up with me

    Thanks Mike, great insight
  2. J

    Plate broke it up with me

    Thank you, very interesting article
  3. J

    Plate broke it up with me

    Yes absolutely
  4. J

    Plate broke it up with me

    to be fair she proposed an open relationship as she knows I’m seeing other girls. But still, she wanted a more type of gf/bf type of connection
  5. J

    Plate broke it up with me

    so what?
  6. J

    Plate broke it up with me

    the "rotation" might only last some months, like in this case I just posted about. After I agree, most women will drop off
  7. J

    Plate broke it up with me

    Hi guys, I have a question for the more experienced ones here. One of my plates today came to my place and basically requested a more serious bf/gf relationship with her, to which I refused because i dont want one with anyone. She of course started crying, we hugged and kissed a bit and then she...
  8. J

    Plate on the period

    ended up doing precisely
  9. J

    Plate on the period

    Just had a situation where I scheduled a date with a plate, where we were going for a coffee outside, dinner and after to my place to bang, but she showed up on her period and didn’t tell me before. Personally I’m not a fan of banging a chick on her period, and she didn’t tell me beforehand she...
  10. J

    Phone Calls Before the Date

    this. Unless she is unbearable from the get go, **** her first and after get to know her
  11. J

    Phone Calls Before the Date

    I agree
  12. J

    Dealing with OLD hook up after the bang

    Just stop initiating contact with her
  13. J

    Question about plate

    good tip
  14. J

    Side b*tch game.. for the experienced, accomplished men ..

    yes i tend to agree with this
  15. J

    Side b*tch game.. for the experienced, accomplished men ..

    You mean me, or Brollin?
  16. J

    Question about plate

    :D got it
  17. J

    Side b*tch game.. for the experienced, accomplished men ..

    Why does this matter? She is either in, or she is out. If she initially is in and for some reason later she decides that isnt for her, so what? Replace her with another one, or keep seeing the other ones you are already seeing.
  18. J

    Question about plate

  19. J

    Side b*tch game.. for the experienced, accomplished men ..

    Changing the terms mid relationship is extremely hard for sure. Im talking about right from the start
  20. J

    Side b*tch game.. for the experienced, accomplished men ..

    Which begs the question, why not have an open relantionship? Would save everyone so much drama