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  1. W

    hay guys, i'm new here. and like some of you i'm tired of being single. the DJ Bible, its on the top right corner of this screen :up:.
  2. W

    Music that Brings you out....

    Tracks like '2Pac - All Bout U' get me into the vibe :up:.
  3. W

    Guys...make sure not to overdo it with the cologne

    It's true, if you are using cologne only use it sparingly e.g. behind your ears, dab on the sides of your neck. Cologne should be a personal thing, you are letting someone of the opposite sex come into your personal space to embrace the fragrance :up:.
  4. W

    Girls At coffee stores

    aim for their eyes, they really love that :crackup:
  5. W

    Date Report...

    Dude....just say "Is Wayne Brady gonna have to choke a b*tch?" :crackup:
  6. W

    Best Cologne?

    This is true, body chemistry differs from person to person. Something that smells really good on me smells totally different on someone else, different chemical structure. Although, to this point I have not received a bad comment of my choice in fragrances: - Rochas 'Man' - Chanel...
  7. W

    I want to smell good what are some good colognes

    Burberry London - For Men :up:
  8. W

    I bet you never heard this one before!

    *This is sort of a venting post* I'm just a little boggled as to why I see some guys with girlfriends (who are not at all good looking, the complete opposite) and they have a girlfriend. I see this around *ALOT* but, then I think to myself what don't I have that those guys have? I look at...
  9. W

    why should not be overly nice

    ahhh...very wise words :up: i have to agree with following your own principles even if it leads down a dark, lonely path.
  10. W

    Work on your GAME (Why I Don't Get "Rejected")

    I agree with this. Why should I act and think a different way around girls when it is artificial (not being me). I'd rather just go with the flow :up:.
  11. W

    I'm going to ask her out, but what if she can't?

    dude....what is the big deal? so what if she can't go, can't u ask another girl to go? BTW: don't put all your eggs in one basket (don't just focus on one girl, u should be out meeting other girls as well) :up:
  12. W

    Question about precum

    ya never know :down: do yourself a favor and get a check up :rolleyes:
  13. W

    FIELD REPORT: a great friday night least she *LOOKS* remotely female :p :crackup: :down: u could do better though, don't just take what u can get, set your standards higher :up:
  14. W

    University Noob With Women

    Dude, read the DJ Bible: Also, just grab your balls and ask her out (don't hesitate, just do it) e.g. Hi (her name), do you have any plans on (whatever day during the week preferably), she gives you an answer if she is free or not then, tell her that both of you...
  15. W

    You ALWAYS have to be ready!

    Women are just there to enhance your life, don't *EVER* structure your life around a women.
  16. W

    Need help on hairstyle

    I usually change my hair style every so often, I'll get a *VERY* short hair cut and let it grow out for a while (longer hair) and style it for a while (just so people notice you always changing your style, not doing the same boring thing with your hair). **BE CREATIVE**
  17. W

    Why am I afraid of girls?

    ...because....girls are the devil...momma said ;).
  18. W

    bad nite

    dude...get a membership @ a gym, r u in school right now? meet a *TON* of people there or just go out and be social, it doesn't have to be a nightclub :rolleyes:.
  19. W

    The POWER of walking away.

    Exactly, I agree. Who gives a sh*t if she is bawling her eyes out once you tell her that it can't and won't work out as being friends. I mean, its your precious time that your wasting on something that is already over and she is not worth it, I would think about that :up:. people meet and...
  20. W

    Not making a move when the girl is too drunk

    I guess we'll see your picture in the morning paper sometime soon, eh? :rolleyes: