Call_Me_Daddy said:
Why do you post here?
I would like to know: Why bother?
Someone's gotta unplug chumps from the Matrix.
Want to know what my problem is?
My problem is living in a world teeming with grown boys who've become so conditioned to believing that anything remotely masculine is to be ridiculed, villified and subdued until they have no concept of what it truly entails much less pass off even the possibility that it could be something positive and attractive.
My problem is when a personal, AFC friend swallows a bullet because he literally "can't live without" the girlfriend who left him.
My problem is when a 65 y.o. AFC cries in my lap during a counseling session about how he's been consistently blackmailed with his wife's intimacy for the past 20 years of their marriage and wont man-up for fear of losing her.
My problem is talking a close friend out of killing the wife he married at 19 and the man she's cheatied on him with in the parking lot of the motel he's spent all night tracking her down to find with their 3 children crying in the backseat of their minivan at 4am.
My problem is civily sitting down to Thanksgiving dinner with a sister-in-law and the new millionaire husband she married just 8 months after her former AFC husband of 20 years hung himself from a tree when she decided "he wasn't the ONE" for her. My problem is staring at the brand new t_its she bought herself with the money he busted his ass for just 3 months after he was in the ground. My problem is emphatically teaching my 22 y.o. nephew how not to be the AFC his father was, while pointing out the behaviors of his vulgarly opportunistic mother.
My problem is watching my father, though decaying from alzheimers, still playing out the Savior Methodology in an effort to get laid that he's thought should work for his entire life at 68 y.o. My problem is watching him feebley default to a behavior that obsessively motivated him to succeed until he was forced into early retirement at 53 and his 2nd wife left him promptly after that.
My problem is consoling a good friend who's fathered 3 daughters with 2 wives and is being emotionally manipulated by his 3rd (another single mommie BTW), who's become so despondent that he dreads going home from work to deal with his personal situation and wait's with anticipation for the weekend to be over.
My problem is counseling a guy who thought the best way to separate himself from "other guys" was to be 'chivalrous' and date a single mommie with 3 children from 2 different fathers, only to knock her up for a fourth kid and marry her because "it was the right thing to do."
My problem is dealing with a 17 y.o. girl who'd just witnessed her new boyfriend being stabbed 30+ times by her old boyfriend because "she was his soulmate" and "would rather live in jail without her than see her with that guy."
My problem is trying to explain to 'Modern Women' that - after almost 10 years of marriage, my wife could still model swimwear and confidently respects my judgement and decisions as a Man - I didn't achieve this by being a domineering, 1950's caveman-chauvinist who's crushed her spirit, but that it is a strict understanding and adhereance to living a positively masculine role.
And my greatest fear is seeing 14 y.o. AFC Symps all ready to sacrifice themselves wholesale to this pitiful, mass-media fueled, pop-culture endorsed, idealized and feminized notion of romantic/soulmate mythology, all because some other AFCs trapped in the same quicksand they are, are affirming and co-enabling each other to further their own sinking and spred this disease to other AFCs. It's infectuous, and complacency, like misery, loves company. My fear is that I'm only one Man, and I can't possibly be enough to kick these guys in the ass like their AFC fathers were unable or unwilling to do.
That's why I post here.