Why do guys want to get married?


Don Juan
Apr 6, 2005
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So what's the benefit for US? We offer what we have, they offer nothing! They left it ALL behind!
The benefit for us (men) is huge if you desire to have kids. If you don't want kids, don't get married. I can't figure out what is "left behind". Are you saying that the college graduate you speak of is unable to care for you? Or her sex is not good anymore? If she is a more experience person, that is probably a benefit. If she has 3 kids from 3 different men that she is no longer with, run like hell and don't even date her!


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
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New York
Re: Because devils advocacy is what I do.

Originally posted by PRMoon
Hmmm I see alot of people hating on marriage here... so ofcourse I have to take it upon myself to show you the other side of why marriage would and is benifical for men. Some of the breif reasons some of you cited for marriage are way off.

1. Health
Married people across cultures tend to live longer then unmarried people...that's not to say how happy they are but the fact remains.

Married people have a lower rate of alcoholism. Single men are 3 times more likely to die of cirrhosis of the liver then married men...I can't see how this would be true but by the numbers it is nonetheless.

Married people have a lower suicide rate then unmarried people. Living in a family unit creates an integrating effect on its members which acts as a suicde deterent...I guess if you have kids and what not you want to live for them.

Married people have less illness, accidents, murder and are less likely to die from heart disease, cancer, stroke, accidents and murder... Again not my opinion but the numbers don't lie.

No part of the unmarried sector, nevermarried, separated, divorced, or widowed reported being as gratified by life as the married sector.

Married people have a loneliness rate of 4.6% as compared to nevermarried at 14.5% divorced 20.4% widowed 20.6% and separated at 29.6% This particular survey randomly sampled 20 states to come up with these numbers.
Married people have a lower rate of depression... I guess this goes hand in hand with the suicde thing.

Married people tend to be more motivated at work... god knows I wouldn't.

Married people have more sex and enjoy it more physically and emitonally then their counterparts... I wonder if the wives held guns to their husbands heads after being asked this question?

3. Economic
Married people have higher incomes then single people...well duh, two people working vs one person.

Married people tend to be more finacially responsible out of obligations to one another. Meaning if the husband can repair cars and the wife can sew, they can save money on car repairs and clothing... but honey I thought I could win that poker game!!

Hmmm the list of economic benifits of marriage is actually to long for me to post on this board. If you want to know more about it go to any government site pretaining to the economy or social services and see for yourself

Someone said if your wife was rich and you two got divorced that you wouldn't be reciving half of her assets?! Thats 100% false, depending on the circumstances. Infadelity for a woman is exactly the same as it would be for a man. Unless you foolishly signed some prenuptual or postnuptual agreement you're entitled to half of her estate as she would be yours if the situation was reversed. If you had kids you could still file for child support as well.

Some of you are probably saying that Divorced and separated are byproducts of failed marriages and reasons as why you shouldn't get involved. But from what I've read (inspired by your colorful thoughts on why marriage is a bad Idea) working to make a marriage work could be one of the best decisions of your lives if you're not to lazy to put in the effort to make it work. Sometimes it might even mean thinking outside the box, which I know is hard for just about anybody, myself included. But before you all jump to conclusions about marriage, you should really open your mind to it and be honest with yourself when weighing the options.
I may very well get married.


All of those stats are almost definitely based on a comparison between singles and married people... NOT married people and people that live together without a marriage contract.

That's just to say that if you're able to commit without the contract, you might still get those benefits. Good luck on that though, lol


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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First off...who cares about kids if the woman is promiscuous? Marriage IS NOT about kids. I'd rather see 2 hippy like in love people come together and raise kids in safe, positive environment than 2 miserable HUMAN beings get together under the guise of marriage, THINKING it means something when it doesn't.

MARRIAGE was about compromise, values, coming together exchange. Marriage exists on 2 plains. Legal and spiritual. Women, generally imagine it to be spiritual, but by the time it comes due to experience and enjoy it, they're spiritually bankrupt. Legally, we get screwed. As it represents a contract we most honor, we bring to the table the requisites to make marriage work as we have for millenia. Yet, on their side of the table, women come with nothing.

Some come knowing how to cook and offer to care for the house, and like a car comes with an engine, every woman has the capacity to have kids. The question is, can she actually raise them rather than JUST BEAR them on to the world of public education, mass media and day care centers??

Call me a cynic, but most guys ACCEPT wives with a sordid past as if such things were necessary to achieve love and marriage. I believe that the MORE sex you have, the MORE relationships you have, the MORE cavalier and casual you are about such things. A person who has had mucho sex, isn't going to care about it under marriage as much. How spell can THE WEDDING NIGHT BE? Odds are you've seen better langerie on strippers. And you've already done EVERY deed with your wife, because of the TRY BEFORE YOU BUY IT theory.

The societal beliefs of testing the water run right smack dab into the face of marriage. They're contradictory. Yes, marriage speaks of committment and caring, but when 1 party already comes to the table INDEFAULT of their obligations, do you honestly think the other party WILL NOT DEFAULT??

A man who has worked his tail off for a beautiful wife, and loving family will continue to do so until he dies. On the other hand, a husband with an impure wife, will just see her as a wife, the woman he had before, and easily replaceable like a maniquin, since there's 1,000 other women with her resume in the dating world.

Marriages aren't failing because of other reasons, it's the theory of feminism prior to marriage that women partake in like some LAST MINUTE HURRAH. Then, they get married and try to BE MARRIED, but MAINTAIN THEIR sense of VALUES about feminism. All this hippy hooplah of PC Correctness has done nothing to aid in such systems. Marriage isn't bad. NO system is. Only the users are bad. If the people entering it are bad, the results can only be bad. It isn't like it will make it any better if you go in bad and hope to come out wonderful.

How many woman endlessly chase corporate careers, but in reality, 95% of them lack the talent, drive and interest to persue it? I know of many girls at IVY league schools that lack on the abilities to see themselves through to a grade school teaching position. This isn't a knock...but if you ask them what they during their daily activities, they're TANNING, DOING THEIR NAILS, READING COSMO, LISTENING TO MUSIC, HANGING WITH THEIR FRIENDS, SHOPPING, and maybe cooking or cleaning.

What are boys doing? PLAYING SPORTS, READING, MAKING MONEY, HUSTLING, FIXING CARS, BUILDING THINGS, FIGHTING EACH OTHER, PLAYING IN MUSIC BANDS AT 13. In each sex, there will be anomalies, but by and large, THIS is the trends, and THIS is why a divorce rate of 50% exists, because women continue heading to college, throwing themselves off a cliff like lemmings, when they're only exacerbating the problem.

I read an article on how Harvard wants to try and encourage women to enter science with grants and are going to pony up 50million bucks to entice them to do it. 50 MILLION!!!! Fvck give that money to the poor, put it in social security, or even fund a stupid program to teach common sense to the Government so they stop wasting money on shyty agendas that only degrade what is left of society. BUT don't invest in a program BASED on solely trying to diversify the SEX! If women want sciences, let them go for it. If men want to be a nurse, PAY for it. Can you not see the agenda in the public to rip people apart? TO change things? Is it wrong if women don't want to do science? Men naturally gravitate toward sciences, we found it interesting, if women do, let them GO FIND IT! Don't just throw money out the window HOPING to change DEMOGRAPHICS...and FOR WHAT? Are they better at sciences and just not telling us???

Probably not. Expand their job opporunities and you have less women at home. Less women at home, you have less parental supervision, you have less marital stability, and less interest in marriage. The home life degenerates, populations fall, and people BUY things just to feel fulfilled. YOu become controlled by outside THINGS.



Senior Don Juan
Oct 11, 2003
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One guy on here says this:

1. Health
Married people across cultures tend to live longer then unmarried people...that's not to say how happy they are but the fact remains.

Married people have a lower rate of alcoholism. Single men are 3 times more likely to die of cirrhosis of the liver then married men...I can't see how this would be true but by the numbers it is nonetheless.

Umm. excuse me, but I'd rather be happy and alone than married, unhappy, but maybe a bit more healthy. Doesnt your mental health contribute to overall health? Therefore being happy is important.
Lower alcoholism? Sure, maybe. But dont you think the wives nag their husbands about drinking that the guy has to quit. Sure, it may be better for his health, but its not what he wants to do. He has thus just given up something he enjoys. Also, single guys are going to go out drinking more to have fun, meet women, and unwind. Wives, of course, change all this.

Then he goes on to say;

"Married people have more sex and enjoy it more physically and emitonally then their counterparts... "

Uhh, I bet that is to the contrary. Enjoy it more? That is a subjective answer! If they like it more, why so much marriage counseling? I can guarantee that single guys that seek sex will get more over a course of the year than a married man will. marriage doesnt guarantee more sex, almost guarantees less! And who is to say it is 'better' when you are married.

And it continues...

Married people have higher incomes then single people...well duh, two people working vs one person.

Married people tend to be more finacially responsible out of obligations to one another."

Sure you have more of a combined income, but where is that money going? Not to you, bub. It's going to the wive, her stuff, payments, kids, bills.

If you are single it all goes to YOU. You have final say where it goes, how much, and how often. Not the case when married.

Also men make more money. So you could be single and make 50,000 dollars a year. Great. And you could be married and both combined incomes is 80,000 dollars. Well, now if you split it equal, your income is only at 40,000 dollars and you still have to spend it on what she wants, and the kids if you have any.

Not saying marriage is bad. But unless you want kids, you can have an exclusive relationship without getting married.

No one here is bashing loving monogamous relationships, its just that you dont need to have a legal document to make it official. That is just stupid.

People are getting married for all the wrong reasons and and way to early of an age. If people are going to marry do it after 35.

It doesn't matter how good-looking you are, how romantic you are, how funny you are... or anything else. If she doesn't have something INVESTED in you and the relationship, preferably quite a LOT invested, she'll dump you, without even the slightest hesitation, as soon as someone a little more "interesting" comes along.

Quote taken from The SoSuave Guide to Women and Dating, which you can read for FREE.


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2003
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Originally posted by Scought
One guy on here says this:

Umm. excuse me, but I'd rather be happy and alone than married, unhappy, but maybe a bit more healthy. Doesnt your mental health contribute to overall health? Therefore being happy is important.
Lower alcoholism? Sure, maybe. But dont you think the wives nag their husbands about drinking that the guy has to quit. Sure, it may be better for his health, but its not what he wants to do. He has thus just given up something he enjoys. Also, single guys are going to go out drinking more to have fun, meet women, and unwind. Wives, of course, change all this.

Uhh, I bet that is to the contrary. Enjoy it more? That is a subjective answer! If they like it more, why so much marriage counseling? I can guarantee that single guys that seek sex will get more over a course of the year than a married man will. marriage doesnt guarantee more sex, almost guarantees less! And who is to say it is 'better' when you are married.

Sure you have more of a combined income, but where is that money going? Not to you, bub. It's going to the wive, her stuff, payments, kids, bills.

If you are single it all goes to YOU. You have final say where it goes, how much, and how often. Not the case when married.

Also men make more money. So you could be single and make 50,000 dollars a year. Great. And you could be married and both combined incomes is 80,000 dollars. Well, now if you split it equal, your income is only at 40,000 dollars and you still have to spend it on what she wants, and the kids if you have any.

Not saying marriage is bad. But unless you want kids, you can have an exclusive relationship without getting married.

No one here is bashing loving monogamous relationships, its just that you dont need to have a legal document to make it official. That is just stupid.

People are getting married for all the wrong reasons and and way to early of an age. If people are going to marry do it after 35.
The information I provided was not based on my own opinion. It was pirated from a written studies from health sites and sociological studies. The fact is OVERALL marriage puts people in a SUCESSFUL marriage in a better state of mind which is why they live longer and are overall more happy then people who aren't married. People go to counseling because they want to make their marriage work, not giving up on a relationship that they've put so much time and effort into with someone they love.

I also addressed mental health too in my post as well didn't I? If not I'll just say it (again maybe) that married couples have significantly less depression and are overall happier about their lives. I think I said that but some how you must have missed it, though I'm pretty sure I put in the statistics stating that married people were overall 10% happier then single people.

The quesition asked about sexual gradifcation was done in a scientific statistacal matter. Just becuase YOU personally think it's subjective means very little. The questions pretaining to sex were done on a ratings scale and married people rated their sex consistantly on a higher basis then single people did. That means when single men were asked about their sex life they rated it lower, overall, then married people rated theirs.

For money no one said where the money was going was the issue of concern. Again overall they have more money and also according to the studies they are more happy with their lives, so where the money goes isn't really a concern of theirs. The studies show that married people are less selfish then single people as well which is why you can't get your (and I for that matter) find it so easy to say it's dispropotional because we don't have familys of our own. We aren't in the sharing state of mind because we don't have that same family cohesion.

Also if you're living with someone then why not get married? You get significant family benifits on insurance, tax benifits and what not just by signing a stupid legal document. Buisnesses and the government (in the US anyway) give out all kinds of rewards for married couples.

That's not to say that you're not correct about the last statment you made though. People do get married for the wrong reasons these days. But it's not necessarily their fault either. Times and people change constantly. Since the divorce rate is 50% in this country you may have to marry more then once for reasons that are completely out of your control. You could be competely in love with someone at 18 or 50 and that person could still leave you. What I presented to the board is that there are significant benfits to getting married so don't be so quick to write it off before you know all of the details.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
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New York
Of course, it might just be that more miserable, less successful people tend not to get married.
Nov 6, 2003
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Wisconsin. USA
I was on the roof of my house and I heard a thunderous voice cry out from heaven, “Go, get down from the roof, for your children have gone astray and are being deceived with falsehoods, and are taking part in all manner of evil!!!”

Men seek the feminine nature of a woman because she is our complementary nature and we seek that which will fulfill our existence and which is purposeful. As electricity can only be functionally used when there is a joining of forces – you need a plug (conductor) of electricity and a receptacle outlet (source) from where the electricity is derived – so it is with the nature of the male and female.

There is no function to be gained from two men (two plugs), as there is no functional power generated with two females (two outlets). You see, what we have here is “POTENTIAL” - but if the plug and outlet never join forces to realize this potential then what good and functional gain can be derived from their separate existence? NOTHING!!

So you have a lot of natural electrical potential energy waiting to be harnessed but the parts and mechanisms to harness this power never meet for their INTENDED purpose then you have UNREALIZED potential and no power.

This scenario of the plug and receptacle outlet never meeting is ridiculous – you would say, “Why would keep them separate and use them for their intended purpose? And then you would have a dumbfounded look on your face!!

So it is with the male and female natures!!!!!!

Somehow, in our modern age, with our “advanced” thinking, we have lost sight of our intended purpose as man and woman, and many of us humans do ‘not’ see this unnatural existence of artificial separation as something strange or out of place and a huge waste of potential!

Actually many applaud this unnatural state of separation and take pride and delight in not joining forces because they see UNION as something that no longer has potential and thus nothing can be functionally gained from joining forces, or worse yet, you’ll be destroyed if such natural forces unite!!!

For us as humans to feel disdain for doing that which is natural and good and to purposely not realize this great natural mass potential, tells us that there are corruptive forces at work to makes us adopt an artificial man-made thinking and function!!

The hor and homo agenda is in full effect and in charge leading this corrupt Agenda!!!

When you speak of “Marriage” you speak that as a man who adheres to man-made laws and goes to the courthouse and pays a stranger a fee and gets a license and is bounded by the laws of the state as adjudicated by the courts etc.

I speak of the divine NATURAL UNION of the male and female complementary natures!!!

DON”T mistake the divine for the man-made - this is where you error in thinking and perspective and become blinded to the natural order of things!!!


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2002
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I cant believe im reading this stuff about virgins? its 2005 isnt it? not 1920 fa fuxs sake........make no wonder north american chicks are so fvcked up with these **** head attitudes....hope its not a sign of things to come on sosuave or im off to oprah.com......