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  1. I

    A bit confused

    I see no problem here. High school is only the beginning of the rest of your life!
  2. I

    Help again :D

    No, please do NOT neg her...if you start insulting her out of the blue she will probably stop talking to you. You pass a woman's tests by not taking them seriously. For example: Girl: "I hate you." You: "Well, girls either love me or hate me! I'm glad I have you all figured out :P"...
  3. I

    Help again :D

    What's her body language like when she says this?
  4. I

    Need Input On This Womans Behavior what if she ignored you? She was probably really into her texting conversation that she was focusing all of her thoughts and feelings on it. Maybe you responded to her ignoring you by acting a little weird. You should have just asked her what she was texting about. Next time you have...
  5. I

    IITM's Self Improvement Journal

    3/8/11 Forgot to post yesterday, but here's a recap of my day. I felt good ever since I woke up in the morning. The very first thing I did when I rolled out of bed was 12 pushups. It's not a lot, but it's a first for me in a lonnng time. I was not feeling very insecure or anxious for most...
  6. I

    Proof that loving yourself is the key to getting women.

    Sounds good! Sometimes it's really hard not to be analytical, at least for a guy like me. You can get trapped inside your own head, and there's no way out.
  7. I

    Just blew it with my onetis!

    Hey man, you didn't blow it. I'm sure you did all the right things, they just happened to be under the wrong circumstances. This gives you the opportunity to learn how to be man enough to move on from rejection, and move on from having oneitis. The more times it happens, the easier it will...
  8. I

    IITM's Self Improvement Journal

    3/1/11 I was very quiet today. Nothing really eventful happened. It was OK. In my last class there's a girl I really like that was sitting at my table. She's so great! But something inside me has been stopping me from making friends with her, I don't know what's going on with that. Maybe I...
  9. I

    IITM's Self Improvement Journal

    Thanks man! My grades are looking pretty good right now, and I'm doing my best to get them up. I have around a 2.8 something, but I'm transferring to another school next year, and I only need a 3.0 to transfer, so I will be making that improvement for sure. At this other school, they have a...
  10. I

    IITM's Self Improvement Journal

    2/24/11 Today was a great day. I felt good today. Confident, social. It was definitely one of the more talkative days I've had in awhile. I spoke up in class in all of my classes. I fearlessly made eye contact with some girls that were talking in one of my classes. They both later tried to...
  11. I

    My self-improvement program

    That's fantastic, man! Look at all of the progress you've made! "Getting laid" doesn't really matter. Lots of guys use it in terms of a 1 time thing like "once I get laid I'll be a totally different person", (I'm pretty sure this is unconscious) you know, that kind of mindset. I think that a...
  12. I

    Please help ASAP!

    Stop taking her bullshvt. Don't EVER let a woman boss you around like that. She's telling you what she wants you to be. Who the fvck is she to tell you what kind of a person YOU should be? I need to interject something that I learned from Igetit. You've known this girl how long? SIX years...
  13. I

    IITM's Self Improvement Journal

    2/17/11 Today was alright, other than not being able to eat much all day. During my first class I was a total pvssy. It seems like social anxiety got the better of me this time, as our teacher told us to form groups, and there were two girls sitting in front of me, and I couldn't bring...
  14. I

    Being a 'better' person, etc

    This post disappointed me when I found out you weren't really concerned with becoming a better person. Anyway, to answer the first part of your question, if your favorite subjects and books you've read sound boring or lame to the other person, then you're probably talking about them in a boring...
  15. I

    IITM's Self Improvement Journal

    2/10/11 Today wasn't a very good day. I found myself extremely quiet and trapped inside my head most of the time. I'm definitely going to have to add conversation skills to my goals. I did talk to girls today, but the conversations were filled with long lulls of silence, and it took me time to...
  16. I

    Sigh.... I finally give up.

    Every man has a kind of girl that he knows he likes. What kind of girls do you like to be around? Then, find out where you can find this type of girl. I think that you would be much happier if you made the transformation from a PUA to a natural. Consider doing that, man. You should also...
  17. I

    I absolutely self destructed on this girl

    You really need to change your attitude, man. Just from the way you're typing, I can tell that your mood is being controlled by this girl's responses to you. You are losing all your power to her and becoming a needy & desperate wuss. This is like the ultimate form of an AFC. Here's what you...
  18. I

    Girls not texting back

    And I thought all of the superb advice to be found on this board was gone for good!
  19. I

    another journal...ZERO to HERO hopefully

    This is the beginning of oneitis. Do your emotions a favor and don't invest them in a relationship that is destined to fail. Man, you don't even have a solid way to meet up with this girl. Don't be desperate now and take this opportunity like she's the only girl who would ever fall for you. You...
  20. I

    IITM's Self Improvement Journal

    2/8/11 Today was a pretty good day. I did some more experimenting with eye contact, and I was definitely more talkative in my classes. I am practicing making eye contact with both men and women. I find that it's slightly harder looking tough-looking men and attractive, confident women in the...