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    Had an interesting albeit disappointing date tonight

    For many guys it absolutely has. However, I know friends who are horny even if they rip it off 3 times that day. For everybody else, it's super helpful to be "full". Wish i knew this back in highschool and college when i was a jerkboy beta with no libido.
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    New strategy for securing straight to your house dates

    Just establish that she's a normal functioning individual before inviting her to your home, at least. She can steal. She can stalk you. She can force you to get into unnecessary physical altercations with her which can lead to disasters.
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    Had an interesting albeit disappointing date tonight

    Wait, you were enjoying the socializing aspect of two thots' company, but not the thought of rearranging her guts? If she was an HB8+ as you said, and dressed like that, I don't know how I would've held myself from trying to *uck her right there on that couch. Also, why did you j*rk one off that...
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    Cut contact or not, or what?

    She is a chat buddy you can talk with because you don't have enough real people to talk to. And that's fine if it makes you feel better. Unfortunately, she can never be anything more than that. Also, i don't believe she is hot. She probably wouldn't have been wasting time talking to a stranger...
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    The Bible was mentioned in the context of understanding our world, expanding your views, etc... And in that sense, it is the most principal book (rather a collection of books written by many people over a long period of time) of the western society. Whether you choose to believe the dogma part...
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    You wanna say all of the other books mentioned are actual real stories? :O
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    Dinner Dates, Coffee, and Drinks

    Offtopic but someone mentioned women forums where they talk about dating, men, etc. Can anyone link some of those forums? I'd like to get into their head and what they talk about, for fun, :P
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    Younger woman I met at bar tonight

    You can always lose some dignity and self-respect.
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    better to get sure thing date or date that you're more comfortable with?

    Don't bend too much trying to find a venue or activity that you think she will agree with the most. She will smell the insecurity. About the first place you've mentioned, I think the key is how you suggest it. It has to be natural or it will trigger her alarm. (Of course, if she has high...
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    They return, blow my brains out and disappear again..

    If they are not very attractive I probably couldn't get a hard-on for these women after some time. Them offering themselves in that way is just not exciting.
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    is BPD an absolute no-go zone?

    Does she have a medical confirmation of bpd or that's just what she's told you? How much do you know about her?
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    Why is this post in DJ?
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    Should i pursue a former crush who recently showed interest on social media?

    She sounds like a lunatic and damaged goods anyway. (If what you've described is true) But please do pursue her. Looks like you will not be convinced until you touch the bottom.
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    Dinner Dates, Coffee, and Drinks

    By inviting her to dinner on the first date you show you are ready to invest alot without even knowing her. It screams desperation. You should be like: "I'll pay for a drink or two, let's see if i like this woman enough."
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    Unpopular Take

    Can you write two thoughts in the same comment? It's nice and convenient.
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    Girls complain that I take long to reply

    This is how I do it: Since i don't like carrying my phone with me everywhere I go to remain focused, like training, reading, gaming, working, nature whatever, and I don't bother turning my internet connection on during work, during daytime I barely respond to anything, maybe 2 messages max per...
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    Would You Consider This A Red Flag?

    My gf a few years back said that I was a much better person than she was. I didnt like it and soon enough she turns to be an emotional wreck and pretty dishonest so i dumped her. I think is basically the same thing as yours. Not a good sign.
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    Starting conversation and not giving attention paradox

    There isn't just one type of approach, we are all different and guys will swear that their method is the best.. find what suits your character the most and polish it. However, starting a converstation and giving too much attention are two different things. You can meet girls with your intention...
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    List your set in stone pinnacle top 10 turn-offs in a woman

    -deep voice -doesn't shave arm hair
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    The reason that makes a serious relationship unbearable to me are the continuous tasks

    It's biological. That's why men are different than women. If you respond to all of her attention seeking, she will quickly get bored and move away from you. That's why it must be this way if you are living together. You must make her realize she's never getting 100% of your attention or all of...