First off...who cares about kids if the woman is promiscuous? Marriage IS NOT about kids. I'd rather see 2 hippy like in love people come together and raise kids in safe, positive environment than 2 miserable HUMAN beings get together under the guise of marriage, THINKING it means something when it doesn't.
MARRIAGE was about compromise, values, coming together exchange. Marriage exists on 2 plains. Legal and spiritual. Women, generally imagine it to be spiritual, but by the time it comes due to experience and enjoy it, they're spiritually bankrupt. Legally, we get screwed. As it represents a contract we most honor, we bring to the table the requisites to make marriage work as we have for millenia. Yet, on their side of the table, women come with nothing.
Some come knowing how to cook and offer to care for the house, and like a car comes with an engine, every woman has the capacity to have kids. The question is, can she actually raise them rather than JUST BEAR them on to the world of public education, mass media and day care centers??
Call me a cynic, but most guys ACCEPT wives with a sordid past as if such things were necessary to achieve love and marriage. I believe that the MORE sex you have, the MORE relationships you have, the MORE cavalier and casual you are about such things. A person who has had mucho sex, isn't going to care about it under marriage as much. How spell can THE WEDDING NIGHT BE? Odds are you've seen better langerie on strippers. And you've already done EVERY deed with your wife, because of the TRY BEFORE YOU BUY IT theory.
The societal beliefs of testing the water run right smack dab into the face of marriage. They're contradictory. Yes, marriage speaks of committment and caring, but when 1 party already comes to the table INDEFAULT of their obligations, do you honestly think the other party WILL NOT DEFAULT??
A man who has worked his tail off for a beautiful wife, and loving family will continue to do so until he dies. On the other hand, a husband with an impure wife, will just see her as a wife, the woman he had before, and easily replaceable like a maniquin, since there's 1,000 other women with her resume in the dating world.
Marriages aren't failing because of other reasons, it's the theory of feminism prior to marriage that women partake in like some LAST MINUTE HURRAH. Then, they get married and try to BE MARRIED, but MAINTAIN THEIR sense of VALUES about feminism. All this hippy hooplah of PC Correctness has done nothing to aid in such systems. Marriage isn't bad. NO system is. Only the users are bad. If the people entering it are bad, the results can only be bad. It isn't like it will make it any better if you go in bad and hope to come out wonderful.
How many woman endlessly chase corporate careers, but in reality, 95% of them lack the talent, drive and interest to persue it? I know of many girls at IVY league schools that lack on the abilities to see themselves through to a grade school teaching position. This isn't a knock...but if you ask them what they during their daily activities, they're TANNING, DOING THEIR NAILS, READING COSMO, LISTENING TO MUSIC, HANGING WITH THEIR FRIENDS, SHOPPING, and maybe cooking or cleaning.
What are boys doing? PLAYING SPORTS, READING, MAKING MONEY, HUSTLING, FIXING CARS, BUILDING THINGS, FIGHTING EACH OTHER, PLAYING IN MUSIC BANDS AT 13. In each sex, there will be anomalies, but by and large, THIS is the trends, and THIS is why a divorce rate of 50% exists, because women continue heading to college, throwing themselves off a cliff like lemmings, when they're only exacerbating the problem.
I read an article on how Harvard wants to try and encourage women to enter science with grants and are going to pony up 50million bucks to entice them to do it. 50 MILLION!!!! Fvck give that money to the poor, put it in social security, or even fund a stupid program to teach common sense to the Government so they stop wasting money on shyty agendas that only degrade what is left of society. BUT don't invest in a program BASED on solely trying to diversify the SEX! If women want sciences, let them go for it. If men want to be a nurse, PAY for it. Can you not see the agenda in the public to rip people apart? TO change things? Is it wrong if women don't want to do science? Men naturally gravitate toward sciences, we found it interesting, if women do, let them GO FIND IT! Don't just throw money out the window HOPING to change DEMOGRAPHICS...and FOR WHAT? Are they better at sciences and just not telling us???
Probably not. Expand their job opporunities and you have less women at home. Less women at home, you have less parental supervision, you have less marital stability, and less interest in marriage. The home life degenerates, populations fall, and people BUY things just to feel fulfilled. YOu become controlled by outside THINGS.