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    Should I let my dog die a virgin?

    They say dogs are men's best "friend".. Why don't you do the job yourself? Kill 2 birds with one stone?
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    Sniper in my hometown ... AFCism rears its ugly head

    I certainly see your point, WC, but I can't say I'm entirely sold. It's the proverbial argument of what came first, the chicken or the egg. In this case, is AFC the primary emotional/mental affliction, or is there a deeper disorder which manifests itself in a variety of behaviors, "AFCism"...
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    better than a woman

    I prefer getting stoned with Moonlight Sonata strumming in the background.
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    why are women so scary on myspace?

    Myspace. Don't fear it, don't loathe it, just work around it. Unless you are truly model material, below and above the belt, you will not get consistent cold approaches, or responses to yours, from the chicks on there. The times I actually used that site, I got a few random emails and my...
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    Girls in their 20s

    Haha, not to generalize, but the 20-something chicks I know love to pay lip service to that whole ideal of meeting the "perfect guy" but in reality, they just wanna live it up as much as anyone else in their age group. When I was your age dude I didn't even have time for women, I was all...
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    Can Any Of You Tell Me What A JERK Is In Your Opinion

    LOL a jerk is a jerk. Treats people like **** and has a self-absorbed, callous attitude toward the well-being of everyone around.'s possible to be "alpha" and "DJ" and all that stuff you want and still be a compassionate human being and treat others fairly and with dignity.
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    Re - 12 Rules For Attracting Flocks Of Woman

    Whatever, a lot of crap in these articles is hogwash. It works in the author's mind, hence it applies to everyone. If you are not clean-shaven, or if you wear hats, and you are comfortable with that as an extension of You, do it for chrissakes. If you change your looks to get "flocks of...
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    Faintness during certain lifts

    This is definitely something to consider. Proper breathing technique doesn't seem to be a priority for lifting, but it's gotta be. And it's so easy to lose sight of when lifting. When you're running or walking, that's all you have to think about. When lifting you are physically distracted...
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    Minimum height for men

    warrior1, I am a short phuck! ;) I'm all of 5'5". I'm a decent-looking guy but at my height, you better have something distinctive cause your stature sure ain't gonna do it. It's funny, in some ways being 5'5" is more eye catching than being 5'8" lol. 5'8" is just SO average, talk about...
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    Chisled Jaw

    I don't know why this strikes me as kinda funny cause it seems so unlikely :whistle: Sorry dj87, but what do you mean by "chiseled?" My take is that the only thing in your power in this regard is to lose body fat and just maybe your jawline will take on that sculpted look you yearn for...
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    Excerises for wrist growth?

    Aw man, I'm cursed with that same condition, skinnywristitis :mad: Used to think I could do something about it through weights...uh no. Anyone who tells you that you can increase the actual size of your wrists substantially is blowing smoke up your ass. All you can do is lift and lift heavy...
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    Could she be a PD?

    Yeah man, PD, never heard that one. But hey, in a way, aren't we all ostensibly PD's, or wannabe PD's? At least on this forum?
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    Brad Pitt: Workout & Body [Merged Threads]

    LOL Sounds like you guys are trying to uncover the final unifying theory of physics. This whole subtopic is actually one reason why I find online dating interesting in what it reveals about women. In a way, online dating levels the playing field in that it enables chicks to actually abide...
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    Brad Pitt: Workout & Body [Merged Threads]

    LOL amen to that. All this talk about being in fashion and I thought, haven't women always preferred the lean, athletic look? I've been around longer than a lot of you guys, and I can never remember a time when the majority of women salivated over beefcakes. :whistle:
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    I hate squats.

    I love squats! LOL seriously, I do. The pump I get from my leg / back day (squats, dead lifts) is awsome man. It trumps any pump I get from my chest and shoulder day. It's totally counter-intuitive. If you would have told me 2 years ago that my arms would feel bigger after doing squats...
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    How do You Guys Handle the Various Kinds of Attention You Get From Being Muscular?

    Unanticipated "reward" Alright, in the past year, a little bit more, I've really taken lifting seriously. I've built up a good physique which I am very proud of. I am a total work-in-progress. But I still love the way I look and feel a million times more than how I was, say 2 years ago...
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    Deadlifts Will Enhance your Sexual Performance & Desire, if performed Methodically.

    A lot of times I think all this talk of increased sexual prowess through the miracle of lifting is a lot of BS - the placebo effect at work. Needless to say, I am ultra-suspicious of any claims like this. However, I think there is something to be said for compound lifts. I've been at them...
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    Girls Intimidated By Good Looking Guys

    Wyldfire, I'm pretty diminutive, is that scary LOL In a twisted Napoleon way?
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    Girls Intimidated By Good Looking Guys

    Dude this is becoming an inane excercise in self-congratulations now. If you are really that good looking, you should be able to get the most smoking of all smoking women once you show an inkling of personality and sincerity. With your supposed looks, you don't even need that for a lot of...
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    I'm a psychopath, how about you?

    In the world of abnormal psychology and all that DSM crap, labels are so vague and plentiful that they lose their meaning. I think it would be safe to say that true DJ's are psychopaths by 1980 psychology criteria, but that not all psychopaths are DJ's :rolleyes: Charles Manson was a...