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  1. R

    Personality is mostly "looks"

    In his defense, he's basically supporting the belief that female attraction is based on LMS (Looks, Money, Status), and that there's a reason why L is the first letter in the LMS acroynm. If this belief is against the manosphere (which I don't think it is however), it's because one can argue...
  2. R

    The manosphere is producing unresponsiblie adult men

    I get really annoyed by the feminist agenda which now cites that there are more females in college than males....Maybe so, but if you take a closer look, you will see that the DIFFICULT TO OBTAIN, REAL WORLD VALUE degrees that are based in the mathmatical / engineering fields are dominated...
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    "We have to talk. I'm moving out."

    I signed off on this forum a year ago, but I've occassionaly dropped in and lurked around just to check things out. However, this thread is so frustrating on so many levels, I'll say my say...... BB, I feel that you are simply practicing ego control. E G O Before you got dumped, I would bet...
  4. R

    Take care guys.........

    I made the decision to quit subscribing to cable TV and it's support of shows I hate, and misandric advertisements that accompany these shows. My internet service is intertwined with my cable subscription, and I was informed by the cable company that my internet rates would go up if I dropped my...
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    You must kiss close the first date

    Y'know, I've never taken this into consideration, but in retrospect, you're exactly right !!! Good point
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    Question for single fathers

    If you are paying for your kid's Swiss boarding school, then no, if you are sharing a room with 3 kids under the age of ten, then yes.... Mature women care about your standard of living more than fatherhood.....
  7. R

    best of luck guys

    I can tell from your postings that you spend ALOT of time on this forum. Take a break from the computer and take your kid to Chuck E Cheeze or the park. I just got back from vacation and I didn't touch a computer for 2 weeks and the world didn't end. Take care dude
  8. R

    Online dating? Going down the drain? has turned into a huge sausage fest where any halfway decent looking chick is going to get hundreds of winks and e-mails on a daily basis, inflating her ego to unrealistic levels. Imagine a nightclub full of horny guys and there's only one chick in the dating 2012
  9. R

    Fathers Bestow Game.

    LOL.........That's so funny (and great)
  10. R

    Jealousy, envy, grudges, insecurity, how does one get rid of this?

    You need to use these negative emotions as motivation to improve yourself.........HOWEVER you must be VERY careful to keep your emotions under control. In my years of living one thing that I have discovered is that it's OK to be jealous, envious, insecure etc... as long AS THESE THOUGHTS STAY...
  11. R

    Not everyone can be alpha. Just accept that you're a beta.

    I really like this ...I'll rep you for it.... This alpha subject comes up so often....As I've said before, unless you're in some kind of Lord of the Flies/caveman situation, there's too many varibles in modern society to define "alpha".
  12. R

    I'm gonna try it!!!! plz keep me motivated!!!!

    I disagree The guy is 31, not a kid anymore. His manner of dress should say that he's a man, not a boy. I think that a guy should dress for himself, BUT with a firm understanding of what actually looks good on him. Good clothes can augment a man's visual package just as much as bad clothes...
  13. R

    Dealing with Douche-bags on date [VID]

    The whole thing is Louie's fault. He was very rude in the way he asked the guys to quiet down. I don't even think that Chuck Liddell would ask in such a rude manner. By being so rude right off the bat, he puts the guys in a defensive position....They have no choice but to quiet down and put...
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    Remember the prowler?

    Exactly. I thought they had a great look...especially the purple ones....but they were given a retro hot rod look with the power of a scooter. No thanks.
  15. R

    To don juans 50+ like zekko and atom smasher

    The American Dream went away when America stopped being a nation that manufactured things. Now we just move money around to "make" money and only a select few can get rich doing that. Add the element of lazy entitled a-holes who feel they deserve a comfortable life without working for it, and...
  16. R

    More confidence in your 30's Than 20's?

    Because of my age, me simply responding to your post makes me look like on I'm on the defensive, but I'm not.....I simply want to enlighten..... Let's get one thing out of the way first.... Unless a tragedy or terrible disease gets you early, you too will be my age someday, or even older, so...
  17. R

    Top 12 Mens Wardrobe Apparel Items

    To me, the best dressed dudes are designers themselves....although most of them are gay, they dress with a very masculine flair. Check out pictures of Tom Ford or Giorgio Armani..... My favorite club look is a Black blazer/Suit top with a White dress shirt and Blue Jeans. Sometimes a pocket...
  18. R

    How should I deal with guys hitting on girl?

    Speedball....I thought your name looked familair....I got into an online spat with that Snowdog guy on your thread Anyway, first things first..I think I'm going to rep Cordon every time he posts a pic of his GF............... Be careful...
  19. R

    Why do girls find artist musician types short term desirable

    Yes and no. As an artist....a legend. The record speaks for itself. He's the Alpha of the Stones...... However In the 60's, he played domestic house with single mom Marianne Faithfull In the 70's, his wife Bianca cheated on him with Ryan O'Neil In the 90's, he fell victim to a gold digging...