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    Your Looking At Too Many Mens Diks!

    hahah good job centering it!
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    Your Looking At Too Many Mens Diks!

    bro we can almost see your b*tt on your profile pic, please crop it :P
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    Your Looking At Too Many Mens Diks!

    Try bringing this up on a regular hangout with guys... They will stare at you like you are crazy. "But it's normal, it's just watching seks" I wish I could see a society without it. Wonder how different things would be, how men would be wired in another way.
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    Your Looking At Too Many Mens Diks!

    Now would you go as far as to stop watching p0rn to prevent that kind of "racism"? Also, would you call those types of *uckold videos where a weak white beta male has been forced to watch a black chad *uck his gf in front of him the anti-white racism? I've never seen it being vice versa.
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    Is being myself okay?

    this is your fourth thread in a few days bro.. chill.. instead of making new posts, search the forum and read, there are already answers to your questions out there.
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    Should I continue trying?

    He is too young. Everyone at that age used to daydream, fall in love, get butterflies in stomach when you see her, etc. I don't think big advices from here can help him much. It will go away with time and experience. I think he should actually try hard, get rejected or whatever happens, and then...
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    How to come back,is this a test???

    This is actually pretty fair from her side, at least she gave some reasons and with some dose of respect. Yes, you shouldn't have joked about the marriage thing. Got myself rejected last week by a quality chick that I worked on for some time. And I don't even know why. It sucks, but she...
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    How to Find a Long-Term Relationship During the Hectic Life of Graduate School

    Just don't. Literally can't think of any reason why it would be better to have a relationship in your current position than not to. Get yourself more busy and stop thinking about it.
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    If a chick doesnt text you "Happy new years!!"

    If you text her after midnight or even the next day it means you are lame, have nothing better to do and you didn't have a great new year's eve celebration. She should be left wondering how good was your party that you can't remember to text or use phone. At least go to bed at 11 pm, like i'm...
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    Hot Girl Demands Good Dinner For Date. Smash Or Pass?

    It doesn't have to look like a suspicious behavior since she is eastern european, but the problem is now you've already kinda said "no", to which she responded with "if you care about me you'd take me there", which means you are bending to her ultimatum. However, like i said, being from eastern...
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    Did not go well approaching a customer in the store.

    pretty bad lines... nothing funny, generic, maybe your body language was wrong, the moment was not spontaneous since you said you come to compliment her hat, etc... but then again, if she's a frail young woman even if you were henry cavill she could have been spooked. anyway, judging by her last...
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    Solve all your problems

    All jokes aside, there are kids somewhere right now who are excited about the idea and thankful to Elon Musk. It's hard to let it sink in.
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    eastern europe daygame

    You can have success with some of the women because of how different and bold you would appear (and because you are a tourist), but 90% of the time you will get rejected. Cold approach and one night stands are not so familiar here. If you plan on staying for a bit more then a few days than you...
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    What's your experience of girls with large Tattoos?

    bro is getting triggered by anyone who disagrees with him lol
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    My 5 Weeks No Fap, Semen Retention, Zero P0rn Journey!

    I dont know if others (women) can notice you being high-strung while on nofap, however, I think everyone can identify an addict who faps like 5 times a day. A total flegma behavior. But yeah, it definitely helps with everything you've mentioned. One of the areas i find it most impactful at is...
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    More attracted to cute women than hot women?

    I would seperate face and body when talking about cute. Her body can only be hot or not, but the face is where many nuances and variables come into play. She can have cute face, hot face, gorgeous face, but I can't be attracted to cute face without a hot body, even if I prefer it over hot and...
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    My best friend is flirting with my girlfriend and she subtly reciprocates

    I got angry just by reading this... Confront them both as soon as possible, especially and firstly your "best" friend.
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    Potential shot with a college crush

    Well it's bad if she is coming with a single friend, then she can't leave her, but if it's a group of friends she should not have trouble to leave them to spend the night with you. Just don't show too much investment.
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    Is once a day unreasonable?

    Maybe you dont have sexdaily, but dyslexia