Sex Secrets That Aren't A Secret.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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Women vary in their sexual intesities like hot wings vary at Hooters. From Mild to 911 to Atomic to 4 alarm fire. Before I hit specifics, there's some "basics" we need to touch upon.

A technique, a tip, does nothing if the underlying attitude and philosophy is "off". What do I mean? Well, for instance, in investing, if you were provided a stock tip to make money, and you were a spend thrift deep in debt, the tip useless. Moreover, if the stock tip didn't perform as expected, the financial loss you could experience would be so bad as to potentially bankrupt you. So we must lay a solid foundation.

The first understanding we must grasp is that women find aggressiveness and control sexy. That means, if you pick the position, if you take charge, she finds that as HOT as any technique.

Women are like cats.

Ever see a cat in heat? They rub their asses on everything. They can't get enough of that rubbing feeling until it's GONE. It's like when you have an itch, the more you rub, the more it feels good, until it's completely gone. When you're rubbing the itch, SLOW rubbing is just a tease. It's the FAST, HARD rubbing that inevitable gives you the pleasure you seek. So as an analogy, picture a cat and/or itching.

Some theory and philosophy...

Men seek sex with women for their femininity. We seek to dominate physically, while she does so emotionally. One must play the feminine role, one must play the masculine role. A woman enjoys sex with a man for all the reason she WOULD NOT with a woman.

-he takes charge and fills those empty spaces
-he cares about her achieving pleasure and ASKS
-when he does things he communicates them sexually
-he knows sex is all about the PLACES she doesn't touch or know about

Tip: If you're a bit dirtier than her, it's a turn on. If you're a level above her, the "Slut factor" disolves and she is free to express herself without being WORSE than you.


My only take on good sex is gets better with time. A friendship with someone new, evolves, and gets better over time. The memories you have with friends are BETTER over a longer period of time because CRAZIER things happen and you have TRUST. In a short-time frame, it's possible but NOT likely to have the best sexual experiences. Basically, each woman is like undiscovered territory and some women will like 1 thing, and some won't. Some will ***, some won't. Personally, the best sex I have comes from being with someone over a long period of time, and someone THAT CARES. Why? Because I know that the things we do together haven't been done with someone else, so they're special meaningful, and unique TO ME.

So with that said...


Books to get on this topic that provide some insight...

-David Shades Manual
-How to Drive your Woman Wild in Bed
-365 Days of Positions

Also, I've read some metaphysical and spiritual manuals on sex, such as The Book of Secrets, which talks alot about sex in a communicative, energy type way and REALLY gotten a girl to get hitched.

The Intro

One thing I've learned in Sales, it's "ASSUME THE SALE." If you do so, all actions line up in accordance with your goal. If you DO NOT, then you still feel you have to MAKE the sale, THEN concentrate on the sex parts of WHAT DO I DO?

In sex terms, this means, ASSUME she is spending time with you because YOU ARE NOT IN THE FRIEND CATEGORY yet and act HOW YOU WANT TO ACT. Don't READ her actions...give her YOUR'S to read. If there's on mistake I got over, and several I see people making, it's not giving her the action. If you're reading HER'S, and she's reading your's, is ANY progress being made?

Thought not.

Put your hand at the small of her back as you open the door to the restaurant or your car/truck. Guide her in this way. Guide her into the seat wherever you are. Or even at the barstool.

[Some might say chilvary is dead, but don't buy the feminist propaganda of a NEW INDEPENDENT woman who wants to open her own doors. Do you really want a girl who's so un-feminine? Personally I don't, so if a girl rebukes these advances, I've already gotten ready to next her]

From the minute you've picked her up or seen her, you jump right into Kinoing, because IT'S NORMAL and RIGHT. Not because it works. BUT BECAUSE ITS NORMAL. If a girl didn't want to get felt up, or get laid, or get touched, she'd stay home with a dildo, or find a male-tampon friend to bond with. However, she went out with you, she'd at LEAST like some touching unless you're repulsive. SO REALIZE, INGRAIN, and IMBED that it's NATURAL TO TOUCH. Forget that kiddie training of NO TOUCHING. TOUCH EVERYTHING.

Progressive Tantalization I

It's my coined term for escalating a relationship. Each date night should be this one main theme. Maybe you don't f-close for a few months, but each time you get together, make it hotter. Vary something. Vary the music. Vary the lights. The scenery. How long you kiss for.

You've kinoed. The door is open for the next PT - Action Item, kissing. Once you've touched the small of her back, you can throw your arms around her at the movies, dance dirty, whatever. It's that initial touch that communicates who you are. If you do it without hestitation and boldly, she'll see you as a guy comfortable in your skin. If not, she'll think you need approval or signals from her to do so. Bad. Bad. Bad.

To kiss or not to kiss...that is the question.

This is purely your choice. Really. Don't do it if you don't want to see her, unless you're trying to get action and don't care about liking her or not. A date I'd gone on awhile ago with a girl I met on business turned out badly and I would not have kissed her, had she not jumped me first. We'd been sitting there watching TV and I was getting along better with her roomies than her. She was fine, but a major smoker and pot smoker, both turnoffs when it comes to kissing. Her tongue was nice and soft, but kissing is something "romantic" in my view, and to do so with someone you don't really know or like is boring.

My rule of thumb on dates is to just do it. There's no psychology. No sign. Nothing. Perhaps the ultimate worst time I ever did happened like this...

I was introduced to a tall girl, about 5'9", who had to date guys into Baseball and Tall. I'm about 6ft in boots, by 5'10" in shoes. The minute I was given this blind date's number I was laughing because she had to have someone so particular I was like "I'm gonna f this up, watch." So we went on a date. I voted for coffee, because she lived an hour from me, I didn't want to drive buzzed, and wanted to leave if I didn't like her. Plus I was 24, and she was 27, so I knew I wouldn't like her. For the sake of friends, I went. We went to a cozy bar, drink a bit, got pretty tipsy, and had an ok outside Boston. For some reason, all she heard the whole night was me busting on her height; everything else went over her head. I still kissed her, kinoed, whatever, but the report back to my friend was "He made so much fun of the height thing." I never heard from her again.

So can you kiss anytime? Yes. Should you? Yes. The worst thing to happen is to NOT kiss and want to see her again. There's been some women I never did for months and months for no real reason, but we had great chemistry and it worked out. Some, need to right away. Bottom line, just do it. Trust your gut on doing it.

Part II cont'd in a few...


Don Juan
Dec 8, 2003
Reaction score
Solid Gold. Its all true.

You mite wanna proof read the next part a little more carefully tho, you seemed to lose your flow a couple of times.

Bring on part II tho!


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
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A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
I'mma bump this, because it's the only thing I've read on here in the last two or three weeks which really seemed to be worthwhile. Waiting on part II. :p


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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In the process as we speak. I've been bringing together some info of experiences that yield results, not just mere theory.



Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2004
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Part II

Progressive Tantalization...

First off, the easiest way to lead yourself to great and easy sex is to focus on girls/women you have natural rapport with. [I say easy, which has many connotations, but I mean effortless, as in, no techniques consciously contrived].

In the beginning, many guys date whoever they can to gain confidence and experience at the process. This is fine and well for the newbie, but at some point you must graduate beyond the 1st grade. ONLY ACCEPT A DATE OR GET A NUMBER IF YOU ARE 100% INTO IT!!!

Let me clarify something here. It's easy to construe that statement as "need" or "desire." Yet it was isn't. It's merely interest, which is good. Interest was displayed when you got the number, interest is displayed when you call, interest is displayed when you make moves. You have "interest" in some piece of it. Need is when you cross personal boundaries and sacrifice self-respect for something, anything. When you do that, you'll never get what it is you want. Why? Because you merely exchanged 1 value or vice for another. It's like being an addict and shifting your addiction; you're still an addict.

So on rapport...find girls with which getting together matters more than what you actually do. Yes, be creative. But if her interest is focused more on WHAT she's doing, than WHO she's doing:::: NEXT.

Good sex is very easy to lineup w/girls you have easy rapport with. Yet many guys cling to false ideals and seek sex with HB10's. BEEP. WRONG ANSWER. Seek rapport, chemistry. Screw looks, both literally and metaphorically. Sure, find attraction, but for a man, that's easy. It's the bond that makes it happen. That brings you to the brink of O-ing without sex.

The Best Sex comes from a girl/woman who cares and is not a society-trained MTV pornstar. Have ever dated those girls who focus more on techniques from Cosmo rather than on what makes you feel good?? Yeah me too. Makes you wonder what our techniques appear to be to the lay-woman, doesn't it???


Checklist of Progressive Tantalization:

I. Intro = Rapport/Interest (mutual)
II. Kino = Break the 'bubble barrier'
a. Communicates who you are and your knowledge of romance
III. Escalate Kino (i.e. Kino, Sensitive Spots, Kissing)
IV. Follow Natural Psychological Triggers
V. Set the Frame (i.e. the basis of the relationship)


Escalating Kino occurs by knowing a few things. The KEY underlying attitude is BOLDNESS. Act. A woman doesn't know who you are until you act, or don't act. If you're not acting, you're weak, in her eyes, and a woman, by and large, wants to be lead, not be the leader. Knowing a slew of great tactics is akin to owning a basement full of Sears tools but not using them, nor trying to use them. A waste.

Spots of Interest:

1. Holding her at the base of her neck while kissing her, somewhat forcefully into. A "hard kiss".

-Many guys do light kiss, but do you do hard ones? These are the ones that ramp up her sexual engines. It's not so direct as to touch her most sensitive spots, but it's enough to communicate that that's where things could go. Once I did this, the tongue came out full force and her levels erupted.

2. Doing light tugs on the hair at the back of her head.

-This was delivered to me directly by a girl who 'liked it' rough. She wanted kissing to include this. Have you ever had your hair pulled? What things do you imagine when a girl does that to you? How does it make you feel? Great, right? You think..."Gee she's going to devour me!" If you weren't the type to be rough before, try it slowly by just putting your hands there during kissing. Slowly work it into your arsenal. Over time, gravitate toward hair pulling during sex. During doggy, it's a great second or third connection to her body, too.

3. While making out, graze your hands up and down her legs. Don't settle.

Something I do to get "the juices flowing" involves grazing my hand up and down her leg and thigh with increasing pressure. I won't stay too long in 1 spot, because it gives her the idea we're stepping it up now. No. The idea is to be surprised. To get her so wet, so hot, that she busts before 1 article of clothing comes off.

Mix it up with your hand at the base of her neck, and the other kind of grazing her body. Even around the liner of her pants, kind of tuggin on her panty/g lines. You seduce her body, by seducing her mind, and to do that, the mind must catch up to the body.

4. Vary Speed, Intensity, and Pace, IN THE BEGINNING.

I recall a workout called HIIT, which involved intervals of slow running with fast running, where you increased the resistance at each fast interval. The same sort of thinking applies in escalating a woman to "hotness." Kiss her slow, then get rougher, then slow, like a stair stepping. You get higher hi's, and some plateaus. The plateaus get her to catch up to the sensations her body is experiencing, and also to think of what is coming next. It's the same thinking relationships have, when women say they go bored. Yes, you have slow times, but you must throw in escalating breakpoints which slowly raise her temperature.

This alone is a good base understanding to help apply at any junction of seduction/romance. A girl isn't like a rocket launch, nor is she the same pace. She goes slow, but you must push her boundaries little by little.

5. Graze her chest.

As you're moving throughout her body like Christopher Columbus in the New World, move like it's logical. Trying to touch/kino her like it's some game of "stomp the weasel" with no order is a good way to confuse the hell out of her and piss her off. Don't jump from tit, to ass, to her. The point is to flow with her body. If you run your hands and fingers firmly up her thights, through her nether-regions, come up to put a hand on her face, clasing it to kiss you, and graze lightly over her breasts.

Hyper-sensitive girls will go nuts for more, and those who aren't at all will be happy you don't just grope the **** out of her melons like you're trying to find the best fruit for a salad.

6. When you undress, do it in sections, and let her do you, or be prepared to be last.

I've heard stories of guys just stripping their clothes down and getting ready. I just shake my head. First because the image looks so stupid. Second, do you really think a girl works like that? A small percent does initially, but you MUST keep it going, keep everybody wondering guessing.

Everything that should be done, should start first THROUGH the clothes. Once you get her hot enough by THAT touch, she'll want them off just so she can get your feeling FIRST HAND. It sets the clothes up as an IMPEDIMENT or BLOCK to her getting more pleasure.

One time I was fooling around with a cute blonde who had D's on her small 5 foot frame and a tight butt. She could get wet easily, so I just kept it going until she kept saying my name like we were already having sex. Finally, I was like "let's take some of these b/c they're in the way of feeling more, and me getting you to feel more from me." She did it herself and jumped right back to where we were.

7. Keep KY, baby oil, and other necessities stocked and handy.

There's nothing more bonar and mood killing than being unsupplied of proper commodities. Sure, be out of food, or even breakfast materials, but for the love of everything holy, don't be unsafe, and don't be unsuave. Some girls need KY, some girls love, and some girls have never had it. There comes a time when everything girl gets dry, or you need lube to slide in, or it helps with the whole shibang. Buy it with confidence.

8. Music.

For a few reasons. First, it anchors songs to YOU. She'll hear it and already you'll be game on. Second, it helps with the awkwardness of the initial hookup. When you're newbies together, the sucking, kissing, moaning noises are hot, but she'll be somewhat nervous, in most cases. Third, it gives momentum and rhythm. I used rock from Godsmack once and man, once she was warmed up, she took the reigns, I couldn't keep up with her.

9. Have a good fragrance in the air.

When I get home, I throw incense on. The smoke is terrible when people are around, but the smell lingers for days. If you're like me, living on your own, random scents pop up, from the garbage or whatever, so you have to put in place contingencies. I keep candles for lighting, but they're not as potent as incense. Good candles, which are pricy in some cases, will give off a good scent and ambience, but incense lays the ground work to KEEP and PRESERVE at least an inhabitable smell.

10. Her neck {yes out of order, somewhat}

I don't know what it is yet, but the neck gets a woman everytime. I was kissing a girl who was sitting between my legs, her back pressed against my chest, and I wrapped my left arm around her with just enough room to caress her breasts through her shirt, and my other hand grazing her thight, WHILE i kissed her neck. She was grinding me in 2.2 seconds. The flury of feelings and sensations was so overwhelming and confusing, she didn't know what to do!

I also find that to be a very good position to sit on a couch, as you're in a dominant position, you have multiple angles, and you can slide INTO the direct kiss much easier. It's no different for her than sitting side by side, but much more intimate with only a few minor differences. PLUS, it's non-threatening. If you own a couch bed, or throw out blankets, that's just premature ejaculation, you might as well masturbate. You've presupposed the sales. Sitting like this only gradually leads to MORE. And it requires little if any extra effort and you have FULL CONTROL.

That will conclude PART II, like Lucas, I'm writing and have almost completed PART III.


Raptured Phoenix

Don Juan
Jul 19, 2004
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Asheville, NC, USA
blah blah

sex is really simple

all you need to do to have the underlying principle for it is MASTURBATE.

Self-exploration not only teaches you about what you like and how YOU reach orgasm, but also about every other person on this planet (assuming they have healthy genetalia).

All people are alike, knowing what works for you is a great place to start in trying to figure out what works for her.