ahhh excellent topic for discussion. let me dive in with some thoughts....
1) most people look at relationships like they look at a job. I need money to pay the rent hence i need a job. I need to feel valued (or that i have value) hence I need a relationship. Just like people stay in sh*tty jobs, they stay in sh*tty relationships. and if someone offers them a side contract to make a few bucks on the side, they'll take it. If someone offers them some temporary sense of heightened value, they'll take it.
these are the "weak" people in the world. they are ruled by the approval of others. the STRONG walk their path, completely uncaring as to how others live their lives - they live their life their way, and their sense of value comes from their own sense of self.
now 90% of the people in this world are horrible weak. sure, they've figured out the basics, how to spread their legs for a little attention, or how to get a chic drunk to bang her, etc. but these are not people who have any real character generally speaking. they tend to have a good run for a while, but eventually as time wears on they start to realize that for years they've basically simply stood still, doing the same empty thing over and over. this is usually when they panic and make even WORSE choices in life. haha.
2) find all that depressing? all these men and women who will sell their souls and screw anyone over for just a little attention and sense of value in the world? it's not.
It's only depressing if you think they are "winning". if you think that their actions have no ramifications and that they are just getting to live it up by their own rules and will die with a smile on their face.
If i thought that happened more than perhaps 1% of the time, I can tell you that I'd be honest about it. But i've seen it OVER adn OVER and OVER - they pay a HUGE price. the price they pay is that they are never able to truly connect with anyone. the price they paid, which they were too ignorant to see at the time, was that of self respect.
you see, the more they throw themselves out into the beds of others, the less they are able to genuinely share themselves with anyone else. so when that GREAT girl/guy comes along they aren't able to truly share with that person who they are, instead they must remain committed to a facade they put on.
and so they go through their entire lives sometimes unable to simply be comfortable in their own skin. by turning to others for a sense of value, they severly hamper their own ability to develop self value and self respect. I know many women in their 40s who are smoking hot for their age who in moments of drunken honesty will tell you that if they had it all to do over they would do it all completely different. its not until later in life, and hitting a few emotional walls, that they begin to realize that happiness, self respect, etc. come from within, not from the attention of the opposite sex. but they also know that the type of guy they wish they could have had wouldn't have been interested in a woman who had let 20 guys pound her.
3) but hey, maybe this is sitll all depressing right? I mean, maybe its better to just to just f*ck like a monkey instead of trying to find high quality women. I mean, better to have 50 conquests than walk away empty handed right?
that's like saying its better to work 50 sh*tty jobs as opposed to working hard to find the right one.
I mean, if you never find that dream job, so be it, but at least you can have self respect for trying. at least you knew what you wanted and tried to find it. there's nothing wrong with trying and failing. failing is never trying at all.
i know a lot (well a few) of women also in their 40s who never married, but are GREAT women and love their life. they would have liked to find the right guy, but it never happened. but their life is 100x better than a lot of the woman who had endless male attention - they are much happier all in all.
4) if there is one thing i have learned in life is that happiness is a function of your inner self. it has NOTHING to do with external variables (well, i'm assuming you aren't in jail getting *ss f*cked by some 400 pound black dude named Leroy). aside from extreme circumstances we all have the ability to be happy with nothing but our own sense of self.
this ride (life) is not free. you pay the price one way or another, and that price is determined by your behavior. don't be fooled by the mtv facade peopel put on, its easy to act like life is great. trust me though, get behind the mask of a 90% of folks out there and youll find that their inner self is an absolute total mess.
5) as to trust? i mean, isn't it depressing to live in a world where 90%+ of the people are f*cked to high heaven and do utterly idiotic things? not really.
personally i say thank God for the idiots. Thank god people sabatoge themselves, makes it easier for me to make 6 figures. thank god a lot of guys out there who don't know how to treat a woman right, just makes it all the more easy for me to be seen as the prize. Thank god there are a ton of sluts in the world who spread em wide for any guy that comes their way - they make it easy to spot whether im dealing with a quality woman or not.
6) ah, but none of this really makes me feel better you might say. i'll tell you why. because you have to be able to SPOT all of this in your daily life. I know a million guys who blind themselves to the fact they are dealing with a slut. they fall head over heels for a woman that isn't showing the right behaviors or signs that shes a high quality woman.
in life you have to KNOW the signs of a GOOD man or woman. once you know them life is easy. You trust the 10% who are good, and you realize that you're dealing with wild hairless monkies for the other 90%.
the tricky thing with this though is that to be able to SPOT the good you have to become one of them
anyway, my long ramble short - there's no easy outs in life. every short cut has a price.
personally i believe that the ONLY thing you die with that is of any value in this life is your self respect. and no matter what you convince others of, you will know whether you managed to keep it during life.
but then again, i tend to ramble about greater life philosophy as opposed to DJ tactics as i believe too many guys are wanting to bang chics because they think it will make them happier - when in reality i believe thatn first make yourself happier and then everythign will fall into place.
and if all of my above logic fails, you can take hte minimilist approach. you could be a 8 year old african kid with aids starving to death.
don't worry to much about the debauchery others engage in. your life is YOUR life. you can do whatever you want with it - ignroe the world and enjoy your time here, trust me, it ain't very long.
you know, i love women as much as the next guy, but i gotta tell you, i get just as much of a pump and feel good vibe from lifting weights as i do from screwing women. there are LOTS of things in life that will make you feel just as good as screwing a woman.
so there are LOTS of things to occupy your time between quality women.
anyway, not sure this post said anything profound, but felt like rambling