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  1. W

    Any tips on sex for a 25 y/o virgin

    Dude....raise your standards *shakes head*
  2. W

    rum party - need tips

    Dude....where are the f***ing females???
  3. W

    Nice Shoes!

    on a side note: I just purchased a pair of 'Pony M-100s', yo that s*** is tight!
  4. W

    The smell

    -'Essenza di Zegna' -'Platinum Egoiste' -'Obsession'
  5. W

    Out of these two colognes....

    Instead of those choices you should try 'Platinum Egoiste' by Chanel ;).
  6. W

    some girls are real biotches

    You should have just walked away once she started talking s***, you shouldn't put up with that crap. Tell her to shove it up her ass next time.
  7. W

    Nice Shoes!

    AF1s ;)
  8. W

    Feedback & Suggestions

    any other suggestions or tips???
  9. W

    Feedback & Suggestions

    Would that mean to continue smiling at her when I see her and make brief conversation or wouldn't that just come off as just being friendly (like how you talk to one of your friends type-thing)? Suggestions please? BTW: I don't know what it is but, I think had a thing for her and after more...
  10. W

    Help with asian at work

    beat the s**t out of your so-called friend ;).
  11. W

    How to be Challenge

    which are???
  12. W

    Feedback & Suggestions

    Hi, This is relating to a previous thread: Well today when I went to grab something to eat at the university diner, and, I seen one of my classmates there so, we sat down and had something to eat...
  13. W

    protein all the time?

    If you are active all the time, the best thing to do is eat 6-8 small meals a day plus having a protein shake with each meal. The key is to always have protein and a good amount of carbs in your body all the time in order to build muscle.
  14. W

    is she playing me

    You are calling her *TOO MUCH*, if she is interested enough she will contact you. If she doesn't respond back to you, move on....NEXT!
  15. W

    Nice Shoes!

    FO SHO! true 'dat.
  16. W

    Do you need to be an athlete to be popular?

    In high school I played hockey, volleyball, basketball and I really didn't feel that special. I mean, it didn't increase my chances of becoming more popular but, I did fit in with the other "popular" people. Even now in university, I still work out and play basketball and it helps a great deal...
  17. W

    Advice (on a girl)

    Could I get some assistance please?
  18. W

    Advice (on a girl)

    So, if I ask her out and she says 'NO', should I just say "okay then" with a smile and walk away??? Another thing which is bothering me is I see her for most of the week (in classes) so it would make it pretty awkward. What should I do, help please?
  19. W


    First of all, it is pointless to starve yourself. If you are serious abour working out and want to see results, you should eat 6 small meals throughout the day. When you finish working out take Whey protein. By starving yourself, your body will slowly deteriorate in nutrients and vitamins.
  20. W

    Are you Good-Looking???

    Upon further review.....yes I am.