I am like that some people think I am ****y but the majority of people like my personality. The thing is the women who say I am ****y they want to be with me.
They will say something like damn your ****y or your full of yourself. Then later they will say ooh if you didn't have a girlfriend...
If you want to work on some of the things you posted. I would check out the book The Art Of Seduction by Robert Greene.
Last year it helped me out alot. BTW I will probably reread it soon.
Yeah you can use SS to get ONS. If you game is strong you more than likly can't go wrong. When I was using SS I made it fun for me so It worked. It was like a game a game I knew I wouldn't let myself lose.
Once you make seduction fun it's easy.
I'm talking about the act of sex. As long as you protect yourself you really have nothing to worry about.
Everybody sucks their first time, Because they are somewhat nervous but it gets better the more you do it.
So besides that how is sex a big deal?
I have and it's alot easier than older girls. They are young and most will believe anything I say. So yes use it on them some say I sound really mature when I use SS on them.
If you don't have the money to pay for both of you. Don't go to a place where you have to spend money. Their are alot of free things to do. Go to your house and watch a movie and eat their. You'll be spending time and you won't be spending money.
I mostly always pay because I think that is...
Good post I think once you have good self confidence you don't care what others say.
I am black and I wear abercrombie and fitch. Some people ask me why am I trying to be white. I like the clothes and I am just being me.
You may not admit it but you seem just a little scared. Sex is really not that big of a deal. So don't wait because you may thing it's going to be the bomb and it was just okay. Remeber the sooner you start the better you'll be. Everybody's first few times are going to suck. So go for it and...
I see what your saying as far as not saying NO just for the fvck of it. And it may seem like I am trying to a rebel. I meant for the post to come off as saying don't do everything somebody tells you to do. If you really in your gut feel like it's not right or there trying to use you. That's all...
Maybe I'm not understanding but our you asking what kind of pictures are you allowed to post. If this is the case just nothing gross or anything with nudity.
Or do you not know how to post a picture. If this is the case go down to the bottom of the screen where it says Attach file: and pick a...
Girls love to dream. So dream with them:) First - they'll identify with you more strongly ("wow, a guy that likes to dream as well!"). But more importantly - dream a dream that is to her liking, and that liking will quickly translate into liking YOU:) Apart from being an application of time...
A more advanced aspect of patterning is anchoring. Anchoring is an application of Pavlov's reflex in NLP (and also in Speed Seduction). A Pavlov's reflex is a conditioned reflex first explored and introduced by Russian scientist Pavlov. The core of his experiment was as follows - he rang a bell...
Patterns form the core of Ross Jeffries' Speed Seduction technique. Patterns are scripts of describing various wonderful states of mind and feelings to a girl, seemingly having nothing to do with you and her (for example by describing the wonderful feelings and states that music, dancing, eating...
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