My ultimate goal after 2 years is to be a licensed massage therapist with a steady stream of clients and a good reputation, making a decent living. I'm attending one of the top schools for massage therapy and really enjoying it thus far but have not put 100 percent into it, which I need to change.
Like everyone I have some good things going on and some things I would like to improve upon so I thought I'd write up an improvement plan to give myself some motivation and maybe some feedback.
Current Job situation
--Work at a restaurant
Like most of the people there, get along with them pretty well
Flexible hours
A lot of girls work there, making me more comfortable around girls/people in general
Could possibly get future clients from this job
Being introverted by nature this job can be very stressful on me at times
My job is boring and a tad bit soul draining (I'm at a low position)
Pretty fast paced and I'm a lot more detail oriented and slower working, which means probably no promotion at this work.
My Improvement Plan
I'm leaning more towards gutting it out for the paycheck while focusing on school and trying my hardest to improve my performance. Also trying to form closer relationships here.
My Workout Goals
---Big positive in my life, I'm very consistent at working out and staying in pretty good shape.
I plan to continue doing Rippetoe's Weight Program (3x per week), Yoga 4-5x a week, and riding my bicycle as much as possible.
Other Goals
--- I have got to quit porn, it's such a depressant for me.
---I plan on going on a 30 day masturbation moratorium to help "re-wire" my brain and focus my life on improvement.
---I'm going to cut out video games and useless internet time to zilch. I just cannot play in moderation. This is a huge problem for me and will give me loads of free time.
---Going to use this free time to read more, draw more, try to socialize more, and workout/exercise more.
---Keep my apartment, truck, ect spick and span.
---I have got to pursue some sort of spirtuality/higher power, right now I have little faith in anything and it's very depressing to me.
---Not really pursue a relationship with a girl but continue to try and flirt and have fun with them.
So overall I'd probably rank myself at around a 5 right now and hopefully in 2-3 years can build myself into a 7 or so. (Due to my height [only 5'6 and looks [decent looks] I think becoming a 7 is a good goal.
Wish me luck!
Like everyone I have some good things going on and some things I would like to improve upon so I thought I'd write up an improvement plan to give myself some motivation and maybe some feedback.
Current Job situation
--Work at a restaurant
Like most of the people there, get along with them pretty well
Flexible hours
A lot of girls work there, making me more comfortable around girls/people in general
Could possibly get future clients from this job
Being introverted by nature this job can be very stressful on me at times
My job is boring and a tad bit soul draining (I'm at a low position)
Pretty fast paced and I'm a lot more detail oriented and slower working, which means probably no promotion at this work.
My Improvement Plan
I'm leaning more towards gutting it out for the paycheck while focusing on school and trying my hardest to improve my performance. Also trying to form closer relationships here.
My Workout Goals
---Big positive in my life, I'm very consistent at working out and staying in pretty good shape.
I plan to continue doing Rippetoe's Weight Program (3x per week), Yoga 4-5x a week, and riding my bicycle as much as possible.
Other Goals
--- I have got to quit porn, it's such a depressant for me.
---I plan on going on a 30 day masturbation moratorium to help "re-wire" my brain and focus my life on improvement.
---I'm going to cut out video games and useless internet time to zilch. I just cannot play in moderation. This is a huge problem for me and will give me loads of free time.
---Going to use this free time to read more, draw more, try to socialize more, and workout/exercise more.
---Keep my apartment, truck, ect spick and span.
---I have got to pursue some sort of spirtuality/higher power, right now I have little faith in anything and it's very depressing to me.
---Not really pursue a relationship with a girl but continue to try and flirt and have fun with them.
So overall I'd probably rank myself at around a 5 right now and hopefully in 2-3 years can build myself into a 7 or so. (Due to my height [only 5'6 and looks [decent looks] I think becoming a 7 is a good goal.
Wish me luck!