Call_Me_Daddy said:
Cite the pages of the bible please.
What's that? This is complete crap?
I dont think so. I've read reports in a book written by Rebecca Brown, MD (do a search for youself she wrote three books - 'He came to set the Captives Free, Vessle of Honour and another book - forgot the name'. Inside one of those three books, I cant remember off hand which one since it was since I was a teenager I read that account that went like this:
A UFO encountered a Christian woman driving in a lonely deserted country rode in the night, the Holy Spirit told her to ignore the UFO, and she communicated with it telepathically, the conversation went somewhat like this:
woman: "What are you doing here? What do you want?"
aliens: "we are from a planet in a nearby galaxy".
woman: "do you worship the Lord Jesus Christ?"
aliens: "we have our own gods that we worship."
convo continues...
afterwards, the woman claims she was possessed - whenever she opened up the bible, a UFO would appear in her mind, blurring her ability to read the bible legibaly.
Another person claims that a UFO appeared to her, I think Rebecca Brown, MD, this time, and she rebuked it in the name of Jesus, and the UFO took off.
This is third party accounts. However, you did ask for bible references to back this out. First of all, I'll cite two passages of scripture to support what I was saying:
Genesis 6:2 "That the sons of God saw the daughters of men that they are fair; and they took them wives of all which they choose".
Refers to fallen angels going after women to create angelic-human hybrids.
They created 'giants' with such hybrids.
Giants like Goliath - and example of the hybrid in David vs. Goliath. and also in the land of Cannan - when Joshua and Caleb and a bunch of spies looked at Canaan and saw a bunch of 'giants' living in there and they told Moses about it - the land was full of hybrids. In fact, one of the reasons of the Great flood in Noah's day was to rid the world of such evil creatures.
The book of Jude portrays the fallen angels that cohabited with human women to be in chains of darkness for their crimes.
Any alien abduction or alien-human hybrid would likey be a parallel for such stories - if you agree with Jimmy Swaggart's interpretation of scripture, but not just his interpretation, other people also have similar view-points as well.
Further evidence of ariel spirits:
Ephesians 6:12 "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of this world, against SPIRITUAL WICKEDNESS IN HIGH PLACES.
Other references to 'high places' or third-heaven occupation.
Ephesians 2:2 "Where in time past you walked according to the course of this world, ACCORDING TO THE PRINCE OF THE POWER OF THE AIR, the spirit that now works in the children of disobediance."
Again portrays evil spirits manipulating the rebellious away from God as occupying 'air'.
Fallen angels, or those that fell with the devil, are again portrayed in various references in Isaiah, Revelation, and Matthew. The devil was originally a good angle, that due to pride, was cast down from heaven, and a third of angels with him, and was banashed to earth where they tempted Adam and Eve to sin.
The key strategy of such spirits is to turn people away from God. My theological beliefs support a 'Rapture', where millions of people who know God will vanish and the Great Tribulation and the Anti-christ will start soon afterwards. The Anti-christ will likely say UFO's abducted these people, or would have some manner of control over these UFO's to gain credibility with the masses of people, and UFO's then may be portrayed in a positive light as helping to prevent nuclear wars, etc... whatever - so, you can read about this on the internet.....
Also supporting this is numerous references with respect to the prophet Elijah seeing a chariot of fire, and also aprophecial books such as book of Enoch, but I'm not going to go into that as it's non-cannonical.
Call_Me_Daddy said:
That last part about the bible talking about the ionosphere and evil angels really gave you away.
You asked for it. I've quoted biblical references, what I've read from books in support of that theory, and it's a view that you can find on a search engine.
If you wish to disagree with me and the only arguement that you can come up with is that I'm a troll, then you are not worth arguing with. I back what I say with facts, scriputure, quotes and evidence.