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  1. Victory Unlimited

    Interest Level Scale

    Right now Troops, I'm at a point in my life where being able to decifer, designate, and determine a woman's interest level in ME has quickly become my most important mission. The time I spend acquiring and honing just THIS aspect of DJing will save me so much time, heartache, and money it...
  2. Victory Unlimited

    Negative Aspects of Girls Too Look For

    By far, I'd say THE most negative aspect of a ANY girl to look for is her lack of HIGH interest in YOU. Almost everything else is at least negotiable. But this fact IS NOT.
  3. Victory Unlimited

    Women have no respect for men anymore

    Good point DJF, But also, you have to admit that one of the main reasons why chicks dig the Justin Timberlakes and the Neyos is because they have Declared High Value. They are celebrities. They are in a position to demonstrate a form of EXCELLENCE to a wide range of females due to their...
  4. Victory Unlimited

    Should i ask her out?

    Yo, Unless the dude she's dating is a 400 pound bodybuilder or Bruce Lee, I say ask her out? Why? Because most girls with BFs think of them as nothing more than placekeepers. Many women just hold onto their current "lover" because they're waiting for the bigger, better deal. And...
  5. Victory Unlimited

    How to deal with girls' post-coital guilt/neediness...

    Hmmm, Yo Squirrels. I'm willing to bet that if this particular girl was ALL THAT to you, you wouldn't even be asking this question. Instead, you'd probably be asking "How do I MAKE her fall head over heels for me? And what's the FASTEST way I can make it happen?" And that's not a "flame"...
  6. Victory Unlimited

    Women have no respect for men anymore

    I agree. And to further back up what 00Kevin wrote, I advise every guy on here to consider the answer to this question based on your own observations: Out of a possible total of a 100%, How many guys do you know that are turned OFF by a woman being TOO nice to them as opposed to how many...
  7. Victory Unlimited

    SHE'S SO PERFECT... how do I deal with this?

    Yo Troops! Allow me to put on my Foote Homes Pimp hat for a few seconds: Never chase a Bytch that ain't chasin' you. Never show a Bytch higher interest than she is showin' you. Never beg a Bytch for a date when you KNOW she's actin' vague, comin' up wit' excuses, and obviously...
  8. Victory Unlimited

    Girls - arggghhh

    Yo Yendor, The stories you just shared could probably be repeated by all of us here. Sometimes I feel like a cop working vice. All I usually see is the seamy, seedy, disgusting, immoral sampling of human behavior (see---FEMALE). It has been HARD as HELL for me to give a random babe the...
  9. Victory Unlimited

    Veterans: Why are you here?

    I am relatively new here. Less than a year. But I ain't NEW to 'dis. Ya know what I'm sayin'? (spoken in my best early nineties Rap voice. lol) Before I came here, I was already well-studied in human relationship behavior. I am a guy who has actually written books on this subject. And...
  10. Victory Unlimited

    reversing LJBF?

    Very good point, Resilient. I never took the time to really look at it from the point of view you just offered. Yes, it would stand to reason that other than just being an Attention Whorre, some chicks actually ARE practicing plate spinning. And sometimes WE are the plates that THEY let...
  11. Victory Unlimited

    How to deal with girls' post-coital guilt/neediness...

    Yo Squirrels, If you want chicks JUST for sex only, and if you have the ability to identify these type chicks beforehand, then go after these chicks exclusively-----by giving off a sexual vibe and trying to hit it. If you want chicks who are looking for LTRs, and you have the abliity to...
  12. Victory Unlimited

    Mate Check

    YoTroops, I think this Mate Check thing is more of a way for a chick to get confirmation on what she already knows. I think most people know GOING IN how attractive they really are to their mate. Think about it. In most cases, the day you marry her, that's probably as attractive as she's...
  13. Victory Unlimited

    on control

    Another Bomb Ass post, Joekerr31! It was insightful, thoughtful, and totally devoid of the rancor, the uber macho posing, and the constant "You're an AFC!" accusations that USUALLY gets posted on here lately. lol The mindset you espouse reminds me of one of my favorite quotes from David...
  14. Victory Unlimited

    Ever Compare your "Conquests?"

    Yo DJD, Been there. Done that. And I find myself going back allmost every other I think you hit the nail right on the head. What you are experiencing is the effect of a GAP in quality plate spinning. It's a problem that I encounter more frequently than not. Since I've...
  15. Victory Unlimited

    Brother Karma is saying goodbye

    Best wishes Karma! Always keep it real, Bruh...
  16. Victory Unlimited

    How to balance the desire for sex and the desire for closeness?

    Yo Sikander, Blusher, and Slickster, Those were some GREAT posts. Very insightful. Lots of meat and NO garnish in the "plates" you guys just served. I find your takes on the concepts of "babe balance" to be very similar to the ones that I embrace. Though my success rates at practicing the...
  17. Victory Unlimited

    FWB situation

    Yo, a question for the HORNY one: If banging married chicks is so great, and you believe that nobody gets hurt by it, and that there's no positive or negative moral repercusions that comes from it... Then I wonder where your confusion, second thoughts, and feelings of guilt that made you...
  18. Victory Unlimited

    Where did I screw up? (practice)

    Yo Unorthodox, Here's a real answer for you: You actually didn't do ANYTHING wrong from my point of view. Sometimes an insincere bytch is just a bytch and that's the end of it. My experience these days with a lot of women in general, and especially with women online is that they...
  19. Victory Unlimited

    Self improvement and the emotional trigger

    Yo, Great post Jariel. This was timely advice that I needed to hear... Thanks.
  20. Victory Unlimited

    Hurting right now

    Yo PE, Good words of wisdom. Especially your last post hinting at the lurking hypocrisy hidden just underneath the surface of most guys' lifestyle. It's the whole Madonna/Whoare syndrome. Most of the time, the cost of having a sexually skilled woman is the knowledge that your's is NOT the...