If it is that - he is spot on. Read this
Apart from that. Whatever relationship that was, never get back with an ex
...and you are absolutely cool cuuming in a girl even you call hoe. You should have gotten her that pill in your own best interest. You should have been the one who was to worry.
No pun intended - but are you sure the Girl is the only one showing "Crazy behavior" in this case?
Why bother...
And for everybody struggling search the posts from the Users KontrollerX and Jophil28. They were Spot on with their advice. These are posts mostly older than 2010 but there is nothing that outdatet their advice.
I am not I into that zodiac stuff. But mine was also a Scorpio and she absoluty could not stand crows of peolpe but on the other hand could not be on her own. When I threw her out she started drinking cause she could not stand being alone. As soon as she replaced me, and the other guy moved in...
To add: go out, experience new things, you have to build new memories - because one of the hard things, if you have been together with her for a while, and the longer the harder, is that she is in every memory you have of the past time. Go out and build new memories without her in it. Helps to...
Try spinning more plates. It is just a normal Illusion after coming out of a LTR and then meeting a girl you kinda click with. Happened to me too.
Here a little reminder you asked for
Oldmanofthesea is spot on: NO Contact is crucial and the most important advice in this case.
Read about hoovering and gaslightning, to Understand better what you have gone through.
According to NC: she is like a drug and you are addictet. You can only become clean if you not touch it ever again...
OP You did bot mention anything about it - but probably with moving in you turned to be way to nice. Stop being Mr Niceguy. Do not make her the center of your life - which she probably is right now. Have your own life. Do your own things. Make her guess. At the Moment she thinks you are safe...
The mistake was to move in at all.
One might have a Look at this too....
..and he is not the only one.
Rollo recently posted this.
Guys like These above should read this but oftentimes they Never will get to it.
WE do bot know anything about the divorce Situation. Assuming that she was kicked to the curb is just that a speculative assumption. Most divorces are initiated by women. Thinking about it whole writing this it does now make any difference. If she startet the divorce because she startet fcuking...
Thanks. Finally somebody mentioned that!
LTRing a 12year older milf. Man. Do not waste your youth. Plate her, fcuk her, and leave it that way.
You are not in love with her, you are in love with her pusxy - the way she fcuks.
What should be the expected outcome of reaching out to them? Nothing! It just is "the right thing" to do in a feminine primary world that your friend is living in. Never consider acting on anything someone still being bluepill tells you.
Block for your own sake and sanity. Nothing cowardice...
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