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    How I've (Jokingly) Told Women They Owe Men.

    Aside from the "rib" comments noted in the bible, many women use the gift of birth as a sense of entitlement. By all means, congratulations! Lord knows I can't, and wouldn't, want to give birth. Being a man, I like sticking my prick in various holes, it's like the little boy who enjoys playing...
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    I hate squats.

    Re: 1) You'd feel that much pain in your biceps, IF your biceps took up the same volume of muscle mass that your legs or back do. They don't, though. Nobody's does, as such your bicep/tricep pain isn't as much. The calves, biceps, triceps and even shoulders get more daily minor work than the...
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    There is no such thing as "transgender"

    Re: My own points... 1) I didn't get DD's point. 2) Who cares what some young boy/girl does? If a person is so weak and so easily influcedn by the media, well, you're probably a girl, or a real poor excuse for a human being since you evidently don't lack a mind, or thought, of your own. 3)...
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    I hate squats.

    Re: I hated squats, too. Until I realized I wouldn't actually get to where I wanted to with lifting without them. The unfortunate reality for people who dislike squats and deads, and a few other excersises is that you'll never hit your genetic threshhold WITHOUT them. Pavel, a noted...
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    Outrage Around the Country Over Viewing NBC's Tapes.

    Re: ^ That about did it. Oh well. at least it was fun to watch! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ You haven't found a way to disprove it. All you've said is..."Because some random number of scientists say it's so, it's so." Yes, and the world was flat, once. And the Earth was the center of the planet...
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    Outrage Around the Country Over Viewing NBC's Tapes.

    Re: Because political discussions normally get locked, I'll think of this as my "in before the lock" post and finish it here. We all know that a post of this nature won't be agreed upon, so we're just slinging mud at a wall until slides down for fun. To think politicians aren't too smart is...
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    Outrage Around the Country Over Viewing NBC's Tapes.

    Re: I agree with Vulpine on this one. OUT of the total world's actual events they can report, they choose a specific grouping for their purposes, the purposes of their sponsors, and the purposes of a bigger picture we're too "in the dark to comprehend." Great news reporting brings more...
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    cunnilingus vs. sex... std

    Re: lol I don't get that. Unequivocaly...going down on her. Why? You're not protected unless you have dental dam, or suran wrap. Her fluids, and any diseases, go right to your mouth and into your body. At least with a condom, you're not in direct contact, so you have a chance of...
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    Outrage Around the Country Over Viewing NBC's Tapes.

    Re: Such talent in writing and quoting it's a wonder you don't write else where, Deux. But we aren't debating information here, we're debating poster's and their beliefs. Lately it has been a skeptics debating forum, with a severe split down the middle. And rather than chew up the...
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    Outrage Around the Country Over Viewing NBC's Tapes.

    Re: I dislike the phrase "conspiracy theory." To me, that's the same way marijuana was positioned as this "devil drug" to illegalize it oh-so many years ago. They cited people who did horrific thing on marijuana, even if they were false, and threw it all over the country. Parents immediately...
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    Outrage Around the Country Over Viewing NBC's Tapes.

    Re: -Yes, it is glorifying him, achieving his ends. What would you have news outlets do...NOT show it? What kind of conspiracy would develop then? The shooter not being revealed? Put him on the news, but DO NOT SHOW the videos. Don't let "his art" make it live. Show what kind of coward he was...
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    Outrage Around the Country Over Viewing NBC's Tapes.

    I didn't realize the previous thread was closed, or why it here goes for however long it lasts. I saw the videos online. Yahoo to be expect. When I was actually watching tv, my gf decided she couldn't handle it, and I didn't really care about seeing it anyway. I got home, logged...
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    UFOS disabling nuclear weapons - national security threat

    Re: I am truly coming to appreciate how entirely egotistical we are to think we "Know" stuff, as if we're individual gods with fore-knowledge and the ability to read clairvoyantly. We barely get a long as a species, our major sources or providing information to the public are corrupt, reality...
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    Why men and women have nothing in common (except sex)

    Why men and women have nothing in common (except sex) By NIRPAL DHALIWAL - More by this author » Last updated at 08:54am on 18th April 2007 Having an afternoon drink with a friend last Sunday, we found ourselves sitting beside a trendy twentysomething couple whose conversation we could...
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    Gunman kills 21 on Virginia Tech campus

    Re: Finally a thread worth reading and responding to. The IQ's of SS have risen about 10 pts since the opening of this thread. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This site doesn't help anyone; you help yourself. That's it. Guys come here even now, and probably lease without anyone knowing. And guys...
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    Gunman kills 21 on Virginia Tech campus

    Re: Personal Responsibility Acting autonomous. Not "expecting" someone else to support your own welfare. To provide for yourself. Claiming right to your being. In a way, we ALL are acting as victims if we rely on someone else to "protect" us. Perhaps in modern day society, there's...
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    Gunman kills 21 on Virginia Tech campus

    Re: He didn't do this over a woman. College campuses are the weakest security installation in America. Hundreds and thousands of un-trained, untrained, immature, somewhat illucid, incoherent, co-eds gathered under the ruse of protection. Campus security is difficult for a freshman...
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    Golf = good cardio?

    Re: You're right, guys over 50 DO play Golf, but there's 2 truisms to that statement. 1) If they're over 50 and walk, they're quite healthy. My grandfather was healthy and fit. It was cancer that cut his life short-er at 70. He walked as often as he could til diabetes and dialysis left him...
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    Gunman kills 21 on Virginia Tech campus

    Re: Wait, wait, wait. As I think more about this, and let vulpine comment... He killed 33, wounded 20, putting the number of bullets needed at a MINIMUM of 53. Now, the dr's state he put at least 3 bullets in all of his dead victims, making it 66 more bullets. The total is now 119. Add in...
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    Golf = good cardio?

    Re: If you're offseting you're workout with smokes, drinks, or poor food, no. BUT, if you're lifting, doing a few bouts of intense, 20 min cardio, yes. Make sure you bring some fruit and plenty of water along, as well as some nuts (almonds). Going 4-5 hours in 70-90 degree heat will lead to...