That is just exactly what you have to do. NC. Nothing good will come from contacting her in two or there Monta or whenever - only more pain. Or Do you really want to listen to her fake Stories about her new and better life after you? It is bot worth it, ist will only result in more pain and a...
Why Do you not go no contact. You just keep hurting yourself. I can understand that the desire is bis to answer a call when she is calling. But calling her??? Start from there. Do NOT CALL or TEXT her. And No Contact meins After all: You Do bot contact her, nor react or answer to anything...
And on and on it goes. Another hero - another narcissist, who wants to shame and blame others.
Did somebody realize he only just reigstert a week ago and already attacks members? Great. The other day we called that trolls. There are a lots of threads of that kind. Why does anyone even bother to...
You can be emotional. But you have to Stick to the decision you made. Is it Hard? For sure! I am out more than a year and still have times where it is/feels hard. But only because it feels bad does not mean the decision was wrong.
Look at it like a heroin addiction - that Helped me tremendous. I...
This gal really mindfcuked you. It is all manpulation. Pay attention that more empathy does not lead to buy further into more bull****. They like to mainpulate, and argue in Crazy ways.
Example?! Here we go:
Her(2000): I am thirsty.
Me: then Drink something
Her: get me something
Sticking to your Guns is the only way to survive with this girls. Problem for Most People is, they do mit know beforehand what their boundaries are or at least have non reqiuering their unique dreamgirl.
You must know before getting into an LTR - and that is for every Relationship not only with...
Your Cluster B cleaning for you does bot necessaryly mean her Talking care of you. OCD (obsessiv compulsiv disorder) is a often diagnosed comorbidity in Cluster Bs.
Mine cleaned like hell. She got up at 0700 every saturday to clean the house. That sounds nice. But it was her main thing to Do -...
Let me give you a Quote of what my ex said to ne Short before the end of the LTR. Sounds like a joke but that really sums up what you mean.
Her: you are absolutely selfish!
Me: Why? explain!
Her: Because you Do not Do what I want.
It is all projecting.
Go and read some of this articles...
First of: they don't think - they just feel. Hence the fast turnarounds. Swinging emotions.
Second: you do not care what somebody thinks that is not existant in your life.
You can not go back, you will not go back. Willpower is the only thing that protects you. Your emotions and your mind will...
It is exactly that. But After knowing all this stuff about BPD and NPD i was not like what the fcuk- it was more like, ok exactly what I expected. Regarding her After the breakup and till today I feel more like a fortuneteller who knows exactly what will happen. Feels even more weird.
I think the Point why it is hard to let go are not the bad actions or words but the good things you remember. And your Brain/emotions tricks you, and you always miss the good emotions and you have to actively remind you of the Bad things. It is a permanent struggle between heart and brain.
Just happened this morning. Feels absolutely fcuked to Start in to a day this way. Feels like missing her. Strange thing is that this feelings have become stronger the Last weeks. i had times when Did not miss her at all.
Yes. The First thing that pops to mind are the good things and then you have to actively remind yourself of the bad stuff they have done and are capable of.
That is cognitive disonnance in action, if I get it right. Sad but true.
But that is the harzest part After having been involved with them. How can you resist the hoovering and stay NC if you have empathy/pity for them. Especially if most of the time it was empathy that drove men towards them?
Fcuking dilemma.
I found that in another Thread but think it is worth to repost in here.
The whole thread is a good read.
Secondly, forgive her. It is not...
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