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    At what chick scale rating does moderate competition kick in?

    What I mean is, a 6 will still have a decent amount of cleancut "fairly" attractive guys after her. No she will not have a decent amount of guys after her. Maybe just to fvck but that's it. I kind of see what your saying. Girls tell me I am a nice looking guy. So I tell you how I go...
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    Why do girls act like this with some guys and with others dont??

    Sic)KNot, I think that you could do some work on your confidence. Go to the DJ Bible for that. Next time somebody just mess with you for no reason. Confront them and say what fvck. If the say something back chew there ass out. Oh btw what would you guys answer...
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    I am an actor. There is no real me.

    I have not lost any flexubility I still am a happy person. Life is crazy it's so many ups and downs. I have made alot of mistakes and I have had alot happen to me since this post. Were young that world is ours we can do anything we put our minds to.
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    Having Girlfriends!!

    Knicknack -Wrote since your current girlfriend is already with you and appears to want to date you exclusively, i doubt the "multiple girlfriends" thing is going to work on her. you need to ask yourself how much you like your current girlfriend and whether or not losing her to this new one...
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    Met a Girl in my Apartment Building... bad idea?

    DON'T DO IT. This is a bad idea man. There are tons of hot girls all around your town. Fellas think for a minute of all of the " Booty calls" we've had, the majority have wanted to take it to the next level. She knows when your home and when your not. It's way to risky and it's...
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    Smooth to kiss when her parent's around?

    There is really no right or wrong answer to this. I would probably have not have kissed her. I would probably have hugged her.
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    Decent girls may not wan't a DJ

    I 100% agree with you.
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    Chicks going thru your shyt and calling your GF

    Watch your car and yourself. Because b1tches are crazy.
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    Mass Transit...

    Another way I learned to start convo's with people. Was to get eye contact with whoever is around me and just say hi or what's up. It's really that simple.
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    Text Message to Replace a Phone Call?

    Texting is very Playa if you use it for the right reasons. When I was in school I use to text everyone. I had a two hour class and my attention span is very short. So I would text people in while they were in class and they would do the same. I think it's tight but whatever floats your boat.
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    First Date Ideas?

    Ekimuk what you have planned is just fine.
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    First Date Ideas?

    GO carts, arcade, movies, bowling, putt putt, park.
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    girls havin to pee when makin out?

    So what? I'm sure this times when I had to piss or sneeze when I was making out.
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    Seduction or Stupidity?

    I'm feeling this post. A friend of mine who is a big AFC. This girl who looks real good talks to him on the phone and maybe goes to the movie once a month with him. All she does is use him for the free movie and tell all her friends he is stalking her. I don't like the b1tch because she...
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    How DO you PLAYAS ...create an emotional connection / a feeling of romance???

    What shiftkey said One of my good traits I have is being a charmer when I feel like it. I will focus on them and make girls let go. I make them feel like the are the most importaint thing in the world. When I am playing the role of charmer I never complain or nag. I set out to make...
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    What types of personalities in women usually attract guys?

    I think personality comes second behind looks for men. I like girls who are a bit shy and kind of laid back. I like the innocent thing it's something about that that attracts me. I don't like girls who are easy if I can sleep with you on the first date than you are easy. If I could fvck...
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    I've flirted too much!

    I use to be the biggest flirt back in the day. I made it part of my personality. I use to be real nice to women and I would always smile and give them good eye contact. I would use slight kino. I think the only way you would seem needy is once get the number. You call alot or you...
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    Can you really just walk around the mall all day making successful cold pick ups??

    When I was single I would go to the mall with my boys and we would have contest. To see who could get the most numbers. And since the mall we went to had a movies the next week we would noramally have four or five dates. It would be alot easier and you'll have more fun if you have your boys...
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    Red Flags

    Very good post this should be on a dj's check list if he is thinking about a LTR.
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    Post your picture ONLY

    This is me and my cousin taken a week ago. It's fvcked up because it was taken on my camera phone.