I dont need to come up with a litany of things to tell a girl when she asks what I do on the weekends.
I believe if you are confident in yourself enough, and you should be. Also, girls are to enhance your life not make it.
Anyway, if you just chill, drink beer, watch sports. Tell her. I mean what the hell. If you are confident in yourself and you know what you are all about than you dont have to make up some grand illusion. You dont have to lie.
You do what you want to do, when you want to.
Each weekend is an adventure.
I am honest to everyone, and they either take it or leave it.
Honestly, its about being confident and self assured. You could tell a woman you shovel poop all day if you say it with confidence and that nothing is wrong with it.
When you say, I go clubbing with buddies but its not my thing. You are just covering your bases in case she didnt like your response.
What do you do on the weekends? Whatevers clever.