Here's where...
Congruency comes into play.
I wanted to reference the appropriate person, but I think 'Master' sum it up right. Ya'll guys w/out answers don't need answers, you need better questions. You need to work on your temple, and your temple is your life. Right now, you're not caring for it all too well. Sure, we're tired after work, and it's a reality that you work 80% of the time and play 20% of it [even the ultra elite and rich still work alot to keep what they have and acquire more], so naturally we're tired.
To combat 'tiredness', activity is required. Many believe it's helpful to RELAX, but relaxing only signals to your body, SLOW DOWN. But what happens if you amp it up and work out, especially before bed? You can't sleep, right? So...if you workout, keep active, then you'll have energy to do the things you like...
As Francisco pointed out, this is indicative of well, AFC attitudes, though I don't think that's it either. Frankly, you don't HAVE to have a perfect answer, you just must phrase your response in a confident way.
And i'll point out, you posting here demonstrates your not totally comfortable with JUST hanging out. You want to do more, or you would have CONFIDENTLY responsed to the girl that you relax because of your busy career schedule, to which she'd ask what you do. But you're not congruent that you're OK with it, because you're asking us for some excuse to patch that up. Which is ok, but I have a feeling you want a little more zest and passion than just relaxing, plus, it sounds cooler and leads to potentially more rapport.
I'm golfer and I have no problem telling girls that, and some, think it's boring, lame, whatever, particularly the zany young one's at 20 ish. However, what do I care of what they think? They've never played. They don't realize it's the only "sport" you can drink AND drive [the cart I mean]. You get a tan. You can smoke AND play [cigars], and most women don't do it, so there's little worry of her "tagging along."
This is also where you learn about 'natural rapport.' There are girls actively seeking men just like you, and thinking you must cover up or white out parts of who you are because it's not as sexy or flashy as what you hope it to be is foolish. I've been dating a girl who LOVE golf, works at a GOLF course, can get me on Free, who's family plays GOLF, but has never herself played nor dated a guy who played golf. She was immediatelly attracted to that type of dress style and lifestyle and support me easily, and will even tag along if I ask her to. Can I complain? Hell no. There's girls of all types, the problem is, many men mold themselves to be WHAT they girl wants. WRONG. Mold yourself into the best you.
You're the hammer, women are the metal, waiting to be molded into whatever you present. She has little 'support' and little 'anchoring' to anything of permanence and will sway with her moods and feelings. If you sway with her trends and likes, it'll be like trying to follow the top pop groups on MTV. And very dizzying.