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  1. J

    The best sugar daddy ideas, for those that are rich...

    By day gamer he means he plays videogames during the day.
  2. J

    Her Sexual Best

    good luck finding those 19 year old virgins and on top of that having a relationship with them. The dellusion of some folks here is just unreal
  3. J

    Her Sexual Best

    yes, but can you go into more detail?
  4. J

    Her Sexual Best

    Hi guys, we often hear in this space (and I agree with this) that it is very important for you to determine if you are her sexual best partner she ever had, as it dramatically increases the chances of a good relationship between the two. Now, my question is, how do you guys here go about...
  5. J

    Never Reach Out First After Smashing

    This. I have reached out after sex and they have reached out to me. On both ocasions I ended up seeing the girl multiple times after the 1st sex encounter. If they like you, it doesnt really matter in my opinion.
  6. J

    Reduced my roster to just one, due to money problems

    On a side not AmsterdamAssasin, how do you deal with girls that push to live in together with you? I am sure at some point you have had this situation come up with some of your plates.
  7. J

    Reduced my roster to just one, due to money problems

    I agree with this, this is also my experience. But of course sprinkle in every once in a while an interesting out, like a good movie, stand up comedy, live music, meeting other people, dinner out, etc etc.
  8. J

    If you see her more than twice a week, she will lose attraction

    Very interesting post here, thank you. If you had to pick only 2 or 3 things that really help or have helped you keep a happy relationship with a woman you live together, what would those be?
  9. J

    The Danger Of Girls With Many Male Friends?

    why do you say that?
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    Best Break Up Advice You Wish You Knew

    did you cohabitate with her after dating for a few months? If so, why?
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    Jenni Hermoso files criminal complaint against Luis Rubiales over kiss

    She is gay by the way. But even if she wasn’t, you just don’t kiss your employees on the mouth just because you are ecstatic about an accomplishment
  12. J

    The Rational Male Author Exposed

    Great content here from Rollo and James Sexton
  13. J

    Girlfriend wants to live together with me

    Dont think you have to be married in order to live with someone else, but i do think the only imperitive situation where you "have" to is when you want to have children with that woman.
  14. J

    Girlfriend wants to live together with me

    I think I know what you mean, but surprisingly she hasnt.
  15. J

    Girlfriend wants to live together with me

    From my experience (and others) the relationship doesnt get better in the medium/long term if you move in with the girl
  16. J

    Girlfriend wants to live together with me

    I do, but surely thats not enough to live with someone else