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  1. R

    Challenging a Pook theory

    Ha Ha, I don't think anyone would look at me and say "fat" but they would notice my midsection is not's flabby. I agree, losing twenty pounds would be ideal. My post is simply an attempt to gather opinions as to whether or not chicks prefer the "juicehead" look or the streamlined...
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    Challenging a Pook theory

    LOL, Don't be too hard on me youngster !!! You're only 28. I had a twenty nine inch waist until I was 30, and I didn't do that much cardio, plus I drank lots of beer.
  3. R

    Challenging a Pook theory

    Disclaimer : The Book of Pook is my favorite seduction literature on the web. I wholeheartily agree with all all it except this one issue- Pook states that as he got more muscular, the chicks he pulled became hotter. He seems to have a very anti skinny philosophy. To him, skinny means...
  4. R

    Girl just stops responding in mid conversation

    Judge chicks by their actions, not their words
  5. R

    Any magazines out there worth reading?

    I used to subscribe to Esquire....really good mag and great subscription rate. I stopped subscribing because issues wouldn't make it to my mailbox (I'm sure they provided interesting reading for some postal service a-hole taking a dump).
  6. R

    Woman's point of view"The Polish Dentist"

    Not only do I hope she gets jail time, but do you think (as a Dentist) that she'll lose her her license to practice Dentistry ? I've seen a few newsboard comments...the double standard exhibited by many females is disgusting....Can you imagine if the sexes were reversed in this scenario ? There...
  7. R

    how are you aging?

    It was not my goal to suggest immortality.....I don't know where you got that idea....I wanted to give an example of an individual who still athletically performs at a very high level despite their chronological age. Jack LaLanne is (was) another guy like him....... We don't worry about getting...
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    how are you aging?

    Read this guys.............
  9. R

    When an EX phones up, saying "you're the onlu one I can talk to about this"

    Excaliber called....Your White Knight uniform is ready
  10. R

    When an EX phones up, saying "you're the onlu one I can talk to about this"

    Suggest a restuarant to meet at to talk, and set a date/time. Pull a no-show and wait for her call..... When she asks where you're at, tell her that you hooked up with a hot babe and you lost track of time.....(You're "friends" right ? Friends talk with each other about their...
  11. R

    My Self-Improvement plan

    Jeez dude, some people can't see past the end of their nose.......... I think in terms of sports hobbies, apart from Tennis, Golf has some of the hottest chicks around. Get tour a$$ away from the TV and work on your golf game. Hang out at the driving range and when there's some hot thing...
  12. R

    Question for the Older Players - Have Women Changed?

    To piggyback what Jitterbug is saying, a difference I have noticed over time is how overweight chicks think they are so hot. Their fatness results in a large chest, so they will parade around in revealing tops without giving a second thought to their massive stomachs. I think that a lot of this...
  13. R

    Do girls really go for guys with nice cars?

    A chick wanting to open her legs because of your wheels ? Well, I don't know about that, but I can tell you from experience that...... Asians much prefer German cars over anything else....Even if you roll up in a GTR or top of the line Lexus (or in my case an NSX), they will be more impressed...
  14. R

    Sweden Eliminates 'boys' and girls...OH MY FVCKING GOD!!

    Good observation !!! You're the John Connor of sosuave
  15. R

    Sweden Eliminates 'boys' and girls...OH MY FVCKING GOD!!

    I didn't mean I disregarded it in terms of it being true, but I immediatly doubted any objectivity would be present in the article
  16. R


    5-String ? You must be a bass player---which means you probably worship Paul McCartney--one of the 20th/21st centuries biggest romantic chumps (ha ha) Tell me with an honest heart that you didn't take up an instrument to get laid ? Probably guitar right, then you switched to the bottom end ...
  17. R

    Sweden Eliminates 'boys' and girls...OH MY FVCKING GOD!!

    Just the fact that the article was written by a woman with a hyphenated last name made me disregard it immediatly
  18. R

    Your Response to "Buy Me A Drink"

    "She's YOUR friend, YOU buy her a drink !!!" "If I buy your friend a drink, will you buy my friend a drink ?" "What are you...her secretary ? She can ask me herself....!!!" "What's in it for me ? " "If you were really into me, you wouldn't bring your friend into this." "No.....I...
  19. R

    women are depserate for alpha men

    To be "alpha" means that you are the "leader" in a group of other males.....I guess it makes sense that a woman would be attracted to a leader because females have a strong survival instinct which manifests itself through latching on to a man who has demonstrated through their competitive nature...