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  1. A

    Homoseuxality is natural

    Re: On hormones, confirmed by studies already, ENOUGH exposure to any hormone alters the external results. So, boys become boys through the emergence of testosterone. However, levels differ, based on the genetics of the mother, what she eats, and so forth. Women who already have very high...
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    she's naked! ...any surprises?

    Only once or twice. Girl 1, I had been with a few times before and we'd taken a break. We resume hanging after a 6 month lay off and I come to find out her landing strip became infested with grass and weeds. In the light, a bush isn't gross, because you get the full view of her body, her tits...
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    i feel like an idiot

    Re: Go at her full bore, bust her balls, and say "What, were you so drunk as to not remember our romantic trist the other night?" Call HER out. So what? She was drunk So what? You called the day after So what? You texted Man up, fvck what happened and do what you want...
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    Purpose of School?

    Re: College has been sold to the masses. As mentioned before College was an EXTREMELY great bargain in the early 1900's when... Degree candidates made 10x what Non-degree candidates made. The going rate of wages back then was... Degrees $3000/yr Nondegrees $300/yr Even...
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    Purpose of School?

    Re: Rising malpractice rates, the threat of lawsuits, and the hand of government regulation as hospitals lack proper staffing of nurses doesn't bode well for a profession so idolized by many as "respectable." Sure, they make some coin, great coin if you're a specialist or a surgeon, but at...
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    Purpose of School?

    WholeHeartedlyAgree. The schooling system is a factory. It churns out drones and docile cows that go along like 95% of the masses to the SAME ULTIMATE END. View it from a macroeconomic view... 95% of America is trapped in some way financially, bound to the same ball and chain, ALL...
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    Hobbies of a girl

    Re: It's not hobbies, but emotions they seek. Consider anything a girl does compared to what a guy does. Men are INTERNALLY stirred up by their own personal emotions. You can't always seem them, but their results speak otherwise. A guy who builds something with his bear hands MAY appear...
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    Final Discussion: *****s

    Riddle me This. A wise man once said... When you stick your finger in your ear, which feels betters, your Ear or your Finger? Generally the Ear does. Keeping that analogy in mind...women get more PLEASURE from sex because you're really filling and refilling that hole from a...
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    A Skinny 6 is Really an 8. Keeper Material.

    Re: We rational - LIES why a woman's a bytch by stating that she must have purported bytch shields to deflect time wasters and properly find a good suitor? Please. When did women ever make a logical decision. And how can one say being a d-bag to most men is merely her filtering device...
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    You want anarchy, a$$hole?

    Re: How amusing it is to see the one thing he loathes so much as you stated, is the one thing that enabled him to seemingly prove his point. I guess it is true, that that which we hate, fear, or loathe, we become, as its what we focus on that we become. A-Unit
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    Self - Destruction

    SELF DESTRUCTION the act of destroying oneself. So often time is spent in SELF - IMPROVEMENT trying to build up something of who even knows what? What are you building upon? Would you build your new mansion upon loose soil? Would you place your dream home upon ANY OLD PLOT of...
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    Anyone ever take a Real Social Dynamics seminar/workshop?

    Re: This is where the def. of a '10' comes in. Did you see her in house of wax? If you doggy fvcked her, her ass bones would cut your thighs. Her eyes look like she's perpetually high, and she's skinny as a twig. The cameras are flattering to her. Not to mention, when you're...
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    Don Juans are birds, and why women want them in their cage

    Re: One can write all the idealistic blurbs they like until their hearts are content and their mind's weary, but it still won't change things. Nor does declaring this to an online community, 99.99% of whom has never met each other, and of which for all 1 knows, some are transexuals...
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    Why do guys want to get married?

    Re: First off...who cares about kids if the woman is promiscuous? Marriage IS NOT about kids. I'd rather see 2 hippy like in love people come together and raise kids in safe, positive environment than 2 miserable HUMAN beings get together under the guise of marriage, THINKING it means something...
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    Why do guys want to get married?

    Re: As a follow up... I think it's sad men are expected to work hard, get ahead, have a lofty position in the world and numerous connections, be able to handle a family and the responsibilities, yet the FEW things a man desires in a woman are haplessly spent IN COLLEGE amongst many men...
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    Why do guys want to get married?

    Re: The reason marriage is invaluable to a man today is because a woman has already SPENT her great assets elsewhere. On the other hand, the assets a man brings to the table are still in tact, and in fact, appreciate as time goes on...most notably.. -age -maturity -wealth -wisdom...
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    Sex Secrets That Aren't A Secret.

    Part II Progressive Tantalization... First off, the easiest way to lead yourself to great and easy sex is to focus on girls/women you have natural rapport with. [I say easy, which has many connotations, but I mean effortless, as in, no techniques consciously contrived]. In the...
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    "what do you do on the weekend"

    Here's where... Congruency comes into play. I wanted to reference the appropriate person, but I think 'Master' sum it up right. Ya'll guys w/out answers don't need answers, you need better questions. You need to work on your temple, and your temple is your life...
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    Sex Secrets That Aren't A Secret.

    Re: In the process as we speak. I've been bringing together some info of experiences that yield results, not just mere theory. A-Unit
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    Can we change an "independent" womans mind?

    Re: Enablers. It's purely MENTAL that girls feel that way. It's subliminal programming. YES, ladies we know you can make money AND spend it, but... Can you manage it? Do you know anything about investing or retirement? Can you buy a house? Can you take care of a house inside AND...