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  1. I

    I can't get up in the morning!

    What time do you wake up and what time do you go to sleep? Maybe you need to go to sleep earlier. If you're gonna work out in the morning you have to give yourself a large pad of time. I leave the house @ 7:30 but I wake up about 5:30 when I work out.
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    What do you do with your egg yolks?

    Eat them damnit. I can't even fathom eating just egg whites. Yech. My favorite is soft-boilded and/or poached. You get the full yolk effect that way ;)
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    For the men: honestly, if you could never be caught, would you cheat on your gf?

    Well I've re-written some of the rules in my life. Right GF, so maybe the point is moot for me now, at this point in my life. However if I make the leap to actually considering a woman my GF and we have the explicit understanding we are in exclusive relationship, then hell no, I...
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    Causes of Oneitis

    That Onion piece = friggin' hilarious! Anways, oneitis... who knows, as with Alzheimer's Disease, the causes are many, unknown and strangely elusive leaving much room for spirited debate. My theory? Oneitis = lack of sense of control over one's own life and actions.
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    Bad idea to send letter??

    Write it you must. What will it do for you? I'm a "writer type" also and I've been down that AFC road of writing long-ass stupid letters pouring out my thoughts and emotions...dude, don't do it. It is very bit as useless and weak as calling her and telling her all that crap with your own...
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    After A 12 Hour Shift Time To Workout

    Hmm. Used to work out in the evening for years. A little over a year ago, I tried the mornings. Now I can't even imagine working out late in the day, that's my downtime. Forget cold showers, warm showers, whatever. Just get your lazy arse out of bed earlier!
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    How dangerous is alcohol...

    Ha ha, here's what truly sucks. You're hyper-diligent about doing your weight training, you go through the agony and sweat of watching your body transform into something you are more proud of each day... and sometimes you want to go out and celebrate your wonderful boost in self-esteem, and...
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    I'm ugly ! I've tried changing my clothes and attitude, nothing works!

    Dude, you're 16. Adolescence, you're a teen-ager. 'Tis the age of self-doubt, the end of all that gloriuos crap your family and friends have spoon fed you all your childhood in order to make your day sunny. Time for you to create your own identity, time to be your own man. It will...
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    Gray pubic hair -----> End of sex life?

    You dudes are turning gray in the Southern regions? WTF? I've got a few more grays than I'd like on my head, but I'm pitch black south of the equator... and erney, chill, that sounds like the dumbest Old Wive's Tale I've ever heard.
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    Do women toy with men just for fun?!

    DJD, phuck those chicks. You comported yourself like a true DJ. I don't know about many of the other guys on this forum, but speaking for myself... I woulda played around from outside, the other side of the glass barrier, and probably wonder the rest of the day what would have happened if...
  11. I

    When you feel somebody is looking at you

    I take PT everyday so I experience all kinds of instances of this. -you feel like they're looking at you, you turn, and they are -you feel like they're looking at you, you turn and they aren't! LOL the one I hate most - they could very well be looking at you, but their eyes are...
  12. I

    hot guys with ugg women - how does this happen?

    Aggression is just another weak manifestation of insecurity. Toughness though is something that can exist quite easily in the absence of aggression-actually, toughness without aggression is a very masculine combo. Point being, aggression don't mean squat. Here in LA I see aggression all the...
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    What's the fastest way to a chizled chest?

    LOL wow holy shyt, does that come with a lunch break?
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    Girls are all the same

    Exactly! Also, you gotta be more discerning and filterfilterfilter even if it means you're gonna turn down some good, inviting pu$$y.
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    John Galt: Between you and Francisco d', I feel like I'm in some Ayn Rand wet dream. IamtheAlphamale: Enjoy what you got while you can cause your frame and lifestyle seem kinda tenuous and can come crumbling down quick like a house of cards. Not to rain on your parade, it's great when things...
  16. I

    What is Backbone

    Having a backbone means you are a mammalian male and you walk on 2 legs, you are not a slug, you are not a sloth, you are a tree standing tall and firm and you can weather any change in the weather, and over time, you will get beaten up, but no one can ever bring you down except some damn...
  17. I

    Has Anyone Here Done The 20 Rep Squat?

    I count out in sets of 5's, that's how I fool my mind. Although by about #12 or 15 my body ain't fooled no more! I don't know what the long-term or longer lasting benefits of 20 reps is, but I can tell you my body gets flooded with endorphins and I'm high as a kite the rest of the day.
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    Check her out. What do you think? Is she out of your league?

    LOL OK the guys have bashed that chick bad enough, I'll lay off... but that being said, this is a put on, right? Do you know her or something? And yes, judging by her look and page, I would say she is out of my league, as in, below my league. I'm sure there are tons of quality girls...
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    Why cant I forget about this woman?

    leeman67, there is a deceivingly simple step alcoholics must accomplish before they can go anywhere when it comes to recovery, and that is to stop drinking. In your case, your bad case of one-holicism, your first step needs to be: stop thinking of her. Whatever it takes for you, do it...
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    2 dates, 2 cancellations LOL!!:)

    wsb, keep up the good attitude. Don't think you can't feel a twinge of sadness/disappointment/anger, cause that is normal. Feel it, experience it, but let it go quickly. Don't hang on to those negative reactions because they are addictive and will soon rise automatically in spite of yourself...